Chapter - 22


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Chapter - 22: Typhon vs Doomsday


"So what do you want to do?" asked Gilotina with some concern evident on her beautiful warrior face.

I could only remain silent as I looked through the television set that was in front of my eyes at that moment and from which I could not look away. The battle had begun and was raging as the various Kryptonians who had broken free from the phantom zone began to destroy everything in front of them, with no regard for any human life.

And they seemed quite intent on turning this planet into the next Krypton, or at least they had something like that in mind after enslaving the entire human population.

But strangely enough, Doomsday was calm and kept moving forward, destroying every obstacle in his way, and if you paid enough attention, you could see that everything in his path was dying, as if he were the embodiment of destruction.

This had given the Justice League a way to first take care of the various Kryptonians and then hope they could take care of him... It was not wrong to say he was their biggest threat.

Yes, they could also see the little helpers trying to help out as best they could, trying to evacuate the civilians as quickly as possible without creating even more confusion and panic.

"We are leaving," I said in a firm tone, "it is impossible to hide from him, if he is not defeated it is likely that this planet will come to a bad end."

Gilotina merely nodded at my order, as if it were something natural to her. But not everyone seemed very convinced of my choice, since I was practically revealing myself to the world.

"If you join this battle, it is very likely that your true identity will be revealed," Slade said, "Batman, certainly not a stupid, will already have many theories about you.... We are only safe because we have erased most of our tracks, but that will no longer be the case if you reveal yourself to the world."

"That doesn't worry me, I have a plan in mind," I said confidently, unfolding my gaze on Dr. Hamilton, "And he will be the main actor in all of this."

Hamilton showed no surprise on his face; after all, I had talked to him before, and I had found out some time ago that this universe differed greatly from the Unlimited series, even though it featured some characters from that world.

This explained the reason for my attack by the chicks Squad.... Dr. Hamilton was seen as their ally, and not... As a mad scientist who creates violent and destructive clones that endanger the entire planet,

the fact that I had taken him hostage after my awakening was certainly frowned upon; the fact that they had even chosen a preemptive strike against me clearly managed to convey my level of dangerousness.

However, it was useless to think too much about the past, and I explained in detail the plan I had devised, while I could watch the expressions of the people around me change, especially the girls who showed themselves clearly surprised and unhappy.

"And a stupid plan!" declared Rose with obvious frustration. "You are not even considering that they will be able to take other measures to be able to contain you, and this way it will be impossible to escape from that place."

"I am very sorry to admit it, but this time I agree with her stupid plan," stated Lilith, as she approached. "Your plan really has too many variables; we don't know how the Justice League will react to your new identity. Above all, you don't even know if they will lock you into that 'place' you want...."

It was all I could do but nod at the girls' words, but it was also a possibility, especially now that Doomsday had just shattered the phantom zone it was a risk that would pay off.

Gilotina remained silent with a thoughtful expression. But I could feel an absolute confidence coming from her; she believed that I would not lose to anyone, no matter who the opponent was.

"I think you two are too sentimental-I like this plan," Slade said with a hand on his chin as he looked at the man in white robes in front of him. "Hamilton, can you tell his resistance to Kryptonite?"

"Subject #0's plan is not bad," Hamilton said in a calculating tone. "It should be at least 60-70%. This would help growth with another prolonged contact with Kryptonite. It should allow him to have complete immunity, eliminating a weakness that would take him to the top of the food chain," Hamilton said, ending his explanation.

The girls did not seem entirely convinced by Hamilton's words, but they were well aware that the decision was not theirs to make, so they remained silent and simply tried to lend their support.

"But can this monster really be defeated?" asked Lilirh with some apprehension in her gaze, with which Rose seemed to agree....

I can't...

That was the only thing I could think of. But I was not so heartless in saying it in front of two friends who looked at me with clear concern written in their eyes. "I will not die... So trust my strength."

It was indeed ironic that I was relying on my immortality (adaptation) by fighting him, but it was the only thing that gave me any hope of victory.

The two girls, however, always maintained a clear reluctance to see me fight to the death with Ultimate, but I had to do it to move forward and leave my fears and doubts behind.

I could only show a satisfied smile, seeing that they all agreed with me. "Then it's time to go," I said, extending my hand with the clear intention that they would grab it.

They had already seen some of my Ki techniques during our training. So I had no need to further explain the most famous technique in the Dragon-ball universe.

"Remember you two, to join the Justice League teams and don't try to fight opponents just the two of you, " I said, in a tone that left no misunderstanding whatsoever. "They are a completely different league from you, at least for the time being."

The two girls nodded as the two of them grasped my hand. Along with a Gilotina who chose a much more intimate approach, wrapping one of my arms in her embrace being able to clearly feel her boobs squish around my massive figure.

But I ignored it was certainly not the time to think about something like that. "Cortana set the Saiyan armor functions to maximum on Cellular Regeneration" I needed all the help I could get for the battle I was about to face.

[Of course, master armor functions successfully optimized].

"Great..." And without wasting further time not wanting this planet to be completely reduced to cosmic dust, I focused on the strongest Ki I could hear from this planet and teleported right in front of him.
