
=====================one week later================

In walks Gaia who looks terrible. She hasn't slept because of anxiety and anticipation. She hasn't showered because the pollution is increasing daily and she's given up on washing. She just needs the extraction to be able to relax.

Bringing her to the room I have prepared for the extraction, I scrub her down with enchanted soap that is meant to break down plastics and turn it into biodegradable matter for bottom feeders to process. Next step in preparing for the ritual is using a lotion that brings all the impurities to the surface of the skin since pollution acts as impurities for planets. It takes a while for it to soak in as she starts feeling better already and can sense her life force recovering.

I lay her down on a stone alter I prepared with materials from the gate. My fingertip glows with a mixed colored energy as I use word magic and draw a massive seal type array throughout the room that leads to the alter in the center.

I pour in the, now, planet sized amount of energy that is stored inside myself into the array that starts to glow. A purple portal opens above Gaia before a similar sized golden red gate opens facing the purple portal. I finish the preparations and tell Gaia not to resist the pulling force as it sucks the polluted gunk out of her via the purple portal.

She closes her eyes and I set up a smell prevention barrier around the river of trash that shoots out of the purple portal and into the golden red gate. It would smell horrible if I didn't put up that barrier, so I focus on the barrier while my synthesis ability is conducted through the array.

The trash flows out of Gaia and into a separate room I have set up with the giant cauldron that can refine materials. It will refine the pollution into multiple different materials like plastic, metal, paper, and a sort of biomass that is stored in plastic containers made from the refined plastic. I'll be using the biomass for training my bio kinesis ability I got from the goddess.

As fast as I made the whole thing work, there was so much trash in the oceans and in landfills that it took an entire three days to complete. Now Gaia is trash free and had pills for increasing plant and animal life to speed up the containing of greenhouse gasses. She would be able to recover her life energy to peak levels within a year.

That's great news for the wizarding world because they could tell the mana in the world was running dry. Also, you know, inbreeding caused their magic cores to degrade in quality, but sure magic was fading.

In this week "Harry" has woken up and went to a foster home. He worked with his A.I. chip to recover his wounds and is testing new spells it has already created. It only has the power of an average computer of his home universe, but all the energy that could've gone into computing power went into the A.I.'s growth.