Now, you may be wondering... Yeah, I was the Batman. But a different version. Not Bruce Wayne. I follow a different code, more brutal and more challenging.
Breaking the one rule.
Batman never kills. It's a well-known fact, and if you did not know it before... Well, yeah. Batman doesn't kill anyone. As to why, it's because... Not of morals. It's about becoming a person who refuses to corrupt.
Killing someone doesn't make you better than them. The gangbangers. The thugs. The criminals of scum. Desperate to take what they want the most. Or out of fear...
Because of that, if I wear the cape and cowl, I'm not Batman. I'm just a guy who dresses up as a bat. And possibly a nutjob.
But I kill who can't be redeemed. Such as the Joker, who literally can't be redeemed because of one thing entirely. His sins, his actions, and his past. Joker can be redeemed, but people will still hate him because he was the Joker.
Even though he is redeemed, there's no bright future for him. A dead end. He can't win in any way, but he'll make other people suffer just because that they aren't good enough to accept him. Or just he likes chaos.
Killing him, would be good to him, because he won't suffer living as the horrible man he is, and good to all of the people, because they won't be dead. A mercy kill, you may ask...
It's a sad story, and a bad joke. I know what that feels like.
Sob story aside, Batman is known for many things. He is a superhero although he's just a mortal man. He's fucking rich. He uses so many obnoxious gadgets to fuck around the rouge gallery. He is also VERY fucking terrifying.
Why did I want to become like Batman and beat the shit out of criminals? No reason, whassoever! And yes, that is sarcasm! Damn author put this shit because he didn't want to confuse the hell out of you!
I only have a wide variety of gadgets, including flashbangs, explosives, batarangs, and... that's all I had. Which was very bad, because my 'wide variety' was just a few.
I do not have a batsuit. It ain't going to be bulletproof, knife-proof, fireproof, or even dustproof. Because kevlar armor is still fucked against dust attacks!
Finding an advanced suit for dealing aura users can be found either a fucking military warehouse, or the goddamn Atlas Military. Do I look like I could steal a bank right now?
Also, I can't use Eevee. Eeveeyone will immediately suspect me as Batman using a pokemon and my cover is blown. As much as Eevee is broken, I can't use him to steal shit.
So, I was left with my wits and tricks to steal shit. Even though I didn't know WHAT or WHO to steal in the first place. And I forgot, I didn't have the grappling gun! It's the only famous tool Batman zipps through everywhere like a fucking badass.
It's cool. Along with the gliding cape. FUCK! I CAN'T BE BATMAN WITHOUT SOME SHIT! FUCKING GREAT HELL!
I groaned in my hands planted on my face. I was in the rooftops at the night, seeing the shattered moon in sight. Why did those 'fuckers' broke the fucking moon?... It's a perfectly fine satellite, for goodness sake!
"Mark?" I turned around to Jaune staring at me.
"What? I'm complaining how the fuck did the moon shattered into a million pieces. I mean, look at it! It totally looks like someone broke it because of their edgy darklord bullshit. I mean, did THEY had to? It's supposed to be round!" I ranted, confusing Jaune for a sec and then he stared at me like I was insane.
"Uhh, why did you think the moon's supposed to be round?" Jaune glanced at the shattered moon in the night. I groaned and pointed at the moon.
"You see the half part that's round? Why isn't just fully round, like a full circle? Why not? The sun looks round although it's a giant star made out of plasma. Why not the moon? It totally looks like it was shattered by something. Totally." I complained, as Jaune thought of it.
"I guess it's just... that. I mean, you ever wonder why we're here?" Jaune asked. I scoffed. Oh yeah, the overused Red vs. Blue joke and gag...
"Yeah, it's life's greatest mysteries, isn't it? Why ARE we here? I mean, are we the product of some cosmic coincidence, or is there really a God watching everything? You know, with a plan for us and stuff. I really don't give a shit of wondering why I'm here, complaining about the moon. Or the fact I managed to remember the dialogue between Grif and Simmons." I groaned, as Jaune looked at me weirdly.
