This was a critical situation!
Aelya avoided another strike with a roll on the side.
"What happened?" She asked without turning her head.
Edwyn was still casting his spell to give her more HP.
"The boss must have a spell, you need to be extra careful as we don't know if he can crit or not. Can't you block it?"
There was some sort of spell you can block with a shield, like a fire ball directly aiming at you. A block could reduce the damages taken.
"I can't, it was an aoe."
An aoe meant that the spell wasn't targeting her, but the surrounding so you couldn't block it.
Edwyn looked at the HP of the boss, then at his own Mana Point and made a rapid calculation. The boss made his spell after one minute of fight. Aelya was able to take him 3% and the young boy spent 20% of his mana to refill her HP bar.
In other words, he could support another 4 spells, at the condition that Aelya didn't take a basic strike. However, if the boss launched his spell every minute, the warrior could only take him 12% more HP.
And after that they would be dead.
Was it gonna be that simple?
No, there must be another solution!
Usually, game designers created boss with special pattern : It means that you could prevent a boss from using his spell, or at least be aware of the timing and avoiding it.
Years of bullying taught Edwyn a lot of things, and the first one was to always pay attention to details. By watching your surrounding, you could escape from a beating at the end of a class. Watching the glare around you could allow you to predict who will target you when they spent a bad day.
Being bullied at school and not giving up required two things : A lot of patience and tolerance, and a strong will to survive.
Well okay that makes three, but you also need to be flexible sometimes.
The boss was named "the Noisy" and his spell was a loud roar, it was a first indication. Edwyn didn't take any damage because he was far away, it was a second indication. The roar came after one minute, third indication.
Think Edwyn, think!
Aelya was holding her ground against Firwick, her HP bar was full and another minute was almost passed. Edwyn focused on the boss.
When the chronometer changed, The bear once again opened his muzzle.
Edwyn immediatly used a heal.
"Milady Aelya, did you find something unusual before the spell?"
"I'm sorry pretty boy but i'm already focused on his paws, you need to take care of this by yourself ! Can't you hold on?"
"Not enough PM for the entire fight, so unless you have a trump card able to one shot a wild boss, we are doomed."
'There must be a solution, there's always a solution."
She was right, and Edwyn knew it, however it wasn't that simple.
Think Edwyn, think!
The HP were refilled once again, the boss had 94% HP left, and the young boy had 60% MP left. Everything was going according to his calculation.
He needed to carefully analyze the situation. The key was to be able to take some distance with the boss before his roar, however Aelya couldn't move, or the boss will move too.
In other words, she needed to cancel the spell.
Edwyn was sure about this point : It was indeed a wild boss, however this was the beginning of the game : The game designer wouldn't create something players couldn't overcome.
Maybe she could use her shield in another way?
Like stunning him by aiming for his head?
"Milady, try to bash him with your shield!"
There was still 30 seconds left before his next roar, this was the perfect occasion to try different things.
Aelya avoided another strike and came closer, enough to hit the bear with her large shield.
The boss growled and immediatly strike back with a bite. It was too fast to avoid it.
Edwyn swore and healed her, however this price for his idea was too heavy ! He needed three spell to get her full life again, it was almost as if the boss used his spell !
But that was also a clue : Firwick used a special pattern to counter-attack : it means that her shield bash triggered a reaction!
Since the beginning of the fight, the boss only used his paws to strike, never his jaw, this was a sign!
The solution was to use the shield bash. Edwyn was almost certain of that, now what was left was the timing.
There was ten seconds left before the spell. Edwyn decided to try something.
"Count until 9 and use your shield again!"
Aelya nodded. Edwyn wasn't sure if she trusted him or just decided to try, however she didn't complain.
The minute came, Aelya bashed him without restrain, However he still roared.
"It didn't work!"
Edwyn gritted his teeth. What was going on?!
After using his heal on Aelya, he sighed while looking at his MP.
The young boy could only use 4 more spells before being Out Of Mana. It means that if they didn't find the solution before the next roar, they would be dead.
"I think this has something to do with the shield bash. But we need to find the right time to use it." He explained to her.
"I can't do anything so i'm counting on you pretty boy. Watch him closely and once you found your clue, just tell me. I'll do my part." Aelya calmy answered. Her focus never waned.
However her blind trust was gave even more pressure to Edwyn because now everything leaned on him.
Brace yourself Edwyn, you can do it!
Seconds passed and the time was almost up. The young boy squinted and focused.
44, 45, 46...50 seconds.
It was at this moment Edwyn saw something unusual.
It only lasted for a second, but he was almost sure he saw a glint in the eyes of the bear.
"Now!" He shouted.
As if it was an automatic reflex, Aelya hit the muzzle of the bear with her shield. The poor animal let out a squeal and moved back a little.
Edywn crossed his finger and began the countdown.
53, 54, 55... 60 !
Aaaaand no Roar!
The young boy almost jump for joy, they had found the solution!
"It worked!" Aelya noticed, smiling.
Indeed, it worked. Now it was the time for them to counter-attack and kill that damned "Firwick"!