Another Reincarnator

To start out I had my innates focused on improving my word master ability, gate, and synthesis ability for the operation. I told her I would start the extraction in a week and, in the meantime, look for my political puppet for the magical world.

She left the dining room feeling more confident in her chances of surviving and making a full recovery.

Mother congratulated me on my first contract and asked if I needed anything from her. I asked her to distract the angels because I was going to be colluding with witches and wizards so they would try to stop me when they find out. I asked my sisters to prepare for the trip when everything starts.

As my family leaves to accomplish their tasks, I'm sifting through the news of the magical world. Since the wizards and witches of Gaia make contracts in the name of "magic" I can trace most of the magical world with her help. Right now, I'm thinking of picking Harry Potter as my political "partner" for taking over the magical side of the world.

I picked him for only one reason, he has a dense aura of fate on him. With fate on his side, he will be able to accomplish anything he sets his mind to, but this aura is only for his world and won't extend beyond. It was hard to find him at all as he has no footprint in the magical world at all. All I could find was the potter house and James Potter the second who defeated the dark lord.

I could have picked James Potter as well, but he's a little shit that has his head stuck so far up his ass it's coming out his mouth. Him being renowned as the boy who lived because he defeated Voldemort has caused his whole family to get caught up in the fame and become insufferable. I would probably kill him in the first week of working together, so yeah, Harry Potter it is.

I check in on Harry and see him taking a nice nap on the side of a ditch from being beaten to death. Fuck. Well there goes that idea, guess I'll need to find a new person to include in my plan.

Looking through a list of every person with magic in the world I can't find any that aren't stupid. It's like common sense decreases in correlation to magic power increasing.

I give up and decide to use the information on wish granting to reincarnate someone. If I can't find anyone smarter than a boy who lived under a staircase, I'll just reincarnate them in exchange for them taking over the world to stop pollution.

I tear open space into a universe like my own, but where I never existed. The people of this earth are stuck on their home planet and are making no advances in technology. I make sure they have the Harry Potter books so they have an easier time getting to the top.

While this universe is different, that doesn't mean the information won't be useful. I cast a spell and let my instincts pick a target before a fresh soul is ripped from the universe before the reincarnation cycle can claim him.

"What happened? Where am I? Wasn't I just run-over by truck-kun? Didn't I die?", he questions to no one, because he can't see or hear. Souls don't have a way to communicate, but my senses can pick up on what he was trying to say.

"I have a deal to make with you human.", I use magic to project my words straight into his soul. He asks questions that are completely irreverent and I shut him up by saying that I will just return him to the reincarnation cycle, and he will lose his memories if he doesn't accept.

"Then I accept, may I know what world I'm going to?", he asks me, and I tell him about the situation.

"Isn't this too difficult? I have to go through the entire Harry Potter world with basically no advantages and parents that would kill me to cover up their mistake.", he misunderstands.

"No, I'm a demoness that is making a contract with you. In exchange for stopping pollution, you will be reincarnated, but the contract needs equal values on both sides. If not, then even if you agree it won't activate and I can't reincarnate you.", I tell him. He goes through possible powers to ask for, but I shoot all of them down.

"A system is an advanced piece of magic and can't be granted even with the situation. I need requests from you that will balance my side of the deal and not increase your burden.", I tell him.

"Then can't you request more of me so that I can get a system?", he asks.

"I don't want to because I'm trying to save the world, not let an idiot cause its destruction in a different way.", I say to him and he finally decides on a wish.

"I wish for a magic A.I. chip that houses basic information about magic and science. This chip can also create new spells and inventions with enough information.", he says, and the terms balance out.

I agree and a contract is formed between us. A small portion of my energy crystalizes into a sim card looking chip and flies into his soul. He doesn't feel anything from it entering him because souls don't have nerves.

"Your wish has been granted. From now on I will be following your adventures in this world. You will be reincarnated into Harry when he is five and when you travel to Hogwarts, I will be there as well. I want to destroy some cunt's plans while relaxing with my sisters on the sidelines.", I tell him and feel his confusion, before being covered in light and reincarnated.

I switch over to screen set up for the corpse of Harry Potter when it starts recovering and a bright light shoots out alerting nearby police to the ditch. He is taken to the hospital where he will recover, and the police will arrest his guardians for child abuse.

I just brought him back to life, so his wounds are very much still there. The A.I. chip will get to work on recording information of how the human body recovers so it can better understand and teach him later.

Now I just sit back and wait for my abilities to increase so I can fulfill my end of the contract with Gaia.