What do you mean a Ruler is better than a Lightsaber?!

Somewhere in the Yun Lan Mountain, a meditating Na-Lan Yan-Ran rested on the ledges of the cliffs searched her inner strength. She opened her closed eyes when she sensed someone coming towards her.

"Father, why are you here... Unless it's about that matter again?" She said, unamused of the certain matter of a Xiao MC. A man, dressed in elegant clothes scoffed.

"Hmph! Good that you know! Follow me immediately to the Xiao Clan and make amends!" The Na Lan Clan Leader, Na Lan Su called out. Na Lan Yan Ran frowned. At this point, I'll just call her Yan Ran.

"For me to lower my head to that useless trash, never!" Yan Ran refused completely. Na Lan Su frowned in distain.

"An important matter like the engagement isn't something for you to play around with!" He shouted angrily, and continued.

"What useless?! He has since recovered all of his strength! His growth potential is even comparable to you!" Na Lan Su replied, overly concerned of his daughter. Yan Ran snorted.

"So what?" She arrogantly replied. She quickly got up from her meditation position and stood proudly.

"Since we have agreed to meet after three years, I will wait for him to come and find me! For me to apologise... NE-V-ER!" She shouted loudly from the cliffs, the mountains echoing her voice.

"You..." Her father was shocked and out of words. Yan Ran turned to her father with confidence and recklessness.

"On the day of our meeting, I will make sure to utterly defeat Xiao Yan!" She vowed.


Somewhere of a forest in a unknown place, Yan charged to a large (unfortunate) tree that was used for training.

"OCTADIC SMASH!" He punched through the tree, causing an explosion to tear the tree in half. The upper part of the tree was flown skywards, then quickly falling towards Yan's spot.

"Yeah, that's going to fall on top of him." I predicted with a deadpan, as the upper part of the tree crashed on top of Yan, to his much surprise and shock. I ignored the cries of shock while I casually continued in cooking pot food.


"Not bad, not bad. Out of the Eight Layers of Octadic Smash, you have at least mastered the first layer." Lao commented Yan, who poked his unharmed body out of the tree branches.

"First layer... Till when will I get it to a level where it's comparable to a Di (Earth) Rank Dou-Skill?" Yan suddenly asked, taking crashing trees a normal routine for him. Lao grinned. I checked the taste of the pot food with a soup spoon.

"Well, we'll just have to think of a way to increase your rate of training your Dou-Qi! Come here, I got something for you!" Lao manifested a large black ruler weapon from his Dou-Qi. The ruler crashed to the ground, standing straight from the heavy weight.

I spat out the contents of the soup in surprise.

They all looked at me, asking what was wrong. Instead, I glared at Lao. "You had that weapon for all this time... And didn't thought of revealing in the first place?..." I asked, irritated at the fact Lao forgot he had this all the time!

"... Well, I had to absorb Dou-Qi for 3 years, and that's all I've done! I couldn't remember to recall all my memories in that time!" Lao explained. I slapped my face at the fact.

"What is this?..." Yan asked to Lao. The weapon was a blunt, black metallic weapon that was shaped of a ruler, veins growing from the grip of the ruler. It was squared, and fit for whacking, not slicing.

"Heavenly Black Ruler! Smelted from black iron, it's extremely hard and heavy beyond comparison, and it has the mysterious ability to supress Dou-Qi! It will be advantageous for your training!" Lao explained. Ah, so they were like Weight Seals.

You know Rock Lee? He had special weights on his arms and legs to move faster than the eye can see. It's basically like that, and Yan has to get used to a heavy object weighing him down.

"From now on, carry this with you. You are not allowed to put it down, even when you're sleeping." Yan gulped like a fish out of water at the fact that he has to carry this forever. It was a good exercise, I'll have to admit.

I got up from the campfire and ignited my proto-saber. They both turned to my direction as I slashed the ruler with my protosaber. They looked just as surprised as each other.

"... So it's lightsaber resistent. Crap." Yeah, the ruler was PRETTY durable, as I couldn't see a scratch on the ruler after I slashed it with my lightsaber. This was bad.

"Why'd you do that?! You almost sliced it in half!" Yan exclaimed. I shrugged as I deactivated the lightsaber with a snap-hiss.

"That's what I intended to do! Turns out that black iron is lightsaber-resistent, making my proto-saber to be a disadvantage... Or useless, if my lightsaber couldn't cut through the damn thing." I explained, thinking of every possiblity that my lightsaber was useless.

"If my lightsaber can't cut through this, then what about stronger metals? It's basically useless if my lightsaber can't cut through shit!" I exclaimed, thinking that my lightsaber was screwed as it was my only main weapon in dealing with enemies.

"Oh shit, you're right!" Yan finally realised the disadvantages of the proto-saber.



Somewhere in the sands of a hot desert, three figures loomed in the hot sunlight. Yan held the heavy black ruler on his back, huffing and sweating in exhaustion, struggling to take another step.

"This... This damned thing, is SO HEAVY!" Yan cried out, while I rolled my eyes. Just walk it off... Just like the author casually changed our setting from a forest to a hot desert. Fucking author, the heat's making ME MAD!



"The person who can endure hardship is one that will eventually succeed! Carry it properly, now! Haha!" Lao chuckled as he covered the sunlight with a giant leaf petal. Yan frowned at Lao.

"Easy for you to say! The Dou-Qi circulation in my body has been... supressed... to a slow..." He panted, each step lowering his body to the sand. Lao's grinned widened.

"If you can adapt to it, it will double the effectiveness of your training, remember? The other Di (Earth) Rank Dou-Skill I'm going to teach you has something to do with it." Lao replied, Yan quickly snapping his neck to Lao in surprise.