"That's... an odd way of phrasing it." Jaune replied, confused who the hell was Grif and Simmons. I swear, if the Author makes a crossover between RWBY and RvB...
I'm going to murder everyone. Consequences, be damned!
"I guess you can say it like that..." I rolled my eyes, because fuck everything. Jaune looked like he had something to ask.
"I mean, why are you out here? I thought your leg broke and you immediately got to the medic bay. Shouldn't you be, you know, resting for health?" Jaune raised an eyebrow. I turned to him with a straight face.
"No, I just currently escaped from my room with a newly healed leg. And Jaune, for the love of Monyreak 'Monty' Oum, if you dare to mention a word that I was here, I will murder you in your sleep. Got that?" I menacingly warned Jaune as he quivered in fear. I pat his shoulders, and proceeded to jump off from the building.
I'm pretty sure Jaune either fainted or pissed his pants. Or just slumped, leaning on the wall as he said something about 'what the fuck was that'.
So I successfully escaped school. Yay. Too bad I had a tracking device on my body, and I said: Fuck you, I've got a mothafocking sonic screwdriver. Job done. I put the tracking device next to the dummy that I left earlier in my bed.
I could either run away from Beacon, right now, and nobody could stop me. But I didn't. Why? Because Eevee likes Beacon and Team RWBY, and it's going to be painful leaving those bastards while Eevee cries in sadness.
Trust me, I do not want to deal with that.
When it was all night, dark, and shady, I had to come back into the patient room again and acted like a slept like a log during the whole day when it was morning. Time limit. Got that?
So I started hopping and bhopping like a madman through the Academy while not getting detected by security cameras and guards alike, (I didn't know there were guards in Beacon in the first place...) I had to sneak through a bullhead so I would go to Vale.
And I'm in Vale. Still dark, and the clothes were kind of suspicious, since they were school uniforms. I had to get some different clothes entirely. Ditching the obvious red tie and blue vest, I went to climb a random wall to the rooftops.
It was just a city lookalike, but just cartoonish. Or something. So I crouched down, like Batman, and overlooked the area. Nothing out of the ordinary...
"HELP! PLEASE!" I heard a woman's voice calling for help, as two thugs tried to mug her. Seriously?
No, fuck that.
I grabbed a trashcan lid and threw it at them. Instantly knocking the woman and the two thugs out. Fuck you, and your stupid damsel in distress cliches.
Anyone who knew not to go in dark alleyways ALONE is definitely worth getting hit by a trashcan lid because they're so godamn fucking stupid.
Fucking hell. Protect yourself already, you stupid bitch!
So, I ran to rooftop over rooftop to look at the obvious things in a city. Nothing. Nada. Not a single mugging or a shootout in town. Yes, I'm probably lying and I just threw a fucking trashcan lid at the idiots if I had the chance.
When I thought this was a hopeless idea to search around the city like Batman, the Author 'gracefully' gave me a chance of fucking people up!
It was just a simple dust heist. Again from the infamous Roman Torchwick? No wait, it was just a simple heist for money from several people, each wearing a jack o' lantern on their heads (black balaclava) with guns. Sweet.
Time to terrorise these fucks.
"Johnny! Da fuck yer doing?! Did ya have to take a piss now?!" Pole, yes POLE said. Johnny took his time flushing out his insides because, why not? It was free to piss inside the bank, and he had to take a piss right now.
When he was minding his own business thinking about money and... girls, he didn't realise his 'stick' was getting larger. A hand grabbed his head and smashed him to the toilet walls, cracking the tiles.
Johnny fell down, coughing in pain as his lungs were restricted from air. Two arms came to his neck, choking him out, as he blacked out with his 'peepee' out. Mark stood disgusted, but still took the balaclava and the gun.
The gun was just a normal pistol using 9mm ammo-whatever they used in a pistol. Cocking the pistol (although Batman doesn't use guns), he readied a surprise to these unfortunate idiots.
