A Martian protest

"sir we have problem at mars, they protesting Infront the governor building against the agreement with the Orenians", victor updates john.

"set course to space town, mars, we will descend with alpha and get me governor Maya, I want to take over the situation", john replies.

"mister president, there is a big protest here, I want permission to deploy the Martian forces".

"permission denied, only keep your building safe, I will be there in five minutes, do not fire at civilians, I will take care of it".

'the Alpha' gets to mars orbit, "victor start descending toward space town, stop at 2 kilometers above the city, Eva if you want you can stay, or go down to the city with me as you wish."

"I want to be by your side", Eva replies.

As 'the alpha' is hovering above space town, Eva sees the city, and it is covered by a dome, "there is no breathable atmosphere on Mars, so until the terraforming will end the cities on the planet are covered with domes.", john tells curios Eva who looks with wonder.

They descend using john car, and enter the city through an airlock, they fly above the street and land in the central square of space town where the protest is being held.

"ok, don't get stressed follow me, and don't be afraid, they know, that harming me or you will bring consequences", john tells Eva before they arrive to their destination.

The car lands in the square, and the protesters are gathering around it, john exists first and then Eva following him, the protestors shout at john, "we don't need aliens", "humans only", "you are not our leader", "let the people decide", "our life before alien", "we do not trust aliens", and many more.

John and Eva walk through the crowd, all the protestors shout at them, but no one tries to get close to them, and they walk onto to the stage, where the protest leader is talking without any problem, and john takes the mike from the protest leader.

"I ask you to listen to me", the protestors keep screaming, john takes out his gun and he pushes on a button on it.

"Eva choose silence mode now", john tells and Eva uses her chip and enables silence mode.

John takes the gun and shoots toward the sky, and Eva sees the protestor got silent.

"the effect will wear off in a minute, now please be silent and listen to me, I don't intend to harm you, if I was intending to do such a thing you all have been in the mercury prison".

John waits a moment and start to speak, "I understand that you fear the agreement that were made with the Orenian, but it is for the good of both civilizations, I understand the fear from the others ever since we all know what the grey where doing to us in the last century, but you all need to understand, the orenians are different they are protecting less advanced cavillations from the grey and other bad intending races, one of the things we signed was the protections of a new race that established radio technology on the border with the federation, we need to show the grey, the Lomonian and others that we are better than them , and stronger, as I said at 2027 we are stronger together, and now it's time to make allies in the galaxy, only two weeks ago we stopped the grey plan to make several stars in the federation space go supernova, you need to understand that if we want go to the stars we need to be strong and make alliances or else we will be doomed to extinction, now you can to continue your protest, just don't try to harm anyone."

John and Eva go down from the stage and go back into John's car and fly to the governor building, leaving the protestors quit.

"quit the speech you gave them, I also loved that you didn't use force on them, in my Earth they were long gone to prison."

"the last thing I need is a civil war, I want the people see that I do care for them, and also they have the right to protest, you will see that the protestors will be gone in a hour, i like to show myself to the protestors, when they see I am coming to listen and tell my side they intend to make things right with me, you will see that in an hour the leader of the protestor will be in the governor office and I will listen and tell him everything."

The car lands Infront the governor building and they enter the building, meeting governor Maya in her office.

And like john said, in an hour the protestor leader was in her office too siting with them.

"Eva, go explore the city, I need to tell our friends here what we did in the last couple of weeks, and as you were part of this, go explore the city meanwhile, use my car".

Eva goes inside the car and goes back to the central square and she sees that the protestors are leaving the square peacefully.