"Wait reall- AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" As I watched Yan slip his feet and tumble through the sand dome, I huffed and lept through the sands as well.


He landed his head face-flat to a random stone marking that was noticingly in the desert. Lao went and told Yan to get up.

"We hit civilisation, boys!" I called out, seeing the nearby town in front. Yan looked up to see the stone marking said: Green Mountain Town and smartly said 'ah'.

"Quick, look. What is that person carrying?" "That big black thing, is it a coffin?" The murmurs commented on the ruler spotted on Yan's back. Yan and I ignored them, and looked for the nearest medicine store.

'We'll stop at this town to gather ingredients! Tomorrow, we'll enter the mountain!' Lao called out, Yan agreeing to the plan. Yan stopped at the shack called: Ten Thousand Medicines Shack or whatever, doesn't matter.

"We'll just go in here... I can't go anywhere..." Yan panted out, rolling my eyes in reluctance. Entering the shack, the owner greeted us.

"Welcome dear customer- AH! My Door frame! Dear customer!" Yan accidently broke the door frame from the heavy weight of the ruler. Keeping a calm composure, Yan scowled.

"What kind of broken down shop is this?! Your door frame is so old, it broke with a step! What if your customers get injured?!" Yan angrily shouted at the owner. The owner, began sweating in panic and apology.

"Ah, sorry, we'll repair it immediately! To show our apologies, we will give you a discount on all our ingredients... Please come in." The owner apologised and respectfully greeted us. I flatly eyed Yan. Yan flinched.

'This damned heavy thing does have it's uses after all. Xiao Yan Zi, so sly...' Lao complimented, using the heavy weight of the ruler to get a deceitful discount. Yan awkwardly smiled in innocence.

We looked around the ingredients that the store had for sale. They were all pretty common, in all shapes and sizes... Then I noticed that. Yan looked just as surprised as myself when we knew what it was.

It was a Blood Lotus Essence. Can only be found in one out of every yellow lotuses, it helped Lao to absorb the Essence Flame when he used the pills. Basically, a key important ingredient for dealing Essence Flames...

'For the store owner to sell a Blood Lotus Essence as a cheap Yellow Lotus Essence, hah! Kid, why aren't you grabbing it yet?' Lao advised, Yan quickly calling out to the owner to buy the Essence.

"Hey Store owner, I-" "Shop owner, I will be taking this!" A youthful girl in a pale white doctorine dress snatched the Blood Lotus Essence before Yan could buy it.

Yan and I both turned to see the girl in surprise and confusion. The store owner, enchanted by the... girl's beauty, gleamed in welcome.

"Aih, it's only a Yellow Lotus Essence! Take it, take it! It's on the house, my lady~" The owner lowered the price in politeness. The girl smiled.

"Hee, you have my thanks then!" She left the store, leaving us and the owner to stared at her. Yan and I raised an eyebrow to who it was.

"Who was she?..." Yan asked to the owner without looking. The owner stared at us in confusion, then to delightment to the girl.

"You don't know her? She's famous in this Green Mountain Town, nicknamed: 'The Little Fairy Doctor'. Not only her medical skills are good, she's pretty too..." The owner explained, hearts appearing around him. I backed away from him.

"Xiao Yi Xian..." Yan muttered out. Yeah, that's what she was called in english. Xiao Yi Xian means Little Fairy Doctor, not related to any of the Xiao Clan or Sect. Lao sighed.

'What Xian... The Blood Lotus Essence?...' Lao reminded us. Ah, shit. Forgot about that...

"Ah! After her!" Yan ran to the direction of the Fairy Doctor. Running to an empty square, the Fairy Doctor was knowhere to be seen. Yan spun his head around to the crowd to find she was gone, while I calmly walked over to his side.

"Where she'd go? She disappeared so quickly!" Yan, frustrated at the missed chance of obtaining the Blood Lotus Essence, clutched his face and groaned.

"Well, I can't say for sure, I guess she was a quick runner. Can't sense her anywhere in this place." I commented as I used a hand to see further, the Dou-Qi signature of Xiao Yi Xian mysteriously gone from this place.


Yan sighed as a great opportunity was snatched from his hands. Literally. Feeling a bit moody, Yan went to leave the area.


"For the last empty spot! Anyone else..." "I'LL DO IT!" Yan loudly called out.

"You still smell of mommy's milk... Why are you taking up space?!" A large grunty bandit like small giant pushed Yan away forcibly.

"SCRAM! Little kid, the last empty slot is mine! What are you looking at? Looking for a beating?" The grunt taunted/sneered out.


"You should respect the rules, I applied first... Old uncle!" Yan stated as the giant fell down to the ground in pain, clutching his broken nose. Yan blinked as he heard clapping.

"Hahaha, little brother here sure is strong! The last slot is definitely yours!" A mysterious man's voice praised out. Yan turned his head to a man, in mercenary like clothing standing in front of him.

"I am the Young Master and Leader of the Wolf Head Mercenaries, Mu Li. The leader for the caravan this time around!" The leader proclaimed to the participated mercenaries.

"Everyone, at noon tomorrow, we will gather at the entrance to Green Mountain Town!" He stated loudly, then leaving the crowd. He glanced at Yan and smirked.

"Haha... See you tomorrow!" After a word, the leader left the crowd. Yan had a look of suspicion and hid it with a smirk.

"Heh, good. Since we were going to the mountains anyway, we'll just look for that 'doctor' to retrieve the Blood Lotus Essence!" Yan said, and felt an odd silence between him. Yan felt something missing, like... A witty comment?

"Huh? Where's Mark?" Yan waved his head around to search for Mark. He ran to the original spot where he spotted the crowd with Mark, and to find an absent weird-fashioned blazer-wearing 'butler'.

