Explanations, Explanations...

After taking a breath of calming down from bullshittery, I stared at the Author. Yes, you. I want to talk to you, you shitty failure of an author. Talk to me! Get your lazy ass over here!

[AN: Vat.]

What the hell just happened.

[AN: I got lazy and messed up. I'm tired and out of ideas to make content.]

Don't lie to- Wait. Oh. Okay. You're telling the truth. Right... Yeah. Oh, we're all tired and exhausted from someone else's laziness. Huh.

Uuuuughhh. I'm so done with bullshittery...

Let's get this straight... One. Mark vs Weiss. Two. Used my new mysterious semblance that makes people insane. Three. The fight ended with a disaster. Four. Ozpin is very sus of me. Five. Glynda puts me in her shitlist. Six. I've got a broken leg.

I sighed. What was the point of all of this... Weiss getting over with her fears and conflict of being a doll to her pathetic father? Why? Why Weiss? Are you planning to 'pair' me with Weiss? Over my dead-

[AN: You know, I could've chosen anyone else, Weiss was the first thing that came up in my mind. Just that.]

Oh, okay. Glad to know that I won't be pairing with someone. Because THAT'S going to be a disaster... Ow, my leg.

'Hi. How's the leg?' Espeon asked while he sat next to my bed. I glared at him.

"You were the one who blocked her semblance, didn't you? You little shit." I glared at him, as he shrugged casually.

'To be fair, I didn't want you to get a broken leg. I was kind of bored, so I took the chance of testing that Goodwitch person's 'semblance'. Pretty strong, but... Not even close.' Espeon smugly stated, hinting a small grin on his face. I grabbed the nearest object I could find (a flower vase) and threw it at him.

"Hey Mark, you alive down there-" We immediately acted and stopped the flower vase before it could hit Espeon and grabbed the vase in mid-air and quickly placed it back where it was.

"Nothing happened." I immediately replied. Yang skeptically stared at both of us. It was natural, because both of us had the look of taking a cookie from a cookie jar as we stared at her like we did nothing.

"Ooookay...? I wanted to see if you were okay, and you look like you just had a bad day." Yang grinned as I groaned. Espeon casually stretched himself.

"You know that it was more than a bad day... How long was I out?" I asked as I looked for the crutches. Yang raised an eyebrow.

"You've been out for just a few hours. I'm really surprised that you woke up fine, because... Well, nobody does that after they break their leg and come fine after few hours..." Yang awkwardly chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

"Where's my goddamn crutches?" I looked around to see nothing of the tool to help people with broken legs. Yang looked horrified as she immediately came to my side.

"Heyheyheyhey! You ain't going nowhere, buster! I don't look like a doctor, but I know you shouldn't push yourself. Besides, free time without any classes? That's paradise for us!" Yang forced me down to the bed as I tried to get up. I grunted instead.

She sighed. "I swear, you're like a stubborn piece of work that doesn't listen. You're going get seriously hurt just because of that. Just... stay down and rest, okay?" Yang straightened my blanket over me. I raised an eyebrow at the odd acts from Yang.

"I half expected you to punch me after I did some accidental giptsy-witsy fuckery to Weiss..." I skeptically eyed her. Yang glared at me.

"Okay, I might've been forced to take care of you because we HAD to, and I won't punch a crippled person. Also, Ice Queen's pretty fine after that. Better even. But I won't forgive you for hurting my teammate." She warned with a red eyed glare. I took the warning seriously.

"Gee, it's like you hate me." I rolled my eyes. Yang smirked and 'lightly' hit my shoulder. Ow. She went to left the room.

"You know, if you gotten rid of your awful personality, we could've been fast friends. You're not ugly. Or maybe we could've... Nevermind." Yang stopped to think and left the room. She was thinking about dating with me, wasn't she?

That's it, I'm killing the author for attempting pairing.

'You know, she's right. If you HAD gotten your ugly personality, you would've done what you humans do for fun. Dating. Sleeping together. Doing-' My head hadn't snapped faster to my pokemon until today. Espeon wisely chose to shut up.

I sighed. It was a normal day for dealing bullshittery again.


In the dorm room of Team RWBY, they all took their free time talking about stuff. Weiss was fine and healthy, but she still had a grudge against Mark. She did not like Mark at all.

"For someone that hasn't used his semblance for a long time, he used my semblance pretty effectively to beat me in a battle, although he used it for only a few minutes... Mark's keeping some secret away from us." Weiss stated, very suspicious of Mark using her family semblance pretty well for only a few minutes and managed to best her.

It annoyed her due to the fact that she trained so hard to reach a level of a huntress, and yet Mark bested her for using her semblance in a few minutes. Add to the fact he was using 10% of her semblance and he almost won.

"Maybe his semblance allows him to be... you know, be ready and he knows how to use your semblance? Because, he was like- Hwaah!" Ruby suggested, recalling the events when Mark knew how to use a sword. Weiss pondered on that thought.

"You mean that he knows how to use someone's semblance using his semblance?... It's possible, because no one effectively uses someone's semblance in just a few minutes..." Blake explained. Weiss hummed in thought. There was no doubt using someone else's semblance was weird enough, but to know how to use it?

