Hello There (Part 1)

I want to believe that all of this is just a nightmare. What I am seeing right now is just a figment of my imagination. That I'm going to wake up soon, but Eliana's scream reminded me that all of these are real. Her loud cry resonated with the whole room. Followed by the commotion of students who happen to pass by and saw the dreadful scene. What happened next is a blur.

School grounds soon filled with police and medical people. The intercom announced a sudden class suspension. Everyone was asked to leave the school premises. Of course with few exceptions.

"Do you suspect someone that want's to hurt you?"


"Did you -"

"Listen. My friends and I are already tired. Can we please go home now?"

The officer looked at me with a bored tone. He's not having it. But with all of these shenanigans, no one with the right mind is having it either.

"Okay. All of you may go. If there's anything you guys want to confess, don't hesitate to call us." his eyes stayed at me unnervingly while handing his calling card. Eliana went home first, followed by Tom as both of their parents came to fetch them.

Max and I walked home in silence. Maybe, contemplating what just happened and what is about to come. You don't get to see that scene daily. We're both shaken up, but what scares me the most is Max. If that threat happens to be true, his life is also in danger. I can't let that happen.

Before we knew it, we're already at his doorstep. Before he could get inside, he looked me in the eye. He didn't need to say anything. I can already tell.

"I'll stay with you tonight."


He couldn't tell where he is for everything is shrouded in darkness. His voice lost in the void surrounding him. After some time of walking into nothingness, he felt something wet underneath his bare feet. Droplets of what he deemed as water can be heard from a distance. He started to run, following the only sound that can be heard.

He noticed some reddish light starting to seep into the darkness. Hoping for an escape, he continued to run into the light. What he saw at the end of it made him tremble in fear. He tried to scream but no voice is coming from him.

There, all of his friends and his parents were sitting in a chair like a living mannequin. Pale faces, glassy eyes, no signs of life at all. They're all placed in a table seemingly having a feast. What hit him so hard and made him on his knees is what's on the table itself. Max's dismembered body and organs are placed like dishes ready to be served.

He couldn't stop crying. The shock of seeing the love of his life in that way is eating him alive. Consumed by grief, he didn't notice the dark figure looming over him. Smiling evilly at him, red eyes glaring down at his pathetic figure on the floor.

"I told you already... you're going to be next..."


Dim woke up, sweating profusely. Looking beside him, he's at ease that Max is only sleeping peacefully. Maybe he's too stressed to be having that nightmare. He silently gets out of bed and went into the kitchen to get some water. However, before he could go down the stairs, he saw a dark figure at the bottom of it. He thought he's still asleep until that figure showed him a knife and started ascending the same stairs.

Without any second thoughts, he ran back to their room and locked the door. The loud banging woke Max up. Confused on what's happening, Dim grabbed him into the room's bathroom and locked themselves. They heard a loud crash and heavy footsteps. Minutes later is full of silence. Slowly, Dim opened the bathroom door and peeked outside. There's no trace of someone other than the broken door. Both of them went outside and to their horror, they saw their bed with a dead cat and bloody writing on it.

"You can't hide, forever..."