chapter 24

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chapter 24: Typhon vs Ultimate Part-2


Looking at the environment in front of me and all I saw in my vision was the neutral face of Doomsday and I had to resist a chill that wanted to run down my spine, but going I certainly did not flinch.

Also as if that were not enough I could sense several very strong life energies around me that were fighting with obvious vigor right now, without thinking much about the damage they were causing. Especially at this moment there was a great source of Ki behind me...

Turning my head, my eyes fell on a newcomer whom I could not help but recognize immediately, since she was wearing the distinctive S that I knew most of the characters in this universe wear.

She stood just away from our group, fatigue radiating from her stance suggesting that she had of a fairly traumatic situation, and her bright blue eyes moved steadily as if she considered everything around her a danger to herself.

Her long blond hair fell over her shoulders and back in a single wave, like classical beauty. Her cheekbones were short but sharp, seemingly only to widen and accentuate her bright stellar smile.

Although she looked like a healthy beauty, her figure and shape said otherwise. Curves and muscles wrapped perfectly together in an all too familiar archetypal mold. The cheerleader's daughter and all-American country girl.

A small waist and defined pecs possible only from a specifically required workout routine, or God's honest work in Mother Nature... And her ass--from a very kind but lustful God. Someone who could fit without a problem in the Playboy Centerfold.

My interest was aroused, not because maybe sexy I have something like that. But mostly I could feel her negative emotions inside her. There is a bitterness there and also a lot of hidden anger that was growing inside her, just below the surface waiting to be unleashed.

However, I could think about it at a later time.... And without looking back any further, I focused all my attention on the behemoth in front of me who seemed strangely calm. I certainly wasted no further time on the girls beside me.

"Go!" I stated forcefully, at this moment I just needed to be able to use all the power of my Ki without killing anyone.

The three girls looked at me for a few seconds before they nodded and grabbed the little blonde girl who was confused and dragged her away so that they could get away from this future battlefield that a deadly confrontation was about to take place.

And just at that moment. I found myself being charged against me.... I had the distinct impression that I was not at all fast in his eyes. Something tells me that he was following all my movements, and if I tried to run away.... He would take me down.

My body just told me that me... He was unquestionable. An absolute being who was about to overwhelm me with all his strength with the intention of destroying and annihilating me leaving nothing of me behind.

I could only give a subtle smile before taking action. In an instant, I closed the distance between us, but Doomsday easily followed my movements, remaining cool even when I threw a test shot in his face.

However, he escaped his guard, striking me in the cheek even as my fist struck in retaliation. His face was completely unharmed. I felt as if I had punched a wall....

His head swung backward from the force of the blow, but I had no illusions that he was somehow injured.... And judging by how adamant he was, he expected it. His fist came close to my ribs, only to be caught and deflected at the last second, saving me from a debilitating blow.

I could not beat him in a simple test of strength, so I had to remain calm, study his moves, and act accordingly with the old martial arts that both Rose and Gilotina had taught me for a situation like this.

As soon as it was clear that the first blow was not going to go my way, I found another one running toward my face. I dodged it by kicking him in the stomach and used it more or less as a springboard to try to get away from him, rather than stick around and have to deal with the "inevitable irritation" that my attack would cause.

Before I could finish my attack, I suddenly found myself pushed to the ground with my arms behind my back. Once my thoughts returned to me, I instantly bent down and tried to free myself from the hold, but Doomsday, the person holding me.... well, his hands were immovable

"AAaargh!!!" cried Doomsday, pushing me harder to the ground as I tried to push my arm up and, for the first time since I had arrived in this world.

I felt pain...

"Argh!" I let out a yelp before turning my head to look back at Doomsday's steely red eyes looking coldly at me.

He really was much stronger than me. Significantly, even using my Ki, at least in a completely physical confrontation, he was even closer to being a hundred times stronger than me. It was comparable to being cosmic. I could feel the width between our power....

Our gap was so great that I knew the blow that had shattered my hand, from the punch he had thrown. His face was contorted into an angry snarl, a fury in his eyes that was slightly diminished by confusion when my words reached his ears.

My eyes could only close dangerously as I said, "Ultimate, don't you dare treat me as your previous opponent!" I shouted as I did my best to break free. When I decided I couldn't push him away, I raised my free arm and folded my hand into the hardest fist I could while red-black Ki covered my entire arm.


Doomsday's figure flew thousands of meters away from me. And I used this precious moment to increase my chances of victory as I felt my body become much larger and bulkier, but in return I could feel my mobility and reflexes decrease significantly.

*Ultra Form*

*Instant Teleportation*

I appeared over his body as I sent him flying farther and farther away, but certainly not stopped and continued to attack him without any intention of giving him time to be able to react to my incessant blows.

But at some point, like my expectations his adaptability managed to figure out my movements and thwart me from continuing my attack....

Doomsday advanced, lashing out with one hand and shoving him into my chest. It wasn't really an attack, but I was still thrown off and sent straight to the ground, and I could feel a feeling of danger overpowering as I watched his eyes begin to glow red...

Two beams of energy were shot from his eyes striking me directly and plunging me even further to the earth. The dirt and stone did little to stop me until I infused my Ki into the area protecting me from possible attacks, strengthening me enough to stop and be able to counterattack.

He had not pushed me hard enough to send me straight across the planet, but I was easily sent a few hundred meters underground. A sigh escaped me: I heard a ki bubble break, but I did not hear the man inside fall. Nor was he ferried to a safe place. Some earth fell from the ceiling of the tunnel that had been dug with my body, the earth landed on my face.

The dark tunnel glowed with purple light as the bones of my hand were repaired by my Ki and regeneration. Once healed, my hand was stronger and naturally more resilient than before.

It was disordered. And I was beginning to have doubts about my approach in this fight-in fact, I had doubts about myself.... But these were separate issues! In spite of everything, I still had my reason and I had to face this fight for my future.

Then I threw a punch and crossed the ground as a giant crater was created that looked like it could divide the whole earth. And as I did so, I went through my body and freed myself from the arm lock. But I didn't stop, I kept going and finally my fist hit his face.

As the same fist force was directed toward my arm, I felt my body learning from the attack. Getting stronger and harder, more efficient with its energy and movement.... It was as if my cells were built to learn during a fight. Which, I guess, they are. But I felt my whole body getting stronger through a blow than the training I had done since I came to this world.

As I stood up, or rather floated because of the lack of ground to stand on, I went running toward him to get an advantage, but I was hit and sent back.

But suddenly he appeared in front of me, and before I could even react his hand grabbed my neck and began to squeeze so hard that even with my Ki protecting me I felt the bones in my neck begin to break....

But what I could do in time was to take a very quick but deep breath, trying to rebel but with evident little result. "Typhon!" I could hear Lilith screaming as I tried to push his fingers away from my throat, but all he did was ignore it as his attempts yielded no return.

"ROOOAR!" He screamed at me with such force that it made my surroundings tremble, and I really had to resist the urge to roll my eyes as I spit out a lump of blood.

"You don't scare me, Ultimate!" I shouted hoarsely because I was choked up, but still clearly enough to be understood. But he didn't seem to like my answer in the least as his hand tightened around my neck.
