Chapter - 42

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Chapter - 42: Sea God


[Typhon Pov]

After finishing my training, I felt much more relaxed as if I had reached a state where I had maximum control of my Ikari state even though I did not know exactly how far I was from a hypothetical SSJ4 transformation.

But to know this I would have had to be in my Golden Great Ape form, but to my misfortune it was too conspicuous and dangerous for the whole planet, I certainly didn't want to destroy it by accident.

My previous SSJ form had shaken the entire planet with ease, and I had no doubt that a higher form would turn it into many small pieces that would travel through the vacuum of the universe.

Above all, as a Saiyan warrior it was certainly easier to achieve such a transformation during a fight than a simple training that did not put my life at risk.

However, the most important step had been taken now all that remained was to take advantage of this possibility during my future battles. At the same time I could feel my New God side growing in strength, which had quite surprised me to be honest.

It seemed that my plan to use my Evil Ki to create my little cult was working more than I had initially anticipated. And I could only think of the look on some Amazons' faces as I turned their sisters into my pets before their eyes.

I also had to admit that I was realizing that I was enjoying inflicting mental pain on my enemies; it was certainly much more fun.

However, Hippolyta's help had been very important to me. Her knowledge about the divine domains of the gods had helped me better understand the situation I was in exactly.

It seemed, both old gods and new gods were born with a knowledge of their divine domains and how to develop them accordingly to become more powerful existences. But in my case, my other DNAs within my body had pretty much messed up this process.

Or rather, they had slowed down the process, at least until I killed Doomsday and the DNAs in my body were finally 100 percent compatible and I was able to use every single cell in my body to its full potential.

As for the divine domains of the new gods, I found that they were very similar to the titans who embodied their elements or rather concepts like living natural disasters.

And like them, the new gods were living ideas that took physical forms; they were practically immortal, at least as long as that idea of theirs existed in this universe and they could manipulate it at will.

After all, the Titans and New Gods aligned with the dark side were not benevolent to man. They did not understand compassion. How could they? The Titans were not like the gods who held command of their domains, they were simply them. How could the Sun understand Man, or how could the Ocean grasp the emotion of a mortal?

From the height of their thrones on mount olympus, they looked down on mortals, saw humanity as toys and amusements. And what some of them did, Iapetus the Piercer, Perses the Destroyer.

Not even the Olympian gods combined could kill the Titans, so they were imprisoned in the Pit of Tartarus for all eternity...

And now the Titans were back with my rise for their vengeance on the entire Greek pantheon, and they had offered me an alliance that was very tempting. Above all, if I faced Darkseid I needed all the help I could get against his endless hordes of Parademons.

Of course, I didn't trust them, but as they say keep your enemies' enemies close to you so that I could in case annihilate one of the groups in case an opportunity might present itself to me.

As for Circe I was waiting, I certainly did not want to make it known that I absolutely needed her alliance. Besides, I didn't think that witch would be willing to help me so easily as soon as I showed up in front of her palace.

That was why I had the idea of offering her as an offering for a long alliance between the two of us both Hippolyta and some other Amazons that I am sure her would have liked as a gift.

I could also have forced her in case, she didn't want to help me. But I had no intention of doing that, my enemy was without much more useful as an ally to increase my chances of victory against the strongest entities in this universe.

At that moment, a prickling sensation crawled up my spine, and my instincts flared with an alertness that demanded my attention. There was an undeniable presence approaching the island – a force of immense power. While I couldn't detect it using my Evil Ki, the intensity of this presence left me in no doubt that a formidable being was drawing near.

As I swiftly made my way towards the source of this impending power, I witnessed a remarkable scene unfolding before me. A man of mature age, his golden hair catching the sun's rays, strode forward with an air of unwavering authority. It was as if the sea itself parted to grant him passage, a display of dominance that couldn't be ignored.

[AN: Poseidon if I am not mistaken is supposed to be dead in DC, but anyway in this story he is alive together with his brothers]

Our eyes locked, and a palpable tension hung in the air between us. His voice dripped with arrogance as he addressed me, his words laced with a mixture of disdain and curiosity. "So, you're the one causing disruptions in our faith? I must confess, I expected someone more formidable when my brother tasked me with this investigation."

His words brushed against me like a passing breeze, and I could not help but feel a wave of amusement. This confident man underestimated the power that resided in me. My tail swayed playfully behind me, like a silent taunt dancing with the wind.

With a casual but measured demeanor, I met his gaze in front of me. "Appearances can be deceiving," I replied, in a calm, confident voice. "And faith, like power, is not really to my liking. If I kill all your followers, you face a significant reduction in power. I prefer to become strong by not relying on something external like faith."

The man's eyes narrowed slightly, perhaps registering a glimmer of recognition in my words. But his arrogance remained unchanged. He considered me insignificant, an obstacle to be dealt with quickly.

As the tension rose between us, the island seemed to hold its breath, nature itself awaiting the outcome of this encounter. I could sense the energy swirling around him, a powerful aura that hinted at his true capabilities.

Inside, I prepared myself for the challenge ahead. This meeting would be an excellent challenge to test my new power; it was a battle by which even the old gods would become aware of my power.

I would show them that my power, harnessed from within and tempered by control, was more powerful than any faith or any divine power. With a determined resolve, I prepared for whatever lay ahead, with my senses tuned to every nuance of the ongoing confrontation.

The stage was set and the dance between two formidable beings was about to begin.
