
After 3 hours of more sleep, I was finally able to check myself out and be with the others in the waiting room. Catherine wants me to go back to the hotel suit so I can rest better but I declined, I want to be here in case Adam wakes up. 

When I entered the waiting room, everyone was there. Ofelia, Frank, and Abby too. "Oh my god, poor child." Ofelia stood up the moment she saw me and she welcomed me with open arms.

I leaned on her embrace and I closed my eyes as she hugs me back warmly "I'm glad you're all here." I told her. 

She rubbed my back and kissed me on the cheek "I'm glad we're all here for Adam. Come sit." she guided me back to the chair and I obliged. 

Frank and Abby approached me too so they can greet me. Martin is still nowhere in sight and I am hoping that there's some light shed on the whereabouts of the shooter. 

"I'll go get us something to drink." Catherine offered.