Chapter - 23

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Chapter - 23: Interlude (SuperGirl)


SuperGirl - Pov

I was flying through the skies near the city center, which at that moment was a large battlefield. To try to get most of the civilians to safety, but at the same time I couldn't help but frown in annoyance.

Stupid cousin! And especially stupid Starr(Power Girl)!

Just because she was my counterpart from another universe, she certainly could not give me orders as if she were my boss, or even my mother!

She was definitely more mature, wise, stronger and had a clear athletic figure is slender and much more curvaceous than sensual mine.... And as if that still wasn't enough of a tease. She was especially well endowed with such big boobs that drove every single man who saw them crazy.

I really didn't understand why they valued my strength so highly under me. Even though I was a Kryptonian like them, just because I was a little blond girl doing more harm than good for the planet.

They considered me practically just a child, it wasn't fair, instead of helping to save different civilians. I could have done much more to help and support the League in a time of crisis like this.

Even Superboy was treated better than me and he was weaker than me!

"Sigh" Oh, there was a hint of disappointment, bitterness and even obvious frustration and more in my sigh, but confusion reigns as champion in the arena of my emotions.

Honestly when I first came to this world I didn't really care about human life. But now it was a little different even though my thinking hadn't changed completely, I made friends that I could confide in. and talk to without too much trouble

But the main reason for my change was that I realized that I loved to be praised while saving different people, and after coming to this planet and becoming the famous Supergirl.

For these people, I felt like I had become indispensable to them, like little puppies seeing their master...

Maybe I won't say it out loud, but the truth is harder to evade at times like this, while a part of me wondered: 'Why did I have to do all this?'

When I could have it all on my own strength? And I had no need for anyone to tell me what I should or should not do!

Most of my friends did not even seem to understand their feelings, and I could hardly blame them for that-after all, they were simple human beings using martial arts or advanced technology to fight.

They did not know what it felt like to be able to lift the entire mountain with ease, or to go to the moon to clear their minds and defeat most enemies with ease, which others would have a hard time doing.

Although some were very arrogant, as if they did not realize our difference in strength.... *Uhg* Dick (Nightwing) Well, I wasn't shy, I wore a rather small skirt like SuperGirl and I knew I was very sexy.

But that didn't mean I liked the fact that he had his gaze on my ass, especially since I wasn't the only one being looked at that way.... And he meanwhile was in a relationship with Batgirl that did not seem to be enough to satisfy him.

What a piece of shit...

Maybe that was why I didn't like guys like him at all. And instead I had a definite preference for older, more mature men both physically and mentally.

It was really hard to start a healthy relationship with my strengths.... There was always a kryptonite collar, but it certainly wasn't the same. The knowledge that I had someone next to me with the same or even stronger strengths.

Landing on a rooftop, I approached my best friends who have been with me since I had arrived in this world and gave them a little wave as I asked. "So how is everyone's evacuation going?" I asked the amazon and punk girls in front of me respectively.

"We're almost done, and then we can join in giving support to the other teams who are having more difficulty," Cassandra replied, with a cold tone unlike her usual cheerful, bubbly demeanor.

"I don't understand why we can't join the battle!" asserted Crush with clear anger, "We are the best heavyweights in the League. And instead we're here giving them support while they're fighting, it's not fair!"

I sighed to myself, noting their irritated and unpleasant tone. I could hardly blame them for this; it had only been a few weeks since the devastating defeat and the recent recovery from injuries.

They had had their pride completely crushed, having been kicked in the butt so easily that one could doubt their abilities and especially their strength.

Both had many responsibilities.... Cassandra was the new Wonder Girl personally trained by WonderWoman and lost so easily to a man she knew nothing about... Unlike her, Crush came from a peaceful race, but she had taken on her father's terrible personality and always wanted to be the best at everything and especially hated to lose.

There were also good things from this defeat, though. In a way it served them to take training more seriously, especially for Crush who was used to jumping all the time confident of her strength.

But if I had to be honest I had been a little afraid of them for a while, they seemed to have become completely obsessed with "him" by continuing to watch the video of that battle completely obsessed...

Anyway, back to my rescue task I walked away from Cassandra and Crush to finish the task assigned to me and used my X-ray vision to see if anyone was still here... And to my surprise I saw a little girl walking slowly, with clear confusion written on her face as she tried to hold back tears from fear.

Seeing this spectacle in front of my eyes, I did not wait even a second and rushed to her and grabbed her to avoid further danger she might encounter.

But suddenly I looked around as I held the little girl in my arms, felt a hint of urgency overpower me, but before I could think about it. I could the ground around me shake powerfully as I turned my gaze behind me and saw the form of Doomsday approaching my position.

At that moment I finally understood why my cousin did not want to face another time even had managed to defeat him.... He was an abomination that should not exist in any way!

My body did not stop shaking as his red eyes rested on my figure, my instincts telling me to run and not to turn back or else I would die without any doubt. But at that very moment when I believed that for the first time in my life I would have to fight for my life....

All I could see in front of me was a big back with visible muscles that only gave me a feeling of absolute strength and all I could think at that moment, 'Was this the feeling you get when you are being protected by someone?
