Everything was chaos. The writer fucked up hype, Glynda mysteriously didn't stop us trying to kill each other until now, Weiss got a power-up, I got a Semblance, and everything was in total... Chaos.
"I may or may not have mentioned my semblance-" SMACK! "OK, I deserved that. Who's next-" SLAP! "Oh-key... I got bitch-slapped by-" "You're such a meanie, MARK!" Ruby shouted out. I deadpanned.
"Seriously, who thought it was a good idea to punch, slap, and insult to the person who's got a broken leg and serious injuries?" I asked as my leg was bent the wrong way. They all winced and forgave their actions.
"I didn't mention my semblance because I either forgot it, or I thought that it was really gone. You know that my aura's locked, right? I kind of told someone to lock my aura, so I wouldn't use my semblance... Turns out I didn't need aura for my semblance..." I muttered. Weiss sighed and sat down on the ground.
"What is even happening..." Weiss sighed out as Glynda fixed all the walls before turning to us. She glared at me, and crossed her arms.
"I can't even describe how frustrated I am dealing with you." She coldly spoke, as she glared like she was going to drill a hole through my head using her glare alone. I shrugged.
"So teach, why the hell did you decide it was a good idea to help us now, before we tried to kill each other?" I raised an eyebrow. She was silent. I pointed at my leg.
"And also the fact that my leg isn't healed yet. Aren't you supposed to be caring and benefiting the student's health and concerns as your job? I see you're doing a VERY good job..." I sarcastically commented. Glynda was gripping on her riding crop HARD as she was very pissed. Ignoring the protests of Team RWBY telling me to shut up, I just continued.
"And well... You kind of missed a spot there in that wall." Said wall that I pointed crumbled behind our backs as Glynda stood stoicly but I knew she was livid. I kept a straight face and deadpanned.
"... You're having a bad day, aren't you?" I commented. Glynda slowly and terrifyingly turned her head to us, as Team RWBY whimpered and quivered in fear as they held each other from horror, as I stood deadpanning.
"..." She said nothing, but I knew I was getting inside her skin. I blinked. And I shrugged. Well, it was a good day to die...
"Glynda. Mr Underwell." Ozpin's voice called out to us. Ozpin stood stoicly as he overlooked the damage from Weiss and I. He looked at me.
"What have you done, Mr Underwell?" Ozpin asked calmly. I sighed out, and nurtured my leg.
"Well... I have a semblance that lets me steal a part of someone else's semblance, but not completely. If I'm successful, the said someone will get some kind of mark on their faces instead. Causing them... to be berserk." I explained. Ozpin listened carefully.
"I didn't like my semblance, so I asked someone to lock it instead. I didn't want to make everyone's lives hell, but I couldn't escape my semblance, as you can see..." I glanced at Weiss.
"If someone gets that mark... Well, it would either make them more stronger or go berserk. Only disappears when my semblance runs out. But, I can't... actually stop my semblance... I just do it when I'm in a pinch, like instincts." I explained/lied. Ozpin raised an eyebrow.
"I swear I don't want to kill anyone. I'm done with that, but my semblance is a pain in the ass. Sorry for using my semblance against you, Weiss. You can beat the shit out of me if you want." Weiss snorted and crossed her arms. Ozpin and Glynda watched in silence.
"As much as your semblance endangers our students, we'll think about your problem later. You must be... in a painful situation, since your leg..." Ozpin stared at the leg. It was bent, the OTHER WAY. And I was fine.
"Yeah... I've got a killer pain tolerance. Still hurts. Ow." And everything went black after that.
Glynda silently hovered Mark's unconscious body and led him into the medical clinic. Ozpin and Team RWBY tagged along, concerned for the heiress' health and mysterious state.
"For the last time, Ruby. I'm... more than fine right now. I just... need a little rest, alright?" Weiss consoled her overly concerned partner who was asking a million questions and hugging her tightly so she wouldn't disappear.
Yang and Blake lightly smiled at the scene. Ozpin eyed Glynda, as he noticed that she was not amused.
"I expected you would've intervened before it got out of hand, Glynda. What really happened?" Ozpin asked to the frustrated Glynda. She groaned as she rubbed her eyes in exhaustion.
"I have no single clue, Ozpin. I tried to stop the commotion, but it felt like an another force stopped me from using my semblance... It was that moment before they could even hurt themselves, and that boy..." Glynda clenched her fists that caused Ozpin to flinch and stare incredulously.
"Had the audacity to sass me, insult me, and even used sarcasm when I tried so hard to save children from actually killing themselves..." Glynda's face darkened as Ozpin took a few steps away from Glynda as he stared at her fearfully.
"Let's hope that Mr Underwell survives this 'chaotic' event..." Ozpin muttered. Glynda was straight up pissed at Mark, and she was this close to damning the consequences to beat the shit out of Mark.
Meanwhile, Espeon overlooked the group with mild disinterest. 'Serves you right. Though, I think a broken leg might be overkill. Eh...' He shrugged, the culprit of tampering Glynda's semblance. He wanted Mark to suffer for leaving him.
Then again, he did it out of boredum. It was fun testing out his long-not-used powers against to an another psychic type pokemon. Except that Glynda Goodwitch, if he could remember, was not a pokemon.
"This is totally fine. I broke my leg." I replied, as my broken leg was casted with bandages as I rested on the bed. Team RWBY was the only group that waited in the room, kind of concerned of my health.
"The professionals said I was normal, and fine. My aura just increased as much, but I feel... more better than before." Weiss stated as she stood next to my bed. I raised an eyebrow.
"Your point being?" I asked. Weiss huffed.
"What did you do to me?" She simply asked, as her other teammates wanted the same questions to ask. I rolled my eyes.
"If my semblance is either broken from sheer overpowering aura, or just straight up willpower... They may or may not changed themeselves entirely. Like as, expanding your aura capacity like change. Feeling light. Free. Free of shackles." I explained as they were confused. I sighed.
"I don't know as much, because I'm guessing. I really don't know what changed, and I'm tired. Please let me get a grip from the chaotic experience I just had right after..." I motioned my hands. Team RWBY looked at each other, and left the room to give some time.
Whoo shit.
[AN: I'm just going to take some time reorganising my stuff, okay? Short chapter, I know. Deal with it. Please review, comment, like, vote, and stay safe. See you guys later.]