"Come on, Johnny?! Let's go and zip your dick and move on! WHAT'S TAKING YOU SO LONG?! AND YOU!" Thug member, Zed pointed at the lone afraid teen girl that was standing a little taller than the downed people. "STAY DOWN! NOW!" The girl whimpered and told what she was told to do.
"What's taking him so long? Just finish the goddamn piss already! Sneez! Check the fool's ass! Shoot him if you have to!" Polo called out, as Sneez went into the restrooms.
"Yo! Johnny! Where's your ass at-" WHOOSH!
Suddenly, the lights went out. Everyone was in total terror as the lights suddenly went out just like that. Zed, Polo, Pole sweated heavily as they were afraid. Scared of the unknown.
BANG! BANG! BANG! "You ain't scaring us, fool! We ain't scared of you! Come out!" Pole called out in false bravado and shot multiple times, scaring the downed bystanders to cower.
Zed, the most fearful glanced at the afraid teen girl. "Get up. NOW! I SAID GET UP NOW!" Zed took her as hostage, seeing this in the movies.
"You messing with the wrong fellas, fool! I'm bouta bust a cap on your ass if you don't show up-" Mark threw a batarang at Polo's hand as he screamed and dropped the gun in surprise.
Mark quickly charged towards Polo and decked him towards the ground, punting him to unconsciousness. Pole, took his gun out and pointed weapons at Mark. "WHAT THE-" In fear, he emptied his mag with bullets at Mark.
Mark dodged the bullets with ease and dashed through the counter, and peaked his pistol and shot the feet. Howling in agony, Mark threw the pistol at Pole's face and knocked him out.
"FREEZE!" Mark stopped. A gun was pointed at a teen's girls head as Zed took her as hostage. Said girl was crying in terror.
"If you step any closer, I'll shoot her! I'll FUCKING DO IT! I'LL FUCKING KILL HER!" Zed shouted in fear while pressing the barrel of the gun closer to the crying girl's head. Mark went silent.
"Wha..? A fucking kid? THE FUCK ARE DOING HERE?! YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Zed, noticing the size of Mark and that he was just a teen, he was infuriated and pointed the gun at him and fired.
Unfortunately, Mark couldn't dodge the hit, but threw a batarang into the man's eye. Zed clutched his face in pain as the teen girl immediately escaped his grasp. Without hesitation, he slammed the man's body into the ground and started to beat him senseless.
With a final punch, the man's face was bloodied and beaten into submission. Mark stared at the bloodied fists and wiped it on the man's clothes. Before turning back, he saw the crowd, fearful of himself.
"Ugh..." He blocked the flow of blood in his wound. Looking back at the crowd, he raised a middle finger at them and quickly left the store. Leaving the bystanders VERY confused.
This was a bad idea. Why did I do this?! After climbing through the rooftops, I heard the sirens of the cops rushing for help. There was no doubt they could even catch my ass.
So I gritted my teeth. Running through rooftops and parkouring like Nightwing or Daredevil, I tripped. It was bad...
The flow of blood was dyed red through my white shirt, and I needed to get medical attention or else. The closest that I could find a first-aid kit was either a nearby house or the hospital.
And I ain't going near a hospital in this state. Thankfully, I came prepared with some stuff that I stole from the patient room. Pulling out the bullet with a tweezer, I sewed the wound shut and rolled it with some bandages.
I needed information. Good information rather than getting my ass whooped from a bunch of robbers. The closest place where I could know the in's and out's in Vale? Junior's Club.
Rather than saying a one-liner about 'paying him a visit', I'mma just gonna go.
"Aren't you too young for drinking, kid? Lemme see your ID..." Bouncer 1 said, along with Bouncer 2, who raised an eyebrow. I grunted and knocked the both of them out (somehow).
THAT was a risky move. Because I got my face planted on the ground. Spitting out the blood and wiping my mouth, I stole the red sunglasses and entered the club. Music blaring, lights flashing, a typical DJ Club for the enjoyers(?) and high idiots.
I still had my red tie, so I tied it on my shirt to match the sunglasses. Why? I don't want to look like an idiot.
