Cold Death, Hellish Rebirth

Yeah, my last semblance wasn't so pretty. It was called "In Sync", and it much sounded like 'instinct', because it was meant to sound like that. Long story short, I could synchronise the brain patterns of others to mine and think of the same strategy. Thus, synchronised attacks and team attacks without any flaws.

I could teach Kung Fu to Yang if I tried hard enough. It's possible, but very hard using this semblance. The downside was that I couldn't use it to people with... bad relationships. Only works if the person completely or somewhat trusts me.

So, I thought of using it to opponents that were bad guys. Turns out, I could steal a part of their aura and their semblance if I tried. In return, I have to give the same amount of aura and semblance that I had.

And that's why my Aura wasn't so pretty.

"I aM GoInG tO KiLl YoU!?" Yeah, apparantly I accidently used my semblance (it doesn't need any aura to activate it) and switched auras. My aura was so negative to the point it cause Weiss to go insane...

And this was how negative I was. Try dealing with 5 billion years of torture, this is what you'll get. Then again, I got 10% of her semblance in return, and I could use Glyphs. But 10% wasn't going to defeat an insane Aura-powered person. Maybe.

"Heeeelp meeeeee~" I monotonously called out as I was sent backwards from her strike as I blocked it with a small invisible glyph. I backflipped and stuck my feet on the wall using glyphs.

Weiss overlooked me and dashed using her glyphs. I dashed towards her and we clanged using our weapons. As we repeadily slashed, clashed using our glyphs to dash and move, I was starting to notice that she was very good at hiding her exhaustion.

"Mmmmm... MMMMMMM!!!" I hummed menacingly and ran straight towards her and tried to dropkick her face. Key word, TRIED, because she dodged the attack as I landed on the ground.

"Oof." I grunted out.

Weiss created several glyphs in the air as she sent projectiles and surprisingly immobilised my movements as they trapped my limbs. She leapt and created a glyph behind her, intending me to slice me in half with the rapier.

I countered the white glyphs with a red small glyph to break open my shackles as I dodged before she could slice me in half. I raised my head up and looked behind.

Weiss looked back as she tilted her head and grinned menacingly as she prepared to murder me again. Why did I do to deserve this?! Anyways, whining and bitching aside, I had to be ready to fight. Or I was going to die...

"Come here, you little son of a bitch! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" I ran towards Weiss with fork in tow. Suddenly, Blake appeared in front of me and I immediately stoppped. Yang was in behind Weiss, stopping her from killing me.

"Stop, Weiss! Calm down, Mark may be an asshole, but you don't have to kill him! UGH!" Weiss proceeded to flip Yang over to the ground as she hoisted to stab Yang. Yang quickly acted and shotgunned her way out and dodged the ice pillars before they would hit her.

"There's something wrong with Ice Queen, alright! She managed to flip me around like a ragdoll!" Yang's comment ticked Weiss when she heard her 'hated' title. She hated that name.

"Weiss! Stop! It's us, Blake and Yang! We're trying to-" CLANG! I blocked a strike to the head from Weiss before it could swishkabab Blake. I clenched my fists and rebounded the red glyphs beneath Yang and Blake and pushed them away from the fight.

"Hey, what- WOAH!" Yang shouted as she was pushed back from a red glyph. Blake was in disbelief of a red glyph, that was more ominious and more triangular. I grit my teeth and kicked Weiss out.

"Do me a favour. Stop getting in the way!" I shouted and dashed towards Weiss as we clashed. I knew they wouldn't listen to my calls anyways, as I saw them move towards Weiss.

"Oh, you mother-" My tongue was crunched from my teeth as Weiss, the less qualified member of Team RWBY of pulling a punch, actually PUNCHED my jaw. I stumbled, clutching my mouth in pain as I spat the blood out from my system.

"Blake! Tie her up!" Yang called out as Blake nodded. She pulled back her variant ballistic chain scythe, Gambol Shroud, and surrounded and tied up Weiss using her black ribbons.

"Weiss, calm down. We're not trying to hurt you! Listen to us!" Blake called out as she knew Weiss wouldn't do this. Not after she forgave and accepted her as a friend although they were complete enemies.

"UUURRRRGH!" Weiss screamed as tried to struggle getting out of the grip of the ribbons. Weiss created a Time Dilation Glyph to speed her movements and caused Blake to stumble forwards as she fell down.

The ribbons loosened as she prepared her rapier. Blake watched in horror when Weiss was going to kill her. "I trusted you, and you're against me?! You're a liar! A thief! A-" "MMMMMMmmmmuuuuuaaaahh-" My body slammed towards Weiss as we both crashed towards the wall before she could kill Blake.

Blake watched in disbelief as the one who thrown me in fact, was Yang, (because I told her to) as she was very devastated at the fact Weiss was going insane. I coughed from the dust as Weiss decided to choke me to death as she gripped my neck tightly.