[AN: He cooks, he trains, he follows, he helps... Mark's basically a butler now.]

Then he later noticed a note on the floor, in foreign language and texts that seemed... Strangely reminiscent.


He picked up the note and read the contents.

I know I can't join your little 'expedition', (you know, one spot?) so I improvised. I'll meet in secret somewhere in the mountains tomorrow, and don't try to find me. I'll find you instead.

- Mark

His face shrugged in agreement at the contents of the note. Seemed pretty legit.


Fastforward in night, I camped refuge at a nearby cave in the mountains. Inspecting my proto-saber, I wondered what was wrong about it. Black Iron was lightsaber-resistant. That's bad, because lightsabers can be blocked....

But what if that wasn't the case at all? What if, my lightsaber wasn't creating more destructive output like the normal lightsabers?

Due to the fact I somehow created a makeshift lightsaber out of scraps, the possiblity of my lightsaber being inferior because of limited resources sounded more likely.

Basically, I haven't fully completed the lightsaber because I used scraps. I needed the right tools, materials, and resources to make a deadly lightsaber that would cut through anything.

Perhaps that was the reason why my lightsaber wasn't destructive, like it's supposed to be...

Pulling out the metalic cover of the proto-saber, I plucked out the cracked crystal out of the hatch. Using my senses, I stared at the crystal in microscopic views.

"Oh." That's why... I've been using a uncomplete kyber crystal this w-whole time?

I was using a inferor replacement for the kyber crystal this whole time. Turns out, the green crystal parts were the leftover Monster Core crystals I 'cultivated' last time are surrounding the mini kyber crystal shard that was producing the lightsaber blade.

The green crystal parts absorbs the Dou-Qi outside, and transforms the energy into a mysterious growth fuel and transfers it into the real kyber crystal that was really making the lightsaber blade itself.

I've been using a uncomplete crystal this whole fucking time. That's why the lightsaber blade was so weak. It was using an weak-ass crystal this whole time!

I facepalmed myself into groaning at how stupid I am.

"Okay, since it's not completed, I just have to feed it Dou-Qi, right?" I asked myself, unsure that feeding a Dou-Qi hungry crystal would be safe... Welp, here goes nothing.

I let out a tiny- OH SHIT

"OW!" Shit, that was close! The damn crystal nearly sucked my reserves dry!

I just stared at the Emerald glowing crystal that was glowing slightly brighter this time. I let out a breath of unamusement, as I imagined the crystal as a greedy inexperienced baby wanting his first milk food.

I doubt that it would make a difference to destructive output, but I did discover it needed food!

"M-mawsterrr, I-m... YAWN Hungrreyy..." Em slithered around my lap and adorablely yawned in hunger. Um. Speaking of hungry, Em's pretty hungry, isn't she?


At the next day, Yan followed the group of marching mercenaries, secretly pursuing Xiao Yi Xian for the Blood Lotus Essence. Mu Li and Xiao Yi Xian went in front, while Yan was in the far back.

'Damn... She's always surrounded by mercenaries, seems like we'll wait for an opportunity...' Yan thought, knowing her reputation would be troublesome.

"Carrying such a huge fella to trek through the mountains, are you alright, youngster?" The grunt in front of him asked. Yan grunted in displeasure. He still hadn't gotten used to the Ruler's enormous weight.

"There's no need for you to care!" He retorted, the grunt 'tch'-ed and turned away. Suddenly, Mu Li stopped from his steps and raised his arm to stop.

"Team! Stop advancing!" The marching group stopped, confused and cautious as to why the leader had stopped. Then, Yan sensed a ice-chill murderous intent coming from below.

"There's something under-" "UWAH! MY LEG!" A random grunt screamed out in pain as his legs were frozen solid from the ground. Mu Li did not lose his composure and calmly ordered.

"It's here! Don't lose formation! Get ready for battle!" Mu Li ordered, as the group positioned themselves in a battle formation. Then in response, a duo of huge icy snakes appeared from the ground, seething death and murder at the human prey.

"IT'S THE CHILLING ICE SNAKES!" The snakes were entirely made out of solid ice, creating ice fog from the area near it. Yan watched in awe and surprise at the two ice monsters.

"So these are monsters!" Yan recalled his moments when he heard about demonic creatures outside of the world. These were demonic creatures, alright.

"CHARGE! Show them our power!" Mu Li lead the charge against the icy serpentine with the mercenaries. The mercenaries lept and attacked the large ice snakes, but to no avail. It was as if it was uninterested at the mercenaries near them.

'Something is wrong...!' Yan watched as the ice froze to Xiao Yi Xian, and grasped his ruler into action.

"Damned! There was another one flanking at us?! Xiao Yi Xian!" Mu Li called out, as the mercenaries were dealing with the other ice snake.

Xiao Yi Xian froze (no pun intended) in fear as another ice snake appeared in front of her, charging with murderous intent.


"Hi." Yan casually replied as he blocked the attack with the ruler. The ice snake chomped on the heavy indestructable ruler while Yan held defensively on his back.

Xiao Yi Xian watched in shock as she saw Yan holding the ruler in behind. Suddenly, the Ice snake's eyes gleamed brightly as it pulled up. Widening his eyes, Yan was sent flying through the air with a scream.

Xiao Yi Xian sweatdropped at the sight of Yan flying away. "And I was thinking that he must've been pretty strong..." She muttered.

"Ignore that guy, quickly protect Xiao Yi Xian! Surround and attack the Artic Snakes!" The mercenaries charged at the twin artic snakes of ice. Opening it's jaw, the serpent let out a beam of sub-zero temps and flash froze the poor mercenary solid.