Reaching for the bar, I sat on the stools and waited until Hei "Junior" Xiong, the person who owned the place came to serve. He greeted me with a smile.
"What can I- Aren't you too young for drinking, kid?" I rolled my eyes and gave him a 50 lien. I gave him the look of 'does it matter?' as he shrugged and took the large sum of money.
"Whisky. Just... whisky." I told him with a raspy voice as he raised an eyebrow. As prepared to serve my beverage, he wanted some questions to ask.
"So, for a kid that's wearing my henchmen's sunglasses in indoors, why are you here? I don't see you coming here very often, so this must be your first time..." He carefully stated. I scoffed and planted my face on the bar.
"Needed something to drink. They were in the way... I had too much shit to deal with." I groaned. Junior chuckled at the statement. I raised up and saw the beverage and took a swig.
I placed down the empty glass. "... Aw, crap." I stared at the empty glass and realised I drank an alcoholic drink.
"What? I thought you knew how to drink, kid. Something wrong?" Junior asked carefully. I gave him a wave that I was fine.
"No, it's just... Nevermind." I sighed and turned serious at his eyes. Junior was straight-faced, narrowing his eyes when I got serious.
"And I thought you came here for a drink. What do you want?" Junior glared.
"I wanted to ask some questions, Junior. Some about the matter of... any Military Equipment. Weapons. High Grade." I asked calmly as Junior was pondered about it.
"You can't just ask me these things to a kid. You got yourself a drink, and I can tell you to get out-" "I have close connections of a certain blond bombshell that might've crushed your balls. You want me to get her over here and wreck it again?" I raised an tired eyebrow. Junior frowned.
"You're just a kid. Walk away, I'm being kind enough tell you to step away from this business..." Junior warned. I glared at him.
"I just need some information, and that's all I need. Any price, I'll name it. I won't come back." I gave another 50 lien. Junior overlooked the sum of money and thought it for a moment.
"So, Milita, we got ourselves a trespasser~ He stole our bouncer's glasses, didn't he? Oh, it looks good on him, doesn't it?~" Melanie chirped behind my back.
"He looks for some business to attend to~ I wonder if he's free to join with us! He looks cute." The Malachite Twins sang. The twins of Junior's bar. May look not menacing at first, but they could definitely whoop my ass right now.
I rolled my eyes. It reminded me of the twins from Re:Zero, but far worse and more kickassery. I did not like how this goes... Junior overlooked at the twins and myself.
"Look, here's the deal. If you can manage my nieces to get a good time in the night, I'll give you the stuff you'll need. They've been bored lately dealing with asshats and rich boys. You may look decent, but you look like you know how to deal with bored women." Junior stated. I raised an eyebrow of confusion.
"You want me to... give them a good time or something? Okay. I can do that. But I need one thing." I raised a finger. Junior raised an eyebrow.
"What?" I grinned.
"Gimme an another swig of that. I ain't drunk enough to enjoy myself properly." Junior smirked and gave another swig of the whisky. I drank down the glass and slammed it on the bar.
Swinging the stool towards the twins with a grin, I took off the glasses. "Hello, ladies. I may or may not have some time staying here a little longer, so I am. Bored." I felt the confusion and caution coming from the twins. I grinned.
"I've been listening to that... Music lately. Ain't my cup of tea, that's for sure." I eyed the DJ. Secretly pulling out my sonic and turning off the speakers, I glanced at the twins.
"Can you lovely ladies escort me where the nearest instruments are?" I grinned welcomingly, as the twins looked at each other, confused at the fact that I didn't ask for any pickup liners, but strangely instruments.
"Hoh? You can play music?" Melanie asked as she covered her mouth in surprise. In response, I smirked at them.
"I can also sing. You ever heard of... Rock?" I suggested, causing the twins to tilt their heads in confusion. The night was young, and Remnant needed a recommendation in new tastes of music.