"What's more weird that he's perfectly chill that his leg's broken. He wanted to get up from that bed and move on like it was no deal. That's really weird or he's just very stubborn..." Yang added her two cents to the conversation. Weiss stared at her hand.

"For a moment, I saw myself summoning the Arma Gigas. I couldn't done it before, but now I did. You know that I told you guys how my semblance worked in our last sleepover, right?" They all nodded. They all discussed team attacks in their sleepovers and combo names to work as a team. Weiss explained what and what can't her semblance can do.

"You said that you could probably summon Grimm when you defeat them, and they fight for your side. It's your family semblance, right?" Ruby said, causing the heiress to think deeply.

"Before I came to Beacon, I previously defeated an Arma Gigas. I couldn't summon it before, but when Mark's Semblance affected me... I... could summon it." Weiss stated with some hesitance. It was weird.

"Then... you can summon that again?" Yang asked. Weiss shook her head.

"No, I can't. I think Mark's Semblance was temporary, and it summoned the Arma Gigas that time." Weiss denied that she couldn't summon the Arma Gigas again. Yang pondered in thought.

"Why did he seal his aura? Wouldn't be useful using his semblance when he's fighting?" Yang asked, curious as to why Mark really sealed his aura.

"Now that you mention it... Why did he seal his aura? I know that he wanted to seal it because his semblance would act up, but that's stupid. Wouldn't be useful to have a semblance like that?" Blake wondered the possibilities. As to why Mark sealed his aura, it was a mystery they needed to know.


I checked around the room, listened to any footsteps, or even something suspicious. There was no one there besides me. I turned to Espeon.

"Could you heal my leg for a sec? I need to do something." I asked to Espeon, who reluctantly changed into Sylveon and healed my leg. Getting my legs out of the bed, I grabbed the fork to peel off the casting.

Then I realised that I didn't have the grilling fork anymore. Shiet. Looking back at the flower vase, I grabbed it by the bottle and smashed the vase into a nearby desk.

It was sharp, so I used this to peel off my casting. My leg was totally fixed and fine. Sylveon looked at me with some concern of something stupid I was going to do.

"I'll be alright, Vee. Just need to go to the forge for making stuff. You coming?" I suggested, as Sylveon tilted his head and lightly smiled. Turning back into Eevee, he left the room. I had to get my pants first.


After dressing myself, I silently moved myself into the student forge where they could make weapons and tools, and secretly entered my own forging room.

The room was a mess. Papers were everywhere, tools were laying around, and some burnt-ass metal scent. Eevee sniffed the area and backed away, a bit disturbed at the place.

"I know, I know. Sorry about that." I apologised, as I went to my workshop. I wasn't going to build another Arc Reactor again, because I would cause some eyecatching from the wrong people in order to get it.

So, I changed my tactics instead. It was time. Batman. Revealing the tools and gadgets that I had, flashbangs, explosives, not batarangs (yet), and some other tools I put inside my infinite-pocket blazer.

I slammed down the thermos and drank a cup. Tasted like ass. Anyways, I began my work doing stuff and making stuff and sat on the chair...

"Huh? Why is this- Why is this locked? Hello? Is someone there? You're using my room, you know! I won't be happy when you're looking through my drawers!" I froze when Ruby's voice called out from the door. Immediately recovering all my stuff into my blazer, I waited and sat casually.

"You better not touch anything... Important..." Ruby opened the door to see ourselves doing a staring contest. Ruby stared at us in shock and disbelief as to why I was here. I waved my hand.

"Sup." I replied.

"... Mark? Aren't you supposed to be..." She looked down on my newly healed leg. She was shocked when she saw my leg, perfectly fine and out of casting.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE IN BED, FOR CRYING OUTLOUD!" Ruby shouted as she was shocked. I blocked my ears from the screaming.

"Well, Eevee here healed my leg. If I could stand and walk with my leg, then it's a usable leg. I usually go to here when I'm bored." I shrugged. Ruby quickly whipped through the room to hide her stuff.

"Whydidyouusemyroomwhywhywhydidyouseeeverything?!" Ruby rapidly asked while furiously blushing. I blinked.

"First, it was the only one I could use. Second, I needed a weapon. Third, yes. Yes I did." I monotonosuly answered as she blushed in embarrassment.

"WHY DID YOU USE MY ROOM WITHOUT ASKING?! THIS IS MY PRIVATE ROOM!" She screamed, before noticing the sonic screwdriver in my hands.

"You were breaking and entering my room?!" She screamed, horrified. I 'eeh'-ed.

"It was more like sonic-ing and entreeing." I replied as she immediately kicked me off from the room. I blinked at the sudden action before she slammed the door shut.

She opened a gap open later. "Please give me my chair back..." She silently begged. After lifting my ass from the chair, I gave back her the chair. After a moment, she bursted the door open and tried to glare at me.

"Don't you know any privacy..." She muttered, red-faced. I narrowed my eyes. I scoffed and forced myself into the room, ignoring Ruby's protests.