"Damn, this one is too strong!" "How can we defeat it?!" The mercenaries cried out, unable to defeat the Artic Snakes. Suddenly, a cry of 'someone falling from the skies' was heard as the mercenaries looked up and saw a glimmer of light.

"Eh? What is that sound?" "What is that?!" He pointed at the torquoise blur of speed.

"Is it bird? Is it plane?! NO, IT'S SUPERMAN! GET AWAY EVERYONE! THIS RULER'S SO HEAVY I CAN'T CONTROL IT ANNNYYYMOREEEEEE!!!!" Yan shouted out as he held the ruler while crying in terror.

"Quick!" "Move away!" The mercenaries shouted out, running frantically for their lives.

#Flashback Starts#

"I'll try spinning, that's a good trick!" A young Anakin Skywalker called out in his Naboo Starfighter.

#Flashback Ends#

'Fire Blowing Palm!' An idea popped on his head (lightbulb) and spun his falling body with the Skill. Spinning himself like a Beyblade of Spinning Death, he aimed himself to the Artic Snakes.

'Secret Ability, Heavy Black Ruler Whirlwind!' A stream of fire spun around the spinning body of Yan and charged at the shocked Artic snake.


Spinning himself through the icy crystaline body through the ground, the body of the Artic Snake cracked into like falling dominos, and exploded into shards of ice everywhere.

Yan kneeled at the dead crystaline body of the Artic Snake, looking majestically and powerfully. Mu Li and the mercenaries awed in amazement as they saw a single man, defeating a huge snake that easil-

"BLLLAAAAHHH!" Yan puked his insides of whatever he ate. It seemed like the spinning spun a bit too fast for him, causing him to puke. Mu Li and the mercenaries sweatdropped as the majestic figure of a one-man army was shattered into a normal person who couldn't deal with spinning.

Mu Li chuckled as he pat the back of Yan. "Little Brother Xiao Yan, having such strength in a young age, are you interested in joining the Wolf Head Mercenaries?" Yan, bit back his tears in pain as a second round of nausea came back, causing him to shake in endurance.

"Does nodding your head... Means you agree?" Mu Li blinked. Yan couldn't take it anymore.

Sending out a stream of puke from his mouth, Mu Li swiftly evaded the stream with a look of disgust. Yan coughed as he felt relieved, picking up a cloth to wipe his mouth.

"Finally done puking... Feels so much better... Mu Li, I appreciate your 'good intentions', but I'm travelling alone. My apologies!" Yan apologised respectfully.

"It's fine, we will welcome you if you change your mind, but..." He awkwardly pointed at the source of the cloth. Blinking, Yan glanced at the mysterious cloth he used as a handkerchief...

"AH?!" Then realising he was using the skirt of Xiao Yi Xian, who had a calm expression on her face. Quickly taking off his hands off the skirt, he awkwardly scratched his head.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to use your skirt to wipe my mouth..." He apologised to the smiling Xiao Yi Xian.

"Comparing to you saving my life twice, this is only a simple skirt! It's fine! This medicine will calm your spirits and ease vomiting, please use it!" Xiao Yi Xian took out a bottle from her sleaves and kindly smiled in thanks.

"Such a kind lady..." "Xiao Yi Xian is benevolent as a saint!" The mercenaries cried out in adore at the kindness of the Fairy Doctor.

"Th.. Thank you." Yan accepted the medicine, not really needing the medicine (since he was trained to deal worse situations than this) but not using the medicine might be disrespectful...

Sipping the contents of the bottle, he widened his eyes. "Ugh! This medicine...!" He ran to the nearest bush quickly as a roadrunner.

"MY STOMACH SUDDENLY HURTS! THIS IS OBVIOUSLY A LAXATIVE! SAINT, MY ASS!" Yan called out from the bush in outrage as his stomach grumbled in pain. Xiao Yi Xian giggled childishly and skipped the scene.

"Everyone, be on your guard! We will leave when preparations are completed! Brother Xiao Yan, take your time catching up!" Mu Li called out to unamused Yan crouching on the bush.

"Seems like getting back the Blood Lotus Essence might get troublesome..." Yan muttered out in disdain, as his Master blocked his nose.

'I say, isn't just snatching it from her and running away more faster?...' Lao suggested. Yan shook his head.

"She's the idol of all the mercenaries. Our chances aren't too high if we tried snatching it away... Least all of the mercenaries are going to go after us. I need to think of a plan to give it to us willingly..." Yan muttered.


Cracking my neck into (forcibly) awakening myself, I marched through the forest while following Yan's Dou-Qi signature around the forest.

'Well, I could test how my lightsaber works on people...' I thought as I sensed two flares of Dou-Qi behind me with malicious intent. Perhaps they might be bandits, I guess...


Leaping through the heads of the two bandits, I activated the lightsaber and slit through their heads and landed behind the two bodies who fell down.

"AArruugh! MY NECK!" "YOU BASTARD!" I saw the two bandits clutched their necks from burn slashes as they got up and readied their weapons in hatred.

The fuck? My lightsaber had been embued with SEQUEL LIGHTSABER LOGIC?!

[AN: No, it was more like Jedi Fallen Order logic, where you keep slashing at them a bunch of times until they die.]

*Seems legit. Hi! I'm back!*

Frowning, I 'tch'-ed myself and Force Choked the two bandits who began gasping for air as their windpipes were strangled by an invisible hand.


Their lifeless bodies fell to the ground as I snapped their necks swiftly. Deactivating my lightsaber, I had an idea of how weak my lightsaber was. It was fucking Disney nerfed.

Instead of cutting bodies like a hot knife through butter, my lightsaber just creates burn cuts throughout the body, just like the time when Rey, slashed THROUGH Kylo Ren's face, unprotected without any armor of lightsaber-resistent material, only cut through his face, surviving the sure-kill blow!

