Plan in motion

The walk between Sebastian and I was silent. It was kinda weird because Sebastian would usually say a remark, but I was glad he didn't.

I wanted to reach the ballroom already, so that I can be on my way.

Sebastian suddenly stopped dead on his tracks. I stopped walking once I noticed he stopped. I turned around and raised my brow.

"Why did you stop? I don't have time for this, you know," I pointed out.

Sebastian as if out of a trance, reverted back to his usual self, and a smirk appeared on his face.

"I just stopped because I was lost in thought of that girl in a red dress," he said, placed a hand in his pocket and continued to walk.

I frowned. "Didn't know you were shameless."

He chuckled. "Oh please, not like that. My type are the innocent, pure ones which is not you, fallen angel," he said.

I rolled my eyes and ignored his comment. Though, when he said I was not innocent or pure made my heart ache. I did have a child after all at a young age.

Not wanting to stay silent, I replied, "Well you aren't a saint either, you know!"

He smirked, "We all are not," and remained silent as we walked.

This guy gets under my skin so easily, it's infuriating. I gritted my teeth and remained silent too.

'It's not like I want to talk to him anyway,' I thought.


Meanwhile, Vicky was walking in the hallway passing many doors of the people who stayed in the hotel. Her face was blank but her eyes were dead serious and were extremely cold. She dreaded having to go visit the person, but a woman gotta do what a woman gotta do, to accomplish their goal. Vicky's goal though, was not a good one and was in fact pure evil.

She stopped in front of a particular door. She stayed there for a while, rooted in her spot. Her hand appeared to be slightly shaking.

She exhaled in and out, and knocked twice. The person who opened the door was a short, wrinkled old man, who looked like he was in his 50's. He wore an expensive tuxedo and a gold watch. He was clearly a wealthy old man.

When he saw Vicky he smiled, grabbed her arm and ushered her inside.

He was looking her up and down undressing her with his eyes.

Vicky internally shivered in disgust but didn't let it show.

"I see you are wearing the dress I bought you. Do you like it babe?" he asked, saying the word babe as if he was young and Vicky's boyfriend, when he was really her...sugar daddy.

He pulled her close to her and wrapped his arms around her like a snake.

Vicky in her mind was vomiting with disgust at the old man.

Vicky falsely smiled and fixed up his bow tie. She flashed him her charming smile and spoke sweetly.

"My Darling, we can do this another time, you know.. after this party. First things first, you said you will give me anything I want right?"

The old man named Richard nodded his head. "Anything for my girl," he said.

She gave him a devilishly smirk. "Then you will do what I asked you and what you promised you would do?"

The old man was silent and raised his brow. "Are you sure, though? I don't want this to affect me and cause a scandal. I have a wife and kids plus-"

Vicky shused him with her finger on his lips. "Do you want me or not?" she stated bluntly. She knew she was walking on thin ice because Richard can throw her away, like so many other young girls like her.

But...Vicky knew he did not see her like the others. The old man, you could say was even in love with her.

Despicable right?

He nodded his head like an obedient dog, that he is.

Vicky forgot the guilt that was weighing down on her and was now ready to set her plan in motion.


When Sebastian and I reached the ball room I suddenly shivered.

"What's wrong?" asked Sebastian.

I turned towards him and spoke slowly.

"I don't know, I just felt like someone was talking about a negative way. I just felt strange like something bad is about to happen," I answered.

Sebastian raised his brow. "Okay? I'm sure it was nothing. It was just you shivering because you were a bit cold"

Even when he said that, I still felt like something will happen tonight... something against me.


A car stopped in front of a hotel. A man with distinctive silver eyes walked out along with his friend.

The employee waiting outside for the man, that was instructed by the boss himself, bowed and greeted the man.

"Welcome to Libra hotel."

The man looked up at the building.

His companion greeted the employee with a cheerful tone. "Nice hotel, am I right?" he asked the silver eyed man.

The man instead remained silent and stared at the building. After all, SHE worked here.