Bringing Home A Lost Lamb Chapter 41

Fiona turned to Bannon and said, "Go find your father and tell him to come here at once."

If course, how could this commotion in the kitchen escape the whole houses attention, Henry just happened to be walking down out the door when he heard shouting coming from the kitchen area vaguely.

Wondering if that weird little girl had finally come back inside now, he made his way to the kitchen and was almost ran into by Bannon who was hurtling out of the kitchen as if the poor boy was being chased by lions.

After the close encounter in the hallway Henrys interest was peaked.

What was going on right now? It was still fairly early for all this.

Making his way into the kitchen, Henry was greeted by a sight most strange, indeed.

Miriam looked like she had stuffed her head into a dirty pail of water.

Her dress was in shambles, and she had no stockings or socks on.

What surprised him the most, was that their was a middle eastren looking child in a corner nearby.

"Whats going on in here?" Henry said as he entered the kitchen in haste.

Fiona, upon seeing this boy who was almost a man entering the kitchen, quickly stood in front of Miriam, since she looked so terrible right now.

The child, upon seeing the male enter the room, looked somewhat frightened.

Turning his head and seeing a middle eastern child, Henry was somewhat dumbfounded at first.

What was this kid doing in his aunt's kitchen?

Also, what the hell happened to his clothes? Did he get attacked by wolves or something?

Turning to look at where Fiona was, he saw on the nearby table cloth that looked like it belonged to the boys outfit originally.

In the cloth there were gooseberries which looked plump, ripe, and freshly picked. Mixed in along with the gooseberries, what looked like leaves from the dandelion plant were scattered in along with batch of fruits.

"Ah, hello Henry. I happened upon what I think was an attempted murder by drowning when I went for a walk in the woods nearby. Luckily, I can swim and I went into the water and rescued him after the culprit left the vicinity of the body of water." Explained Miriam, as she came out from behind Fiona. Gracefully she walked up to Henry who was easily well over 5 feet tall.

"Do you mind fetching a dry blanket for our guest? He seems rather frightened. Ah, also. Do you know Turkish or Arabic. Perhaps maybe Egyptian? I believe he is from a Turkish speaking place. First go get me a towel or blanket please. Actually, get two. Might as well get one for me as well." She said while musing to herself.

Hemry didn't know wether or not to go and do as the little girl asked him to do. He was a proud male, ought he not take commands from a little girl not even one/third of his age

As if sensing possible prideful problems from the half grown man in front of her, Miriam decided to turn up her charm and cuteness factor.

"Please? I'm very cold..." Miriam said as a small tear escaped one of her tear ducts and began to slide down her ivory complected cheek.

Blinking her limpid blue eyes, and holding her breath a bit so her face turned redder, Henry finally conceeded and left to room rather clumsily to go procure some dry blankets and or towels.

Finally letting out a sigh, Miriam didn't have the time to relax because before she could even get half a minutes worth of peaceful breathing into her lungs, her father entered the scene.

Seeing his money making daug- his beloved youngest daughter in such a dampened, dirty, and disheveled state, Mr.Stuart was about to enter into damage control mode.

What happened? Was his daugther assaulted? No it can't be! All his future plans of amassing even greater wealth and status!

However, upon seeing the calm look in his daughters eyes she didn't look like that worst case scenario had happened to her.

Where was Beatrice?! Wasn't she supposed to be watching his daughter?

Looking at Mr. Stuart, who looked like he was about to blow a gasket and explode in anger.

"Mr.Stuart, Beatrice was asked to go accompany Anetta with Francine to go out in town to get things needed for her upcoming debut party. She tried to refuse but Francine insisted that she needed a personal maidservant or else it would seem dishonorable." Fiona said to Mr. Stuart before continueing, " And I was ordered to bath the mistress of the house early in the morning and help Kitty do the laundry by Francine."

"Is that why no breakfast was being worked on when I woke up this morning? Consquently making it so I had no choice but to go forage in the wilderness for food? In the process, coming across a child in distress and a potential murder plot." Miriam stated loudly so the whole bottom half of the house could hear.

Nathanial happened to meet Henry in the hall, on Henry's way to fetch the blankets. Where upon Henry relayed the odd scene he saw in the kitchen, and Nathanial made haste to go down to the kitchen to investigate what was going on for himself.

Upon entrance to the kitchen, Nathanial saw the state is littlest sister was in, and the strange looking child foreigner in drenched clothes.

The expression on his fathers face was the worst he'd ever seen it. Mr. Stuart was practically seething in anger.

"Fiona, go get the First Footman, and tell him to gather the houses total expenses for not only the past year, but the last 10 years. Fiona, after your done with that, go to fetch Kitty the maid of this house to come here right this minute. After fetching her here, take all the female children besides Miriam, and take them outside to play or something. Just take them out of the house somewhere within sight of the house but not hearing distance. Take Bannon with you as well... that will be all." Mr. Stuary commanded, through tightly clentched teeth.

Nathanial had a great sense of dread building up in the pit of his stomach. Why did he feel as if a dark and thunderous storm was about to descend upon this household he lived in for his whole life?