Basically, it's trash. A lightsaber that can't cut through anything... Or was it?

"There's nothing 'particularly' wrong about the lightsaber... It's the person who slashed from it..." I inspected the lifeless body of the bandit. Obviously, people use Dou-Qi as an invisible barrier around themselves. Who wouldn't?

Maybe... It was the Dou-Qi barrier around a person possibly blocks the lightsaber from cutting through them?...

Limited Resources + Weak Kyber Crystal + People's Dou-Qi barrier = Disney Lightsaber logic.

Basically, my lightsaber is makeshift. Makeshift is weak, as well as the kyber crystal. Add to the fact that most of the people unconsciously surround themselves with a Dou-Qi barrier, and my lightsaber is basically almost useless.

"And I... just have to feed this thing with Dou-Qi." I glanced at the lightsaber with a deadpan. The lightsaber crystal grows stronger when I feed it Dou-Qi. And I'm not going to risk breaking it when I give it someone else's Dou-Qi...

I carefully administered my own Dou-Qi through the crystal-


Removing the crystal away from myself from a near-death experience, I placed back the crystal back where it belongs. I had enough Dou-Qi reserves to keep myself active throughout the day.


In the night, in the Mercenary Camping Grounds, the guards slept peacefully as the campfire crackled with warmth. Meanwhilst from the guards, a suspiciously looking Xiao Yi Xian rustled through the bushes.

Walking through the bushes to a mysterious location, a cliff gleamed from the sliver moonlight as she grinned.

Xiao Yi Xian prepared herself on the top of a cliff, and smirked in satisfaction. "Great, the sleeping drug was effective..." She prepared a rope get down under the cliff. Throwing the rope down to the cliffs, she climbed down rope carefully.

"'On such a long and beautiful night, it does get hard to sleep, but I thought I was the only one!'" Suddenly, a voice called out to her as she flinched and quickly glanced at the person who spoke to her.

"'But it seems like the beauty her couldn't sleep as well!'" To reveal Yan, smugly placing himself on the ledges of the cliff. Xiao Yi Xian moved her face around to hide her awkwardness.

"'Why, does a maiden climb a cliff so adventurously in the dead of the night?'" Yan asked in sarcasm and poetically.

"I-I'm only here to gather medicinal herbs..." Xiao Yi Xian tried to come up an excuse. Yan saw through her bullshit and flatly stared at the 'Fairy Doctor'.

"You think I'm stupid? If you were just gathering medicinal herbs, why'd you put sleeping drugs into their dinner?" Grasping the rope, he shook the rope warningly, causing Xiao Yi Xian to dangle and grasp the rope for her life as she screamed.

"Hey, hey, hey! Stop doing that! STOP!" Xiao Yi Xian cried out in fear as she held on the rope while crying tears of fear from her eyes. Yan darkly grinned in possibly sadism and shook the rope faster.

"Tell me what you really want! If not, you're going to hold on to that rope tighter!" Yan shook the rope more faster as Xiao Yi Xian cried out in terror while cursing.

"AAAAHHHH! STOP! YOU JERK! DEMON! AAH!" She screamed as she cursed madly to Yan, who smirked in warning.

"If you scream just loud enough, perhaps the mercenaries will wake up." Yan replied as he stopped the shaking. Xiao Yi Xian let out a sigh.

"Al... Alright! I can tell you the secret! But you must..." A glimmer of lust and intent shone behind Xiao Yi Xian, who shivered in terror as she turned around.

"AAH!" A tongue slipped on the maiden's face as she screamed. It was a Copulating Ape. Often appears along cliffs, extremely perverted, a special ape that specialises in attacking females.

Sensing danger, Yan pulled out his black ruler. "Watch out! Stop moving around..." Slipping her grip from the rope, Yan lept and held his ruler above his head and struck the perverted beast's skull.

Heaven's Retribution! Heavy Black Rule!

"And don't come back!" The ape lost consciousness and fell down through the cliff. Yan, grabbing on the rope and catching Xiao Yi Xian, glanced at her with some concern.

"You alright?" He asked, and when she was about to ask, the rope snapped broken, causing both of them to fall to the bottom of the cliff, screaming for their lives.

Thinking quickly, he kicked the black ruler to the rocky surfaces of the cliff, embedding the ruler into the stone walls as a temporary surface.

Lao appeared into existence when he realised the danger that his student was in, and shared his Dou-Qi to Yan, giving him enough energy to leap from the ruler and onto the ledges of the cliff.

Landing on the rocky rough surfaces of the cliff, he carried Xiao Yi Xian wedding bridal style as Dou-Qi swirled around him.

"Phew, I managed to catch up..." Lao spoke in relief as his student survived. Yan let out a long breath of relief as he survived another near-death experience.

"Thankfully Master managed to help us just in time, but it seems she fainted..." Xiao Yi Xian fainted from the near-death experience with swirly eyes.

"Heh heh, an opportunity!" Yan grinned in mischeiviousness at the sight of the unconscious Xiao Yi Xian.

"Perverted disciple! You were such a person to take advantage from a maiden?" Lao called out in warning and some disbelief. Yan gave him a look.

"Perverted weird old man... Did you really thought I would take advantage from someone who's unconscious? Really? I'm just trying to retrieve the Blood Lotus Essence, that's all..." Yan gave him a deadpan, searching her pockets for the item.

"Who's a weird old man! I'm still young!" Lao called out in denial. Yan rolled his eyes. At that moment, Xiao Yi Xian woke up and noticed Yan atop of her. Blushing red, Yan noticed that she was awake and smartly spoke 'eh?'.