"Hey, what's that guy doing here?" "Why's the DJ out? Who's the new guy?!" "What is that..? Is that, a guitar?" The crowd murmured as a young man wearing a black fedora, black blazer, white shirt, and brown pants came to the stage and casually plugged the cords.
"Eh-hem. As you're all wondering why and where's the DJ? Well, he's missing. I was told to entertain y'all with my music so you won't get bored or anything. You can call me Jack, jackass, jacket, etc..." The crowd boo-ed, calling to get off the stage and bring back the DJ.
Rolling his azure blue eyes, he roughly interrupted the booing with a loud strum from the guitar. As the drums started to beat in a catchy style, the heavy rock guitar solo started.
[AN: AC/DC - Back In Black plays]
As 'Jack' started to shred the guitar with a guitar solo, the crowd was silenced and watched the new unique spectacle. They watched in awe, as Jack began to vocalise.
"Back in black!
I hit the sack,
I've been too long I'm glad to be back!"
The crowd was surprised to hear the unique voice. The voice of shouting and crying like a wild beast went loose.
"Yes, I'm let loose...
From the noose!
That's kept me hanging about,
I've been looking at the sky
'Cause it's gettin' me high!"
Jack pointed the ceiling.
"Forget the hearse 'cause I never die!
I got nine lives!
Cat's eyes~
Abusin' every one of them and running wild."
The crowd unconsciously nodded at the beat.
"'Cause I'm back~
Yes, I'm back~
Well, I'm back~
Yes, I'm back~
Well, I'm back, back~"
Jack moved around like a madman while strumming the solo.
"Well, I'm back in black!
Yes, I'm back in black!
Back in the back!
Of a Cadillac,
Number one with a bullet, I'm a power pack!"
He pointed at his chest and slapped it. The crowd nodded furiously.
"Yes, I'm in a bang,
With a gang-"
He pointed at the henchmen doing the drums and bass. They were mysteriously good at playing. Because of a certain semblance...
"They've got to catch me if they want me to hang,
'Cause I'm back on the track-
And I'm beatin' the flack!
Nobody's gonna get me on another rap!"
He pointed at himself.
"So look at me now,
I'm just makin' my play~
Don't try to push your luck, just get out of my way!"
He rapidly shouted, increasing the awe and hype from the crowd as they chanted on.
"'Cause I'm back~
Yes, I'm back~
Well, I'm back~
Yes, I'm back~"
The crowd chanted, all hyped up.
"Well, I'm back, back~
Well, I'm back in black~
Yes, I'm back in black!"
The guitar was shredding into more, and more, as the crowd chanted louder and louder as the twins and Junior nodded to the sicko beat.
"Well, I'm back, yes I'm back!
Well, I'm back, yes I'm back!
Well, I'm back, back~
Well I'm back in black!
Yes I'm back in black!~"
He furiously strummed the guitar rapidly and complicatedly, but it just hyped up the room! The crowd was going nuts.
"Ho yeah,
Oh yeah,
Yes I am~
Oh yeah, yeah oh yeah!
Back in now!"
He sang between the solo. The crowd was either cheering him on and singing with him.
"Well I'm back, I'm back!~
Back, (I'm back)!
Back, (I'm back)!
Back, (I'm back)!
Back, (I'm back)!
Back in black!
Yes, I'm back in black!!
Out of the sight!"
With a finishing solo, for a solid two minutes he hyped the crowd into cheering and they were hyped as hell. While finding a way to finish the solo, he just loudly strummed the guitar as a finish. The crowd went wild.
"YEAHHH!!" They all shouted in response in hype. Even the twins, Junior, came closer to listen and hear more of this new shit.
"GOOD! Copy ma beat, over and over, people!" Dun, dun, tch! Dun, dun, tch! Dun, dun, tch! Jack clapped and stomped. The crowd was hesitant at the demand but did it anyways, some missing the beat on time.
[AN: Queen - We Will Rock You plays]
Jack rolled in the drums to help them match the beat. Over time, the beat was ready. When the beat was playing multiple times, Jack voiced in the most majestic way possible. No autotone, 100% hype.
"Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise,
Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday!
You got mud on your face, you big disgrace-
Kicking your can all over the place, singin'-"
He motioned the rest of his band to sing the lyrics.
"We will, we will rock you!
We will, we will rock you!"
Jack whinked at the crowd to sing the next time.
"Buddy, you're a young man, hard man,
Shouting in the street, gonna take on the world someday!
You got blood on your face, you big disgrace!
Waving your banner all over the place!"
He pointed at the crowd in motion and they all sang in sync.
""We will, we will rock you, sing it!
We will, we will rock you, yeah!""
The chanting got louder, as the beat went more hyped.
"Buddy, you're an old man, poor man,
Pleading with your eyes, gonna get you some peace someday!
You got mud on your face, big disgrace-
Somebody better put you back into your place, do it!"
He furiously shouted and as the echoing strum of the electric guitar slowly creeped in, unnoticed from the hyped crowd.
"We will, we will rock you, yeah, yeah, come on!
We will, we will rock you, alright, louder!
We will, we will rock you, one more time-
We will, we will rock you!
The electric guitar slowly revealed itself and strummed into a loud echo, surprising the crowd as they all cried to welcoming and more hype as it went into a echoing solo. The crowd, a grin planted on their faces, as the solo finished.
"Alright I'm done." Jack suddenly monotonously pulled away his guitar as it took the crowd by surprise and shock. As most of them laughed and some were disappointed, Jack grinned and pulled back his guitar again, trolling the crowd.
"Just got nay-nayed! Ehhey!" Jack laughed as the crowd bursted into cries of joy seeing that wasn't the end.
[AN: AC/DC - Thunderstruck plays]
Taking the audience by surprise from the sudden rapid strumming from the electric guitar and the drums, they all had a grin on their faces and started to chant when Jack was shredding the guitar again.
As he continued to shred the guitar, as the crowd chanted, he chanted: "Thunder!", as the crowd continued to chant.
""Thunder!... Thunder! Thunder!""
They all chanted as each chant becoming more louder, as Jack began vocalising.
"I was caught,
In the middle of a railroad track...
I looked round,
And I knew there was no turning back!
My mind raced...
And I thought what could I do,
And I knew!"
He pointed at the crowd. They all grinned widenly.
"There was no help, no help from you...
Sound of the drums,
Beating in my heart!
The thunder of guns!
Tore me apart,
You've been...
The crowd chanted, but Jack continued to sing and strum.
"Rode down the highway,
Broke the limit, we hit the town!
Went through to Texas, yeah Texas, and we had some fun!
We met some girls,
Some dancers who gave a good time!"
As they didn't where 'Texas' was, but the twins momentarily looked at each other and grinned.
"Broke all the rules,
Played all the fools!
Yeah yeah they, they, they blew our minds!
And I was shaking at the knees,
Could I come again please?!
Yeah them ladies were too kind,
You've been...!
They all chanted and sang in sync when the final lyrics was called out.
"I was shaking at the knees,
Could I come again please…"
And he did it again, shredding the guitar again as the crowd went wild again. As they chanted Thunderstruck, everyone was hyped and fully excited to hear GOOD FUCKING MUSIC in their ears.
As he finished by slowing down the beat, he finished the song silently. Then the crowd filled the room like chaos as they chanted loudly at how awesome it was. They all bursted into cheers.
Jack was sweating heavily as he wiped a huge sweat from his forehead. Giving the guitar to a random grunt that was mysteriously good at guitar again, he slumped at a random seat.
"I don't know, guys... I'm getting pretty tired, I'm all wet, and I'm so sweaty! JESUS! I think I'm out of juice...!" Jack honestly replied. The crowd didn't take it too well as they booed in disappointment as they moaned for more.
"Hey, HEY! Be glad I'm doing this, and I'm not getting paid! YES! I'm getting paid! I'm doing this for free!" The crowd murmured in disappointment as they were wanted more, though reluctantly accepting the fact Jack couldn't play other round, they were VERY mistaken as Jack glanced at the piano.