"Hey, HEY! I didn't tell you to go in! WHY ARE YOU-" I loudly kicked the door, closing the room with me and Ruby. Ruby stared at me fearfully as I was going to do something bad to her.

"What are you doing?... I will punch you! Call you names!" She stepped back away from me when I got closer and closer. She shivered and forced to step back.

"Mark... Don't do this. Please." She whispered fearfully, and I ignored her and went closer. She 'eep'-ed and closed her eyes, scared of what I was going do to her. I narrowed my eyes and gripped on something.

"Huuuh! Huuh! Mother... HUUUH! Why isn't this working?!" Ruby cracked open an eye to see myself trying to pull something behind her. She looked behind I was trying to pull a...

A hilt?

"Mark... what is that?" Ruby asked as she now noticed the hilt that I was trying to pull free. It was a hilt that I hadn't noticed before, and I knew it was F's handywork to put things where they're not supposed to be.

"I dunno. Noticed until now. You ever try to put hilts inside walls, Ruby?" I asked as she blushed. She furiously waved her arms around.

"HEY! I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO DO SOMETHING BAD TO ME! AND NO! I DON'T STICK HILTS INSIDE WALLS!" She furiously fumed in anger and got even more angry because I was ignoring her.

"HEY! LISTEN TO ME WHEN I'M-" "WHOOOA!" I fell down after pulling the hilt from the wall. Ruby was surprised and went to my side for help.

"Mark? Are you alright?" Ruby asked in concern. I rubbed my head in pain and revealed what was the hilt. Ruby widened her eyes in shock at what it was.

"... What the fuck is this?" I stared at the thing that wasn't even properly called a weapon. It looked cursed. Not as in really cursed, but looks cursed.

"Wha... Wha...! Who in their right minds would make something like this?!" Ruby physically recoiled at the so-called 'weapon'. My face formed into disgust at the sight of it.

"This is so cursed. I'm throwing that shit away." I yeeted the object through the trashcan. Ruby stared at the trashcan in horror and shock. That weapon... was extremely cursed.

"My eyes...! MY EYES HAVE BEEN TOUCHED BY THAT FILTH!" Ruby dramatically covered her eyes to forget that memory. I shook my head in disgust.

"Ugh..." Ruby groaned as she slumped on the wall. She slipped her hands away from her face and gave a tired glare.

"Why... Why are you so... So... Mean?!" She puffed out. I rolled my eyes.

"It's because I am rude and I act rude for a reason. That reason is called being a dick." I explained as she groaned like she had to deal with me. I looked back in the trashcan. As I expected, it was gone.

"I only wanted to come here and give you a surprise... Now you're very rude..." She moaned out. I rolled my eyes. Where's my shit?

"Ah. Here it is." I replied, causing Ruby to crack open an eye. I was holding a metal saw, and a small piece of metal that I was going to use to make my first batarang.

She wasn't going to stand for this. "I'm... going to tell Yang, Weiss, Blake, and everyone else what you've done! You've been very rude lately, and I won't ignore it! Hmph!" She puffed out and walked towards the door.

"Yeah, yeah." I simply replied and carried on my work. She huffed when I didn't care for any of her warnings. She left the room, slamming the door shut.

As I cut the metal piece into a batarang shape of somewhat of the Dark Knight style, I went to get the sander to sharpen the edges. As I was minding my business sharpening my batarang, I heard a door creak.

"What are you doing?" Ruby said back, easily distracted of what I was seriously concentrating on. I didn't answer. Puffing out in annoyance, she entered the room again and got a closer look.

She leaned closer to see what I was doing. She stared at my finished work in wonder. "What is it...? It looks like a bat." She commented. I gave her the batarang to her, as she inspected the batarang curiously.

"You sharpened the metal like a throwing knife, but why did you-" I took the batarang off her hands and threw it. CLANG! The sound of metal sticking through wooden walls caused Ruby to gasp in awe.

"It's also a shuriken! It's like a throwing knife, but it isn't! It doesn't have the six pointed blades, but you can throw it just fine! It's a... Bat-shuriken! Throwing bat! Batknife! Shuribat?" She wondered curiously and inspected the batarang closer when it was stuck to her wall. I plucked off the-

"Batarang. Used for non-lethal ranged attacks, a more alternative to firearms." I explained her awe went supersonic. I handed her the batarang.

"Why bats?" She asked geniunely. I shrugged.

"Bats... well, are sometimes terrifying. Why not make a weapon that scares people?" Ruby sheepishly thought about it.

"I mean... why? I get it you can use it for throwing, but why do you have to make it scary to other people?" Ruby asked, as she blinked her eyes tiredly.

"Because... I want to turn fear, against those who prey on the fearful. Bats are scary, don't you think?" I asked to Ruby when she slowly lost balance. As in time, she fell down, tired and forgotten of what happened today.

I saw Espeon using his Hypnosis and Memory Erase on Ruby, as she slept peacefully and calmly. I made her sat on the seat, draping her cloak on her.

I sighed. Keeping secrets were troublesome...

[AN: Please review. Add in some powerstones as well, comment, like, and stay safe! See you guys later! Also, Mark has been Batman in the past. And he's really good at it.]