"AAHHH! PERVERT DEPRAVED MOLESTER HOOLIGAN, BEGONE! AHH!" Pulling out a bomb, she threw the contents straight towards Yan's face.


After a moment of calming down and some explanations, the misunderstanding cleared out.

"Ahaha... Thank you for what just happened..." Xiao Yi Xian awkwardly thanked Yan. She tried, she indeed tried to keep her amusement out.

"WHO WOULD THANK BY THROWING BOMBS AT THEIR FACES?! MY FACE'S SWOLLEN AS A PIG'S HEAD!" Xiao Yi Xian finally laughed as Yan's cheeks were swollen huge as half of his face, just like a chipmunk. Xiao Yi Xian wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I've already given you the antidote. It will recover quickly." Xiao Yi Xian explained. Yan, pouting and crossing his arms, pointed at the Fairy Doctor in demand.

"It better! Anyways, what's that secret of yours?..." Yan asked as he rubbed his cheeks. Pointing at the strange-looking tree on the next cliffs, she began to explain.

"It's that! There's a weird looking tree over there, behind it hides a cave... I found it when I first came to look for medicinal herbs..." She explained, and Yan's huge cheeks disappeared into a puff of smoke.

"Subsequently, I came back to check the area, but I've never gone in..." She confessed, then glancing at Yan with some opportunity.

"As repayment for saving my life twice, let me take you treasure hunting." She stated, as Yan smirked in interest and amusement.

"Treasure hunting... Sounds interesting. But I want half!" Yan demanded, causing Xiao Yi Xian to blink in surprise.

"Half?! But I was the one who found the cave!" She replied back in disbelief, Yan smirking back in mischieviousness.

"Fine, you don't have to share. But who's going to climb you up there?" Yan smugly pointed at the cave. Xiao Yi Xian mentally sighed and put a hand on her temples.


Yan tiredly grasp on the ledges of the cave as he carried a huffing Xiao Yi Xian. She stood disappointed at the performance of Yan.

"Huff... Huff... So exhausting..." Yan barely called out. She huffed.

"You only had carried me up, if you want half, you had better perform better!" She responded, Yan giving a look of irritation.

"Took you long enough." I casually replied out, eyeing the skeletal base of my Deagle. Both of the characters looked in shock and surprise as I was here already.

"How the hell... Actually, nevermind..." Yan gave up trying to question my bullshittery. I 'hmm'-ed as he made a right choice. Either you question bullshittery, or accept it.

"Who are you?!" Xiao Yi Xian called out, warry of my mysterious presence inside the cave entrance.

"A nobody. I'm basically this guy's caretaker so he doesn't get himself killed." I casually replied as I pointed at Yan. She glanced at Yan in questioning who the hell I was.

"Don't worry about him... I trust him, and we'll deal with the treasure amount later." In which he replied with a shrug. Xiao Yi Xian still looked unsure about this, but later reluctantly accepted it.

"... Let's go." She huffed out and went inside the cave, lighting a candle as a light source through the darkness. Yan raised an eyebrow at the sudden change.

'It's excluding a sense of strong Dou-Qi... So it should be right... Something definitely good is out there!' Lao commented both of us, telling something good is inside the cave...

As we searched around the insides of the cave, we were soon stopped by a huge boulder blocking away. Yan inspected the huge boulder in awe as it emitted slight yellow lights.

"This boulder seems pretty strong... It would take a Grandmaster to break through this..." Yan remarked the density and durability of the boulder. It would even take a long time to cut through the damn thing with a lightsaber...

"Hmph, an idiot who relies on strength will still be an idiot after thousands of years." Xiao Yi Xian quoted, and inspected the surroundings of the boulder.

"Looking at the yellow light emitted by the boulder, it seems to be a Earth Element Contraption, so we have to only find the switch to get it open-"


The hidden stone button on the walls was suddenly pushed by an invisible force, activating the mechanisms inside the boulder. Xiao Yi Xian and Yan looked in shock as they watched the boulder lift itself up to reveal a secret room.

"Did you press the switch?...." Yan asked to the suddenly terrified Xiao Yi Xian, who widened her eyes in fear.

"N-no... I didn't press anything, it just... Activated by itself!" She replied, fearing the mysterious activation of the mechanisms. I shrugged.

"Seeing on how old it is, it must've activated accidentally. Old gears could've rusted to the point where it became broken, right?" I explained, throwing in a theory of how it activated itself. Xiao Yi Xian took a moment and nodded unsurely at the theory.

"Yeah, I guess..." She responded. In truth, I actually used the Force to search out where the switch was and activated it. But I don't want to tell her that.

We entered inside the secret room inside the cave. There, it held a fuckton of gold, and one dead skeleton resting on a stone throne and some other stuff that would take a long-ass time to pack...

Yan noticed a flower, both embued with Ice and Fire Elements, near the mossy stones. Lao might've know what it is, though.

'Ice Spirit Flame Grass?! I can't believe that you managed to find two materials to create the Blood Lily Pill in just two days!' Lao called out in surprise and excitement. Yeah, whatever this 'Blood Lily Pill' was, it was important. MC's tend to draw these kind of stuff easily.

'The Ice Spirit Flame Grass will usually only grow in extreme cold areas. Thinking back then, I risked my life to obtain one... Ah, now. You lucky guy!' Lao complimented the MC's bullshitty luck. I rolled my eyes. Can't he be lucky enough to grow stronger in a day?

"What a special medicinal herb!" Xiao Yi Xian, unaware of the herb's data, recklessly went in to grab the flower.

"Wait! Be-" "WAAAHH!!" The Fire and Ice Element within the flower burnt/froze her hands dangerously. She bit back tears as she cried as the pain was unbearable.

