Chapter 43

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Chapter 43: A weak old god


The resounding laughter of the Sea God, Poseidon, resonated through the air, mingling with the growing intensity of his aura. His amusement quickly transformed into a serious expression as he regarded me with an air of contempt. His words dripped with confidence and superiority, an echo of his assumption of imminent victory.

I met his challenge with unwavering resolve, a smile tugging at the corner of my lips. As his aura grew more pronounced, the sea itself responded, churned by his power. The waters around us became a reflection of the impending clash, mirroring the turbulent emotions coursing through the atmosphere.

"Haahhah" The Sea God could not help but laugh as his expression became more and more serious "Such arrogance! Tell me before I defeat you and bring your body kneeling before my brother's throne, what is your name?" Poisedon asked as the sea around him became more and more violent.

His demand for my name was met with a knowing glint in my eyes. With a controlled calmness, I revealed my identity, allowing my Evil Ki to surge around me, a palpable force that added weight to my words. "I am sure my name will sound familiar to you," I remarked, my voice carrying a subtle challenge. "I am Typhon."

The revelation seemed to strike Poseidon like a bolt of lightning, his eyes widening in surprise. His mind raced to remember the ancient tales, the legends of a monstrous force that had once wreaked havoc upon Mount Olympus itself. The memory of that colossal being, born of Gaia, who had brought even the mightiest of gods to their knees, filled his thoughts.

But in his moment of distraction, Poseidon had momentarily forgotten the battle that raged before him. A critical mistake, as my own preparations were completed.

With a flash of movement that defied the eye, I appeared before Poseidon, my fist meeting his ribcage with unrelenting force. The impact reverberated through the air, a testament to the my power. Poseidon coughed blood, his body propelled through the air, and he plunged deep into the churning sea.

The waters swallowed him, and for a moment, a tense stillness settled over the scene. But it was only a temporary respite, a momentary pause in the battle that would inevitably resume. My gaze remained fixed on the spot where Poseidon had vanished, my senses attuned to any movement, any sign of his return.

As the sea roiled and churned, I stood poised, ready for whatever challenges lay ahead. The encounter with Poseidon had escalated, and there was no turning back now.

Realizing that Poseidon had no intention of emerging from the sea's depths, and my Ki detection proving futile in locating him. If Poseidon sought to evade me beneath the waves, then I would follow him into his realm.

With a powerful surge of energy, I propelled myself further into the ocean's embrace, my body cutting through the water with determined purpose. The pressure of the depths pressed in on me.

The water seemed to take on a life of its own, its currents guiding me as I pursued Poseidon's elusive presence. My movements became more fluid, more attuned to the underwater environment. I could feel the pulse of the sea, a rhythmic heartbeat that resonated with the ebb and flow of life.

And then, there he was – Poseidon, his form a silhouette against the deeper blue of the abyss. Our eyes locked, a silent acknowledgment.

Without hesitation, I closed the distance between us, my movements a testament to my my desire for battle. The water seemed to respond to my every command, aiding my pursuit. Poseidon's expression shifted from surprise to a renewed determination, and he readied himself for our impending clash.

As our blows met with explosive force, the water around us seemed to surge and surge, echoing the intensity of our battle. Each strike was a symphony of power and skill, a dance between two formidable adversaries. The sea currents carried the echoes of our struggle, a testament to the raw energy that coursed through us.

In the midst of this aquatic battleground, an opportunity presented itself – a chance to take our confrontation to even greater depths, quite literally. With a surge of determination, I made the decision to chase Poseidon further into the ocean's embrace.

Without hesitation, I propelled myself forward, my body slicing through the water with a newfound ease. The weight of the ocean pressed against me, a constant reminder of the depths to which I was descending.

As I pursued Poseidon, the pressure increased, the water pushing against me from all sides. But I was undeterred. Instead, I embraced the challenge, my focus narrowing solely on my target. The resistance of the water became a tool, a force that I harnessed to enhance my speed and power.

With each stroke, with each kick, I felt a wave of energy propelling me forward. The colors of the ocean changed around me, sunlight filtered through the depths, creating an ethereal spectacle. Poseidon's form became clearer, his movements easier than before now that he was in his full domain. He turned toward me, with a mixed expression of arrogance and ferocity.

Our gazes crossed and a silent understanding was established between us. This battlefield was now his stage, on which he would achieve total victory against me.

Anticipation hung in the water, a tangible tension charging the currents around us.

I pushed toward Poseidon, my fist pointed with unyielding intent. The water seemed to split in front of me, a testament to my strength. My knuckles collided with Poseidon's side, and the impact sent shock waves through the water, a brilliant display of energy and movement.

Poseidon grunted, his body reacting to the force of my blow. But he was far from defeated. As the sea currents swirled around us, he unleashed a torrent of water, a powerful flow that threatened to engulf me. I pushed myself against the current, muscles tense from exertion as I held my course.

The battle between Poseidon and I raged on, a clash of power and divine power that reverberated through the underwater depths. With a surge of energy, I unleashed a blow so powerful that it could have brought the mightiest of titans to their knees. The force of my strike sent shockwaves through the water, creating a dazzling display of raw power.

But Poseidon was not one to be easily won. As the waters churned around us, he summoned the trident from his domain and the glittering weapon materialized in his hand. With fierce determination, he hurled the trident with all his strength, the weapon cut through the water toward me.

The trident struck me in the chest with a thunderous impact and with a speed that was truly impossible to dodge, while his divine weapon was empowered by his divine power and the waters of his domain.

The divine weapon succeeded to my surprise in lightly shattering my armor and penetrated my chest as my blood poured out as proof that I was wounded.

The force of the blow hurled me away. I tumbled into the water, my body contorted by the force of the blow. The pain was intense, but I refused to give in. I regained my bearings, my eyes fixed on Poseidon towering over me with an expression of triumph on his face.

"You he who takes the name of the beast of calamity... You have lost this and my victory and a demonstration that The Olympian who never again succumbs to such a defeat!"

The god of the seas declared my defeat, his voice echoing through the water as he proclaimed the fate of those who dared to oppose him. I could feel his arrogance, his belief that victory was now assured. But much to Poseidon's surprise, I was far from defeated.

With a surge of rage, I rose to my feet, my grip tightening around the trident that protruded from my chest. Ignoring the pain, I yanked the weapon free, a guttural roar escaping my lips. The sight of my defiance seemed to catch Poseidon off guard, his expression shifting from triumph to disbelief.

In one fluid motion, I hurled the trident back at Poseidon, a diversion that masked my true intention. The god easily dodged the projectile, a smug grin on his face. But my throw had been calculated. It was a distraction, a ploy to draw his attention away from the real attack that followed.

With an explosive burst of speed, I closed the distance between us, my movements fueled by an unwavering determination. Before Poseidon could react, I slammed into him with bone-shattering force, the impact sending shockwaves through the water. He struggled against my onslaught, but I was relentless, my strength and will unmatched.

Again and again, I slammed Poseidon against the ocean floor, each impact driving him further into the depths. The god's struggles grew weaker, his once proud demeanor now replaced with vulnerability and desperation. With a final, powerful blow, I knocked him unconscious, his body limp and defeated in my grasp.

The waters around us stilled, the sea seemingly holding its breath as the battle reached its conclusion. I stood over Poseidon's unconscious form, my chest heaving with exertion, my victory hard-fought and well earned.

"It looks like the name Typhon will give your nightmares for a few thousand more years," I could only say, as I retrieved the body of the god of the seas that I would use to weaken the old gods.