I grit my teeth and hit my head to her face, along with the elbow strikes to her body to let me go. I grasped her shoulders and threw over my shoulder, as she used a glyph to land without any harm.

"This is getting out of hand..." I muttered as I nurtured my neck. Weiss glared at me coldly as she stanced herself. I flipped her off as I held my hand, willing a small red glyph on my hands.

I grabbed inside the glyph, pulling out a red broadsword made of aura as the red glyph disappeared when the sword was manifested. I swung a few test swings and the blade was... enough.

I rested the giant sword on my shoulders, Devil May Cry style. "Round 2...?" I suggested with a raised eyebrow, as Weiss almost smirked and ran towards me using glyphs. I grit my teeth for the worst.

As swords clashed and dashed into a flurry of swings and dances, despite the heavy weight of the broadsword slowed down my swinging speed but I still managed, as I blocked the blows by swing my sword around like a ceiling fan.

I swung my sword at Weiss, who dodged it by using glyphs and landed a blow on my left eye. Thankfully, it didn't make me into a pirate (because pirate joke, pirates wear an eyepatch... bad joke) but my eye was blinded from the blood.

If I had to guess, I had enough and I kept my left eye open anyways, causing me to look omnious as possible. Weiss narrowed her eyes at that, as I dashed towards her.

I leapt towards her and sent my blade down to her, as she blocked the blade using her rapier as she struggled to move it away from the weight of my body and the sword. Then it was time.

Overloading the sword with massive amounts of aura, it caused the broadsword to explode right next to Weiss as she fell backwards from the force. By that time, I manifested a chain and whipped it towards her leg.

I yanked the chain back, pulling Weiss closer and pulled my other arm back and smashed my fist towards Weiss' stomach, forcing her to cough saliva. I couldn't see it, but a enormous amount of force hit my body sending me flying towards a wall, in which I thought it was Yang who punched me, but then I looked up.

An enormous armored arm had punched me through the summoning glyph. An Arma Gigas. "She wasn't supposed to summon that... Not now..." I muttered silently so no one could hear it. As much as Weiss summoned her 'persona', it was a very taxing task to do as summoning a creature that large taxed her aura.

And she ain't unlimited of her aura, I'll tell you! Summoning an arm from that means she was getting tired and exhausted... is what I thought it would.

"UUUURRRGHH!" Weiss screamed in pain when the mark on her eye darkened more as it covered almost half of her face. What is this, fucken Naruto curse seals or some shit?

As the Arma Gigas forcibly pulled out from the summoning glyph, it was suddenly covered by the tattoo patterns like wildfire, as it looked menacing and freaky as red outlines glowed on the black parts.

"Okay, that's..." I stopped, because I've MUCH more terrifying things that a suit of metal armor. As the infected Arma Gigas ROARED (in which I don't think it's supposed to), and pulled back it's giant blade at me.

I frowned harder this time as I jumped away from the blade and set a red gravity glyph (it wasn't, I just put A LOT of glyphs) to double it's weight and gravity. Immobilising the blade, I ran across the blade and summoned an another sword.

Intending to decapitate the head of the Arma Gigas, I was cut off when Weiss sent icicle shards at my ass in which I faithfully dodged them, as I saw Weiss clutching her infected side in pain.

I flipped her off and continued to slice the head off. Weiss widened her eyes when she saw me running towards her Arma Gigas and sliced the head clean off with some difficulty.

"HUUAAAH!" I shouted and finally cut the heavy head of the armoured giant, shocking Weiss, as I let go of the sword and created a red glyph behind the head with a snap.

I leapt using a glyph to push myself toward the other one, as I landed and I was shot forwards the severed head. I pulled my leg back and proceeded to kick the giant head like a soccer ball.

Was that a stupid move?


Undenialably, yes.

As my leg fractured from the metal head- But don't worry! I planned for this (I am always two or millions steps ahead), by using the momentum of the kick and doubling the speed using glyphs, as it went straight towards Weiss.

Weiss being the smartest person in Team RWBY (I think) and the only one using that one brain cell of Team RWBY (I don't why I thought of this), went to dodge the giant metal head before realising she was stuck, because there were red glyphs latched on her legs.

Before she could even escape, she was slammed by a 100 pound block of tungsten straight at her face and whoo baby, I doubted that she would've been breathing at this point.

Me: Realising that the Arma Gigas was made out of Weiss' aura struck my mind as she was completely harmless when the head disappeared. Um, yeah.


With a broken leg and one hell of a disadvantage, I fell down, powerless at the fact and triggered at the fact I was so stupid enough to kick a metal head. As Weiss still howled in pain as the patterns grew into her face, Ruby stepped in.

"S-stop... Weiss. Please stop. Please..." Ruby teared down into tears, begging her partner to stop. She was a friend, a teammate, and her best friend.

Weiss stopped when her partner was in tears. Her face was full of guilt, as she dropped her rapier in shock. Then, the tattoos grew even more stronger, as she howled in pain.

