We are now all back in the Crimson Village after about 2 weeks. I called everyone back including the ones that are left in the Baugan Town. Now it is time for the last part of the plan, but first, we have some great news.
As we arrived in the village, we saw something really different. Grano then welcomed us.
"Welcome back, Young Wreck. Well, how is my work?"
Amazing. I was not expecting for the Stone Walls to be done so fast. Grano looks so proud of his work as always.
"Good Job Grano! I thought that this won't be finished for about one more month!"
"Oh, are you underestimating me boy? I can do my job way faster and way better than you."
The walls were impressive. The height is about 5 to 5 and a half meters tall and it is also 3 meters thick. Grano also designed a guardhouse on each for gates in each direction. It was really impressive. I could have not ask for more. Now we can use Grano for our plans in the unification.
"Thank you for your hard work Grano. You need to rest now, let us handle the rest because we are really going to need your knowledge after the plan is done."
"Oh, by the way, you talk right now, it seems like your plan has succeeded."
"Let us talk about that in the council. Kirth! Bubba! Call the rest of the Council. We are going to conduct an emergency meeting."
"Yes Sir!"
After 20 minutes of waiting, all members of the council have now arrived. The members that were not present in my group were Grano and Exel only so the discussion will be shorter.
Anyways after reporting our accomplishments, Grano and Exel had a few questions.
"So you are saying that the Orcs and the Minotaurs are now are allies?"
"Are you sure about that? What if they will betray us?"
"Don't worry. The orcs are a very honorable race and since I defeated their leader, they respect us. The minotaurs meanwhile are very fond of our technology so they will for sure be with us until they gain what they want."
"You did a good job the young Wreck."
"Of course. I ain't going to lose to you, Grano."
"Hehehe. So after all of this, are you going to proceed to your final plan?"
"Yes, that is why I gathered all of you here today to discuss my final plan."
They are all quietly waiting for me to speak, so I started my talks.
"My plan is, to use all of our allies' forces and attack the ogres."
They all reacted in unison. I was already expecting them to react that way.
"That is crazy sir!"
"Are we really going to wage a war against the ogres?"
"Even though we have many troops which include our allies sir, that will still cause a lot of casualties."
"We are going to disagree with your plan young Wreck."
"You should all listen to me first."
All of them settled down, so I continued.
"I have no plans on trading lives here. My plan does not include waging a war. Rather, I will just use the name and the numbers of all our allies since our village is still unknown. If the ogres find out that all towns have allied, they will surely be mad and attempt to attack, which is why I need all of the armies of the elves, orcs, and the minotaurs. They are going to be intimidated about that fact and if possible they will surrender. But if they won't, I am going to use my ultimate card, which is the fairy card."
Laur seems bothered with what I said so I q dismissed it.
"Don't worry, I won't use it if the ogres surrender."
"But what is the fairy card?"
"No need to know about it. It is going to be a surprise."
Laur seems kinda upset of me not telling her what my hidden card. I should have not told them that. Anyways...
"Any questions guys?"
Grano grinned.
"Just like always, you really are a very interesting fellow young Wreck. You never fail to amaze me with your plans. I am with you on this. Let us fulfill your dreams of unification!"
The others followed.
"We are going to follow your lead Wreck."
"Yes Sir!"
Good. Now we just need the approval of all of the allies so I sent a pair of warrior and harpy to each town. The harpies can fly and carry the warrior at their back. They will just take at most 3 hours of travel at the farthest town which is Baugan. I sent Kirth and Noar to Baugan, Craig, and Bubba to Gaorus, and since Norman is nearer and has road, I just simply sent Laur to relay the message. I also gave them messages.
"Please tell the leaders to send your Strongest Warrior or General here in our village by tomorrow. And if ever they do not agree with our plans, we are going to pull out of the alliance and get all our products from them."
I just said that so they won't have any choice but to agree. And all of the messengers have now left.
While waiting for the messengers, I rested for a while since it has been a very stressful time.
I quickly woke up and saw all of the messengers gathered around me. I stood up and asked.
"So how was your travel?"
Laur started the talks.
"The elves have agreed with your plan. Bren will be joining us tomorrow."
"Ok thanks, Laur. What about you Craig?"
"The orcs also agreed and it looks like their Master is personally going to come sir."
"What? I said general not leader."
"You also said the strongest sir which probably made their leader accept it."
"Oh well." It would probably a good thing if a leader is with us.
"What about you Kirth?"
"Mayor Sais agreed also with your plan and he will be sending his son named Poel."
"Son? Isn't he still in his thirties? How old will his son be?"
"Looks like he has an adopted teenage son. Every minotaur is saying that he is a prodigy. The mayor also said that he wants his son to be experienced in politics at a young age."
Oh. So a young male that is a prodigy in fighting. The mayor also wants him to know about the world. He sounds like a lot similar to Kirth.
"Oh well. Looks like everyone has succeeded. Let us all rest since tomorrow is going to be a really long day."
"Yes Sir!"
P.S. Thanks for reading guys!