"Ouch! Uuu, so cold! So hot!" She grasped her hands from the coldness and the hotness in pain. Yan went over to her side.

"Idiot, although the stem of the Ice Spirit Flame Grass is shaped like an ice crystal, the herb itself belongs to the Fire Element! You can't use your hands to touch it!" Yan explained out, slightly concerned about Xiao Yi Xian.

"If you have medicine, you should apply it quickly. Once a girl's hands is scarred, they can't get married!" Yan blew out to her hands to take away the pain. Xiao Yi Xian blushed as her hands were so close to his, the warmth of kindness emitting was so-

"That's the most ridiculous shit I have ever heard. A girl still can get married if they have hands, or none at all." I replied in dark humor, causing both of them to look as if I was serious. I deadpanned.

"Okay.... Look here. To deal with this mischievious plant, you have to do this!" Plundging to the grounds of the flower, he plucked out the roots of the plant.

"Ehhh?! That's... so cunning and ridiculous!" Xiao Yi Xian called out in retort, thinking that you have to pluck out the roots instead of plucking out the stem.

"Who told you that you have to pluck it directly with your hands? I only want this one, and the other herbs belong to you, sound fair?" Yan replied with some humor.

"NO!" She disagreed. Pulling out some equipment, he grinned mischeiviously.

"Then how about an entire set of equipment for obtaining medicinal ingredients and an extra pair of gloves?" "I can deal with that." She agreed, secretly pouting behind Yan's back for taking the main course.

She began plucking out the medicinal ingredients behind away from us, while we observed the skeleton body.

Tapping his shoulders to gain his attention, I nodged my head towards the important looking three stone chests. Yan put a hand on his chin and thought on how to open the chest. It was locked, and I wanted him to know that.

As we wondered how we could open this (because I couldn't use my sonic screwdriver because I disassembled it for my necessary parts for my lightsaber, because who's going to use that in a medieval world where electronics didn't exist? Seems that I forgot about locks and chests...) a voice of annoyance called out.

"Xiao Yan, don't touch me! Even if you regret it, I won't hand my medicinal ingredients to you!" Xiao Yi Xian's voice called out.

Although we were 12 feet away from each other.

"I was standing over here. I didn't talk, nor did a touch you!" Yan dumbly called out, as I turned my back to see who it was.

"Eh? Then the one behind me is...?" Fear took her heart as we saw the undead skeleton suddenly was behind her back. Shiiiiiit-

"FUCK! KILL HIM BEFORE HE PLAYS THE FUCKING MUSIC!! KILL HIM NOW!" Yan, quickly slams his black ruler sqaure to the skull, shattering the limbs into pieces.

"Damn! Even being dead for so long, it still hasn't killed you!" Yan grunted as the skull landed on top of his head. Yan glanced at Xiao Yi Xian in suspiciousness.

"I'd say, you attract so much monsters! First it was the Frozen snakes, the Ape, now this..." He replied, Xiao Yi Xian sighing in relief.

*a certain song called Megalovania plays*



The three of us were sent flying from the enormous strength of the fucking skeleton to the pile of gold. We crashed landed harmlessly as the gold softened our crash.

"Damn! What strength, Xiao Yi Xian, are you okay?" Yan poked his body out from the pile and called out.

"It's fine! The herbs are fine!" The legs of the woman poked out from the pile of gold and shook her legs to escape. Yan sweatdropped.

"It's fucking Sans the Skeleton all over again! F played the goddamn Megalovania, and that makes undead skeletons almost impossible to kill it!" The music blasted through my ears as the obnoxious song was cancer to deal with!

'I can't feel it's aura! If I guess it correctly, it's because of the living corpse insect! This insect is extremely rare! The people who eats this insect will gain extremely powerful strength when they are alive! Even after they die, their corposes will attack any living being! Although it has no thoughts or consciousness, it will treat every being as a target! Looks like the owner of this stone cave-' Lao was interrupted from his explanation as I held a smoking barrel of my Deagle.

"Shoot the damn thing!" BANG BANG BANG!

Yan lept grabbing Xiao Yi Xian on his arms, dodging a powerful strike from the undead skeleton.

'Ehem, not only it is powerful, but it is very agile! Even if you smash it apart, it will soon regenerate! Cough, it's been too long, I can't remember correctly...' Lao explained.


"YOU SAID THAT TOO LATE!" Yan, with Xiao Yi Xian in tow, ran for their lives as they couldn't really do anything against a FUCKING REGENERATIVE SKELETON. I continued to blast the skeleton with bullets as I ran.

"Ah! My medical potions!" Xiao Yi Xian called out as her potions were slipped from her pockets as we ran. Yan stared at her in disbelief.

"We're being chased from a skeleton that could potentially kill us, and you're worried about your potions?!" Yan shouted. She ignored him. We kept running around the treasure room until the skeleton stepped through her potions.

"My medicine...! Xiao Yan, release me!" "Ah?" Breaking free from Yan's grip, she stood face to face to the oncoming running skeleton of Megalovania with determination.

"XIAO YI XIAN!" Yan watched as the skeleton went close to Xiao Yi Xian's range. Her eyes flared with genuine icy anger as she pulled out senbons on her knuckles.

"I don't care if you're a living corpse insect! But you will pay for breaking my potions!" She charged through the skeleton. Then, in a instant, the senbons prickled through the bones and limbs of the body accurately with Xiao Yi Xian behind the skeleton.

Snapping her fingers, the skeleton exploded behind her in a majestic fashion.

"Amazing! You've really hid your abilities!" Yan remarked with awe at the finishing touches she acted. You may have given the power of Megalovania to the skeleton, F, but you that Plot Armor beats almost anything! Female Lead for the win!

