What's wrong in taking treasures from an immortals vault?

"Who dares to step into the house of This King with such arrogant words?!"

At the next moment, an ancient voice rang out, making their skins crawl.

But in the next moment, a young boy with cold blue eyes and icy-looking white hair suddenly appeared in front of them. His garments were of only two colours: White and Blue.

"Shota WI, how you been?"

"Kekeke, little Feng, I'm good, but the animes you gave me are gonna run out soon,"

"Oh, which ones did you finish?"

"Umm, lemme see One Piece, One Punch Man, Black Clover, Hunter X Hunter, My Hero Academia, Bleach, the Dragon Ball Series, Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, Boruto: Next Generations…" This was not the end of course.

Most of the anime Feng gave him were long, whether at the low-level long or the high-level long. Nevertheless, they were still long.

Instantly, Feng's companions were pushed to the side. What could they do, it was Feng; a weird monster-like youth, talking to the Wolf Immortal; a legend in the Fantasy Universe.

It was an odd scene, one of the strongest guys in the Fantasy Universe talking to a fellow at the middle of Jade Rank. Although they didn't interrupt, they still listened in.

"Tell you what, Feng, if you give me more animes, I'll do you a favour."

"But I already told you, I'm all out. What I gave you was the total amount of animes earth had!"

"Gahhhhh, dammit! Fine, give me something else that is comparable to anime,"

Feng was irritated. What could possibly compare to anime? It was also then that an idea hit him like a truck.

"I have it, Webnovels!"

"Ohh, those novels that those kids in the Fantasy Universe read on those photon light pcs? How could they compare with anime?"

Feng truly did not know, but then he realized that there was a professional write who resided in his body.

'That's right, Damon, he made some Modern Day Asuras novel, and since it was made by him, it was bound to be amazing on the level which it could compare to anime!'

Feng speculated in his head. He finally came to a conclusion and asked Damon for a copy of the book on an information jade slip.

[Oh, I see, I'll give you if you sincerely apologize for calling Behemoth a freak.]

'Ah, Damon old buddy, that matter has passed, why are you still dragging it!'

[Heh, quit playing Feng, nothing has passed until you apologize.]

'Gahhh, fine I'm sorry, I guess I would have been mad if someone called Torch or Long Hu freaks'

[Hoho, good little descendant, I wasn't that angry, just wanted to make sure that you didn't think that I was all jokes.]

Damon's cheerful laugh rang out through Feng's head, making Feng's face twitch angrily. But what could he do, Damon was his ancestor, and he still owed Damon an apology in the first place.

Damon promptly sent the novel into an Information Jade slip and gave it to Feng through the demon mark space. Feng in turn, handed it to the Wolf Immortal who opened the jade slip and read through it.

The party stood in the residence of the wolf Immortal and watched how he read though the Jade slip. They stood there for a long time, and it was only then that Feng realized that the Wolf Immortal had fallen for the book.

"Okay, let's head to the treasure vault now."

Feng announced with a smile as he moved further into the Wolf Immortal's blue crystal palace. The others looked at him with a blank look and followed after.

They reached the giant doors of the vault and stared as Feng inspected every inch of the door.

"Hmm, there should be an access code of some kind. Hm, what could it be. Hah, i got it!"

He muttered under his breath, then yelled when he figured it out.

"Cough, I Love Anime!"

"Access granted."

Feng muttered those few embarrassing words and waited for the recognition of the Artificial Intelligence system to give confirmation.

". . ."

'The access code was I Love Anime, speaking of that, what is Anime anyway?' The same thoughts ran through the minds of the Purple Midnight Mercenaries.

The vault opened and inside lay unimaginable riches.

Thousands and thousands of gold coins lay randomly on the ground, treasures that glowed with a holy or demonic light littered the grounds like garbage that could be picked up at anytime.

Feng picked up a random treasure and guess the rank; It was a sovereign level treasure, a fucking sovereign level treasure!

If Feng did not have divine treasures (the lightning and thunder blades), he would have taken this treasure in a heartbeat, but since he had divine treasures he would not take it, heck, that was not what the mercenary guild needed, so he would not collect it.

He finally located what he needed. It was a small and unadorned crimson-coloured metal ship, the reason he needed this was simple, he would use the free ship-pass into the Wasteland to get some things done, but it was a one-way ticket, so there was no way he would be able to get out of the Wasteland Continent without a ship that could withstand the tumulous waves and the sea creatures of the Desolate Sea.

"Hmm, I shall name her Asuras Vessel!"

He held the ship in his hand as he christened it Asuras Vessel.

"Kekeke, well guys, the Purple Midnight Mercenary guild is gonna take its first step into the outside world, who won't know us after this!"

Feng yelled, his cloak flapping in the non-existent wind, and his mouth-mask shaking under the effect of his words.

"Umm, sorry to break it to you, Feng, but we have to find sufficient backing first!"

"Hehehe, look at where we are now, is it sufficient backing enough!"

It was then they realized that they stood in the palace of an immortal, and that immortal was friends with the youth in front of them.