
Arriving at the beach with nothing much prepared is a bad idea. Good thing that my family has a vacation house.

"The place is so cozy." Max smiled at me while checking the place. I began checking all of the maintenance related stuff while he managed our room.

We managed to set up a campfire and had an enjoyable dinner together. We sang for a while. Looking at him, my heart fluttered. The moment we locked eyes, I knew he feels the same way that I do. I stood up and sat beside him. Facing him, I confessed all of my heart to him.

"I like you, Max. Ever since we were in high school. I know this is so sudden but I figured this would be the right time to do so".

Max looked the other way. "I don't know if I'm ready for this."

"I understand..."

Max excused himself and went back to the house before me. Maybe this is the end of our friendship. I mentally cursed myself.

After cleaning up, I went to my room, hoping to have a peaceful sleep after all that had happened to me. However, my thought process was cut short as I've opened the door. There, sitting at the edge of my bed is Max. He seemed to be waiting for me.

"Dim... I think... I like you too..."

Without any spared second, I walked towards him and gently pushed him on the bed. I hovered above him, resting both of my hands on either side of his head.

"Are you not going to regret this?"

Max nodded slowly while looking at me. We stared at each other's faces for a while. Taking a mental image of each other's features. I slowly leaned down to capture his lips. Kissing him gently, too afraid that he might break into pieces.


Them crawling more to the bed, his best friend worked on getting his zipper open. It was something he tried to fully grasp. Dim's fingers felt hot his skin, burning their marks as the other bit his way from his neck to his chest, tugging those jeans off of his hips, but leaving his boxers untouched.

"..D-Dim.. h-hm.." Moan after moan spilled from his lips, his fingers digging into the skin of Dim's back, his hands long sneaked underneath the other's shirt. The pleasure was overwhelming as Dim pressed his hand against his length to put just the right amount of pleasure. Having him gasp and rut up into the touch. He felt so exposed to him, yet comfortable enough.

Max's shirt was already long thrown somewhere on the floor, tugging the hem other's shirt off. Dim just obliged wordlessly, continuing to attack the other's neck as soon as the possibility was there again. His muscles flexed underneath the nails raking over them. Max mentally stored the feeling.

When Max tried to work on Dim's pants as well, the latter took his wrists in one hand. Pinning them above his head while his free hand slipped into the other's boxers, his actions rough but never rushed.

"Not before I tell you to." The words hushed lowly into Max's ear, making him let out an impatient whine. "So shameless." Max's cheeks tinted slightly pink. Being best friends long enough, Max knew that Dim was just teasing him.

"J-just touch me."

"Whatever you want." Dim closed his hand around Max's head, the latter letting out a loud groan in response, back arching in the process.

Dim kissed Max for a moment before pushing his fingers in the other's mouth and ordered him to suck them, the latter coating them in a generous coat of saliva.

"I got you." Max nodded, although they've done this before, he couldn't help but feel nervous for what was about to come. But when Dim's fingers curled against the most sensitive spot of his body he had ever felt, he was sure that he made the right decision of letting Dim touch him so sinfully right.


That night, I knew it was very special. We cuddled up after doing the deed and I'm just happy to be with him.

"Are you avoiding Rim?" he broke the momentary silence that we had.

"It's not easy to accept him. It's a lot to take in."

"Just take your time. And let give him a chance."

"Okay..." I hugged him tightly and we drift off to sleep.

Morning came. Seeing him lying next to me is the greatest gift I could ever hope for. I kissed him on his lips. He stirred awake. "Hi, honey..." He blushed and did the same to me.

After having breakfast, we packed our things and head back home.

After the trip, the thoughts of having Rim inside our house seemed to dissipate. Maybe because I'm getting used to him being around. Still, I don't have the heart to talk to him other than occasional greetings. One thing that makes me happy is that Max and I started to go to school together. Mostly me fetching him from his house.

Today is supposed to be normal for both of us. But the moment we entered the classroom, we're greeted by the horrified expressions of Eliana and Tom, Max's childhood friends. Max let out a loud gasp. His face mirrored the horror I had the moment we saw what's inside.

There, in the middle of the room, one of our teachers was hanged by a cable connecting to the ceiling fan. All of his insides were hanging out in the open and blood was splattered everywhere.

What scared me the most is the bloody writing on the board.