*Aww... Can't do nothing aganist Female Leads...*

"Hmph! For such a frail woman like myself travelling outside, how would I protect myself if I didn't have any tricks! Hurry up and gather up my needles! Then return them to me, CLEAN!" She strictly ordered Yan, showing her female dominance to Yan.

Yan, completely overpowered by her dominace, reluctantly agreed to help her. "Okay... Cough, you're not frail at all! Witch..." He silently muttered out. Ooh, if she heard that, this fucking cultivation novel would've changed right here! Be careful of what you say Yan!

Yan widened his eyes as he saw the insect stuck accurately from her senbons. In order to hit the insect, she must've accurately hit every senbon to every joint and vital point of the skeleton to kill it. That takes some skill.

Yan glanced at Xiao Yi Xian in shock and awe, then later she noticed him staring at her. "What are you looking at?! Hurry up and gather my needles!" She frowned and loudly called out.

"O... okay." In which he replied, not wanting her to beat him up too. I helped him search for the senbons until Yan widened his eyes when he noticed a scroll and three keys within the skeleton.

Quickly hiding the scroll inside the Storage Ring from Lao's intentions, Xiao Yi Xian went over to see what was taking Yan so long. "Why are you sneaking around?" Yan flinched.

"Look! I found some keys from the skeleton! I didn't take it all for myself! Let's continue to search for more treasures!" Yan showed an innocent looking face that caused me to deadpan secretly.

"Looks like these stone chests are for these three keys..." Yan shoved the key inside the keyhole to Chest No.1!

Opening the contents of the first chest, the contained poison miasma puffed through everywhere as the chest unlocked. We weren't affected by the miasma, so it was safe for now.

"Seven... Color Poison Scroll? What is this thing?" His hand reached out to the Poison Scroll if I wasn't catching his hand.

'Don't touch it, Xiao Yan Zi! There's a lethal poison, if you touch it, you die!' Lao called out in warning before Yan even reached the scroll, Yan quickly retracting his hand away from the scroll in caution.

"Seven Color Poison Scroll?" Xiao Yi Xian harmlessly plucked out the poisonous scroll from her hands, showing no signs of harm.

"Hey, be care- Huh?..." Yan watched in disbelief as Xiao Yi Xian casually inspected the scroll without any harm whatsoever. Yan had a confused look on his face and asked Lao.

'Indeed... But she is actually unharmed, perhaps she used certain methods, or her body is...' "This scroll records many uses of poison, it must be left by a poison master..." Xiao Yi Xian replied while reading the scroll.

"Poison Master?" Yan asked. Basically, there are many types of people throughout the Dou-Continent. Many of them are doctors, who can create numerous poisons, and could even control the poison's aura, killing people without being seen... These people who specialise in poison are called:

Poison Masters.

"Could it be... You want to become a Poison Master?..." Yan asked.

"How could it be? Poison Masters are the most detested and feared profession in the Dou Continent..." Xiao Yi Xian denied. Yan, chuckling, he scratched his head.

"Speaking of which, that is true. Haha, why would a person like you become a Poison Master?" Yan replied. Xiao Yi Xian's face darkened as she went silent.

"Maybe she wants to study poisons and counteract them. After all, you can't be a doctor if can't help people with poison..." I suggested as I crossed my arms. Blinking in surprise, she snapped back into reality.

"... Yes, that's why I want to study them. Anyways, that belongs to me." She hid the scroll inside her sleaves.

"Sounds good to me!" Yan replied as I glanced to the Second Chest.

"Let's see what's in door number 2!" He unlocked the contents in the chest. Suddenly, contain gust of air blew our hairs back as we covered them with our arms.

Inside, it was a Xuan (Black) Class High Tier Dou-Skill, which it spread out its Dou-Qi wings. Yan's eyes gleamed in excitement.

"A Xuan Class High Tier Flying Dou-Qi Skill, Wings of Eagle?! It's actually he rare flying Dou-Qi skill!" Yan enthusastically shouted out. Meanwhile, Xiao Yi Xian was confused.

"Flying Dou-Qi Skill? What's that?" She asked.

"It is a Dou-Skill that allows flight! With it, even if you're a Dou Practitioner, you can fly freely like a Dou King!" Yan shouted out loudly as his eyes glimmered into excitement. Xiao Yi Xian looked at me in 'is this serious'.

"Happens everytime... You just gotta deal with it." I answered, and she 'ahh'-ed in understanding.

"So... I understand, this belongs to you right?" She crossed her arms as she asked. Yan smirked excitedly.

"Yep! Just taking what we need!" Yan stored his scroll inside the Storage Ring, while grinning widely as he couldn't before. For some reason, that grin makes me want to triple his training up...

"Then the last chest..." As Yan held the last key, we both widened our eyes as we sensed killing intent. Arrows!

Dodging the arrows before it could hit us, we watched as we heard laughter from the room.

"You guys are careless! What would I do if you damage my treasures?" A voice, unknown to me, called out to us.

"Mu Li!" Wait, that guy who announced the expedition with the mercenaries?

"My dear Xiao Yi Xian, coming to a dangerous place, why did you not ask us to protect you? It was difficult finding you! Brother Xiao Yan, hurry and return my belongings to me! Whether it is Xiao Yi Xian, or the items found here, they all belong to ME!" The mercenaries surrounded the entrance as the... Mu Li guy announced arrogantly and greedily.

Fucking hell, this is going to take a long time to kill these guys... Grabbing my lightsaber, I activated it to combat.


I pressed the activation switch again. And again.

Nothing. Not a single blade of plasma came out.

Aw shit.

[AN: Please review. And comment! Add in some power stones as well, it's free. Stay safe, and have a great day! See you guys, later....]