Ch 6 Part 3

Back in the village, approximately three to four months had now passed since the incident with the slavers and Cedren was now starting to show signs of her pregnancy. She had kept going to the training yard every day, but Nuvaro was starting to make it known that he would rather have her stay home now that she was showing. Plus, it was starting to become a distraction to some of the troops he was training. As a result, when they got home that last day she helped, he was not mad, he was overly concerned considering how large she was getting.

Nuvaro: "I didn't want to say anything in front of the men. But I am really starting to worry. With as large as you are at this point in your term, you shouldn't be this big already."

Cedren: "I understand what you are saying my love, but it's not like it's my fault, multiples are in my family line, maybe I'm packing twins, that's why I'm getting so big already."

Nuvaro: (Slapping his own forehead with a loud thud, he shook his head from side to side as if he should have remembered.) "Damnit, I feel like an idiot. I totally forgot multiples run in your family. With the scent you have been giving off, it makes sense. But let us have you go make a time to see the midwife anyway."

Cedren: "That's a good idea. I want to make sure that way there will not be any massive surprises when the time comes. And I would like to say temporary farewells to the troops if the midwife decides on certain precautions. Would that be fine?"

Nuvaro: "Of course, you have been there constantly for the last two years after all. It only makes sense that you would want to bid everyone a temporary goodbye."

Cedren: "Thank you love it means a lot to me. Not quite sure if the troops care either way, but oh well."

Nuvaro: "They will learn to deal with it, trust me."

He leaned over to me with a soft kiss, and we bedded down for the night. The following morning, he allowed me to say my goodbyes to the troops temporarily. I assured them I would be back to fulfill my duties when I had the child. They were happy for us both, and we left, him guiding me back to the midwife's house so I could set up a time to meet with her. Time set she would return to her home in two days' time. Those two days seemed to fly by in the blink of an eye. When she walked in there were a few other women waiting to be seen by the midwife as well. Though she appeared to be larger than most of the other females that were visiting the midwives that were roughly the same length in.

Cedren wanted to confirm her feelings and what her mate had been telling her, which was, he was sensing more than one. Some of the other females in the midwife's home were wanting to know if she was almost due, Cedren was only nearing the four and a half to five-month mark. Trying to get them to listen was almost impossible. They did not believe it was possible to have twins, so all Cedren could do was sigh loudly until the midwife called her name. She got up and headed in to speak with her and get the standard checkup underway.

Cedren: "How do I appear to be doing? Is everything fine? We are just concerned that I may be carrying more than one. What do you think?"

Midwife: "Well, let us find out with a belly probe. You do appear to be larger than most females at this stage of pregnancy, so maybe you and your mate's hunches are on the mark."

Cedren: "Well I did tell you when I first came to you that multiples ran big in my family. I did not lie about that. I have a twin brother that is set to be the head of the village I came from."

Midwife: "Oh yes, you did tell me that. I do tend to forget that with you. I am just so used to dealing with females that can only have one at a time. Do forgive me."

Cedren: (She just smiled shaking her head lightly as if to say, "I know you forgot, and it is okay".) "It's fine. I know all too well this basic fact with our kind."

Shaking her head with a firm nod, she began her exam on Cedren. The only way to tell how many there was, it was going to be at childbirth, all that could be done now was a rough guess. She smiled and the midwife and just nodded her head in acknowledgement. After about fifteen minutes of in-depth probing, the results were an astonishing thing. Checking for heads was the easiest way to tell how many there might be. To the midwife's surprise, she had counted three. With each head she found, she counted out loud. Cedren did not know how to feel at this point, but damn did the multiple bugs hit her. She had so many thoughts going through her head, before she was even aware, she was doing it, she sent a soul connecting bond to Nuvaro with the newfound news without trying. Totally unaware she had done so due to excitement. The midwife, tapped her on her shoulder, telling her to take her excitement down some, she turned her head and apologized. The midwife just shook her head and laughed lightly.

Midwife: "Do not worry about it. I know you were excited, but you really must be careful of initiating a soul bond when this pregnant. I know you were not aware you did it just now, but trust me, your mate is going to be running in here any moment now like a madman. With multiples, it takes more energy, but at the same time due to your connection to the children you carry, it makes the magic more intense."

Cedren: "Oh damn, I never even knew. My father coddled my mother so much when pregnant with me and my brother, there was never any stories to tell us about her time carrying us. At least not any interesting stories. That would have been nice to know."

The midwife just smiled as she continued to explain the ordeals of carrying multiple children and that I would need to be put on best rest within the next month. Simple training was fine, but Cedren was going to have to back off all the heavy-duty stuff for a while. And just as the midwife said, within minutes, Nuvaro was there barreling through her office to the room she was in. Totally ditching the fact that he was supposed to be training the troops. All the women in the waiting room were thinking something bad had happened, but when he walked up to Cedren with the largest smile he had ever had on his face, the women's chatter got even louder. This was the unmistakable sign of the dreaded gossip chain that spreads faster than a fire. Looking down at his mate, all he could do was smile and hugged her tightly.

Nuvaro: "I can't believe it; you are carrying triplets. (He then raised his head to look at the midwife.) Are you sure, you were actually able to tell?"

Midwife: "I counted three heads when I probed her belly. I will know exactly how many once she delivers. But for now, she is to be put on bed rest. She is the first female I have ever treated to carry multiples. I will be damned if I mess this up."

Nuvaro: (With a happy smile on his face and stern stance…) "If that is what you recommend, then that is what is going to happen. She is the first to bear more than one child in our village ever. I can't wait till father finds out."

Cedren: (OH MY GOD, here we go again, we do not even know if there is a boy and two girls, two girls and a boy, or three of each. I did not even know how to react because they always go so overboard.) "Will you and your father stay calm for my sake my love? I do not know if I can handle another one of your fathers gifting sprees before we even know what they are."

Nuvaro: "You are right. I am sorry. It is just such an unheard-of occasion for our village. You probably would like to send a messenger bird to your family wouldn't you, telling them the news."

Cedren: "Yes, that would be great. And do not forget, I did tell you that my family bears multiples on both sides. Mother and father's sides, so it is not a surprise to me for multiples. But the triplet's issue is a new one. Maybe it is because we are still under the age of 50. Maybe that is why."

Nuvaro: (He looked at his wife tilting his head slightly, with a puzzled look on his face as he let what she said sink in.) "Well you make a good point. There have not been many of us that can boast children before the age of 50. I never thought about it like that before."

Cedren: "Yes well, there are not many of us who get paired up early on. I do not even know the last time that even occurred. But it does not really matter, I just know I'm exhausted."

He smiled brightly at me, and then he helped me up off the bed and we headed out of the midwife's house and went straight to our room in the manor. He brought me the writing implements and I wrote a message to my family and sent the bird on its way. I leaned back on the stack of pillows my mate had stacked up for me. Sitting beside me, he leaned over growling softly in my ear as he softly licked and kissed the side of my neck and face. Purring back softly at his affections, she softly rubbed her belly, still processing that the midwife had counted three heads. Under her breath, she softly repeated to herself, over and over. "Three, I cannot believe she said three".

Nuvaro was smiling so big, he wanted nothing more than to ravage his wife, but that was not possible at this point, not knowing how to properly tend to a woman carrying more than one child, he was determined to do everything the midwife had said to do. Shortly after they enjoyed sitting with each other, dinner time was upon them, he carefully helped up his mate and they headed to the dining hall. Apparently, as she had feared, the gossip chain found his father before they could say anything, as Cedren had figured. Nuvaro' s father ran straight up to them both.