Suddenly, multiple glyphs appeared around Weiss as they turned into icicle pillars of defense, unable to contact Weiss. Ruby ran over to her friend's side, slamming the ice to break it open.

"WEISS! WEISS!" She shouted, tears on the verge of bursting. It was no use, as the ice wall hardened and became larger and larger. I 'tch'-ed myself and grabbed her rapier. Unloading the dust vials from the cylinder, I grabbed the fire dust and crushed the vial.

Creating a literal flaming fist of fury on my hands, I threw the Lightning Vial on the ground and turned it into a Time Dilation Glyph, speeding up my movements.

Dashing towards the wall of ice, in that moment when I was going to punch through it, I threw a Gravity Vial towards the wall and used a Gravity Glyph to double my weight.

My fist went through the wall of ice and exploded the wall between Weiss and us. I saw Weiss clutching her mark, so I used every fibre of my body to pull her out of the cocoon of ice.

"HHHHHAAAAAGGH!" I pulled her out, and she had the damn mark on her face. Weiss kicked my body away from me, as I slid through the ground in pain.

"P-please... Get away from me!" She finally spoke, clutching her eye in pain as she warned. Team RWBY were shocked to see Weiss telling to get away from her, although every instinct was to go and help her.

"Weiss... Let us help you! We'll figure out what's wrong with-" "NO!" Ruby flinched from Weiss' tone. The team looked almost heartbroken to see Weiss so broken, so hurt and in pain.

"Uggh... Can I just say, I think this is all my fault. I've dealt this shit before, let me deal with it..." I cracked my neck as I limped forwards to Weiss. Weiss clutched her eye as she stared at me. Team RWBY stepped back hesitantly.

"Are you having... visions, of your closest people leaving you? Any nightmares, your worst fears haunting you right now?" I asked while I ignored the blood spilling from my eye. Weiss didn't respond.

"I'll take that a yes. You're afraid. You're afraid that those nightmares and your closest people leaving you might come true, but that's totally bullshit. And I'll say I'm sorry for that. Semblance acted up weirdly." I explained.

"Ugh...!" She fell down to one knee and clutched her eye, as the patterns began to cover her entire face. I grit my teeth.

"If you think that you're a disappointment, a failure of your elder siblings, a lonely girl in the snow all alone, then you're right." My words cut through her pain like a hot knife. She clenched her fists in anger.

"All of us have their fair share of bullshit! Some poor, try hards, some giving a shit, and some trying to be the best. IF YOU THINK YOU'RE THE SPECIAL ONE THAT'S TRYING YOUR BEST, THEN I THINK YOU SHOULD STOP FUCKING SCREWING AROUND, WEISS!" Weiss widened her eyes.


"Weiss Schnee is someone of discipline, hardwill, and a hell of a personality that will fuck people up! If you can't deal with this shit and whine like a little bitch, then what was all that effort coming into here?!" She was silent.

"Prove me wrong, PROVE ME FUCKING WRONG THAT YOU AREN'T THE LITTLE BITCH I SEE YOU AS! WEISS! SCHNEE! WHO ARE YOU?!!" I shouted loudly at her. I was a bit overexaggerating, because I ran towards Weiss with a sword.


[AN: My Hero Academia OST - You Say Run plays]

"... I won't... I refuse to accept to be lectured... from a deliquent! OF MYSELF!" Weiss blocked the sword with her rapier in hand. The patterns started to glow light blue as she scowled. I hopped back away from her.

"I DON'T. GIVE A SINGLE FUCK ABOUT THAT! BUT WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?!" I shouted towards Weiss. Weiss felt like a fire, burning furiously like a storm.

The light blue aura shone like a lighthouse when the patterns glowed and shattered like glass. Weiss, standing as her clothes fluttered when her eye, half glowing in the colour of her aura.

"Shut it, UNDERWELL!" Weiss grabbed her rapier and pointed at me. I grinned like a maniac as I gripped the sword. I taunted her to come at me.

"You finally snapped out of it? Then, bring it on! I'LL KICK YOUR ASS ONE-LEGGED, BITCH!" She smirked back, adrenaline flowing like a river as her aura was gauged full as her glyphs shone brightly.

She suddenly stumbled and forced to go down one knee, as I did with a broken leg too. Yang, Blake, Ruby watched in awe and shock when they witnessed a new side of Weiss.

"... You aren't going to fight her like this state, right?" Yang asked in disbelief. I grinned her back instead.

"I HAVE TO! AND I KNOW I'M SOOOOO FUCKED!" I shouted back and lifted myself up. Using all of my will to create glyphs, I dashed towards Weiss with the sword. She was already ready to beat my ass.

"ENOUGH!!!" A purple aura surrounded us before we could kill each other. I turned to Professor Goodwitch, and she was hella pissed.

"When were you when we tried to kill each other?" I raised an eyebrow.

[AN: Please review. Comment. Add powerstones. Stay safe. See ya later.]