"Yo, YO! 'You can't hype up the audience with a piano' They said. Well, I prove them wrong!" Jack grinned and the crowd again hyped up instantly when he got the piano.
[AN: Queen - Don't Stop Me Now plays]
As Jack sang and played the piano and confused the audience for a sec, but they all grinned when it was going to be a hell of a music.
"Tonight, I'm gonna have myself a real good time~
I feel alive and the world! I'll turn it inside out, yeah!
And floating around, in ecstasy...
So, don't. stop. me. now~... don't. stop. me,
'Cause I'm having a good time, having a good time!"
The crowd nodded to the beat and hyped up again when the rest of the band joined in.
"I'm a shooting star, leaping through the sky~
Like a tiger defying the laws of gravity!
I'm a racing car, passing by like Lady Godiva!"
They didn't care who 'Lady Godiva' was. The music was great. Hype. FUCKING YEH!
"I'm gonna go, go, go-
There's no stopping me!!
I'm burnin' through the sky, yeah!
Two hundred degrees,
That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit!
I'm traveling at the speed of light,
I wanna make a supersonic man out of you~"
They all nodded to the beat and they were having a one last hypetime.
"Don't stop me now, I'm having such a good time
I'm having a ball~
Don't stop me now,
If you wanna have a good time, just give me a call!
Don't stop me now, ('cause I'm having a good time)!
Don't stop me now (yes, I'm havin' a good time)!
I don't want to stop at all!!!"
Jack leaned closer to the mircophone and shouted.
"Yeah, I'm a rocket ship on my way to Mars,
On a collision course!
I am a satellite, I'm out of control~
I am a sex machine, ready to reload!
Like an atom bomb! About to,
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh explode!"
The lights brightened as the crowd literally jumped from the hype they were having.
"I'm burnin' through the sky, yeah!
Two hundred degrees,
That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit!
I'm traveling at the speed of light~
I wanna make a supersonic woman of you...!"
They all sang in sync in the next part. Jack leaned closer and cupped his ears.
"Don't stop me, don't stop me,
Don't stop me, hey, hey, hey!
Don't stop me, don't stop me-
Ooh ooh ooh, I like it!
Don't stop me, don't stop me,
Have a good time, good time!
Don't stop me, don't stop me, ah!
Oh yeah! Alright-"
The drums rapidly hit the drums so fast that Jack ACTUALLY leapt towards the guy who had his guitar and stole it from him and switched places, shredding the guitar again. Hype. Awesome. Best day.
"Oh, I'm burnin' through the sky, yeah!
Two hundred degrees!
That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit,
I'm traveling at the speed of light!
I wanna make a supersonic man out of you!"
They all chanted. It was a good day. No one could stop them now.
"Don't stop me now, I'm having such a good time,
I'm having a ball!
Don't stop me now,
If you wanna have a good time (wooh)!
Just give me a call! (alright),
Don't stop me now ('cause I'm having a good time, yeah yeah)!
Don't stop me now (yes, I'm havin' a good time)!
I don't want to stop at all...."
Jack howled in sorrow as the song was ending... As he finished the music with some humms, as the crowd had a gentle smile on their faces...
"La da da da daah,
Da da da haa...
Ha da da ha ha haaa!
Ha da daa ha da da aaa...
Ooh ooh ooh..."
He ended, as the crowd cried tears of joy from the magnificant night they just had. Jack grinned and threw a smokebomb, covering the whole area and catching all of them by surprise, as he disappeared without a trace.
Junior looked back at the bar, and saw a note. About his scroll address and a thank you card for the drink.
"Motherfucker... My head..." I clutched my head from the hangover. It didn't help that Morpheus perk didn't work to heal my goddamn headache! I somehow managed to get inside the room on time, but I couldn't remember anything.
I couldn't remember what happened. I mean, I'm serious! I really don't know what happened! With a splitting headache, I groaned myself to sleep again.
[AN: Please review. Add in some powerstones, comment, add to your collections (if you want), and stay safe! Have a good day!]