Two Sides

Someone's POV

I am currently chilling in my house here in Rhine.

By the way, my name is Tran. I am the Chief of Defense here in Rhine, and I am on my off duty. I told my assistants to not disturb me in my rest day, but they did. Obviously, I am going to be mad because two soldiers just barged in my home.

"What are you to doing here!!!!!!!!! Didn't I ordered you to not come here unless there is an emer-!"

"There is an emergency sir!!"

"What is it?"

"An army of Elves is seen laying on siege right across our walls in the south sir!"

What a surprise. The conservative elves have come to fight. I never saw them even initiate a fight before, but I believe we can fend them off because of our number and our power.

"Alright. Prepare all warriors. I want every single orc that is capable of fighting to be ready!"

"The report is not done yet, sir."

"What is it?"

"Looks like a huge army is also seen from the eastern walls, sir!"

"Did you identify the enemy?"

"We, unfortunately, did not identify what race is coming sir."

Damn. I would assume that the annoying orcs also came. What an unlucky day. Two wars against two races in two fronts. It would take a miracle if our town survives. Just then a new soldier came.

"Sorry for the disturbance sir, but we have now identified the enemies in the east sir."

"It's the orcs right?"

"Yes sir, but unfortunately not only them. It is a combined force of Orcs and Minotaurs, sir!"

"WHAT?!?!?!?! Let us all got to the southern walls first!"

We all quickly rushed towards the gates. Damn! The two rivals have joined forces?!?! What is their aim here? Well since the orcs and minotaurs are still far from here, I need to deal with the south first.

We have now arrived at the top of the southern walls where we can see the army of elves. They seem quite lesser than expected. Looks like we can handle this easier, but why do I see a few beastmen and Salamanders? I also see a harpy with them. Anyways I was approached by the head guard of the gate so I asked him for a report.

"Sir. It the elves have been camping here for about 30 minutes sir."

"Any strange movements from them?"

"The harpy in their group dropped a letter for us. Here you go, sir."

I grabbed the letter and it says that they want to talk to our leader.

"We did not know what to do sir so we waited for you. What are your orders, sir?"

So they want to talk in the middle huh. Okay then let us do that. I ordered that I will be going out with my personal assistant. I also ordered that if I signal, our archers will shoot the enemy.

I rode my horse and I and my assistant named Blarth now headed out. It looks like someone has also headed out of the elves' group. We stopped right in the middle and waited for the enemy. As they got nearer, I saw a pair of humans, a girl, and a boy, riding a red lion that looks like the King of the Crimson Woods, but I am sure that is not the King since no way someone tames that beast let alone a weak human. The humans now arrived near us.

"Greeting sir Ogre. My name is Wreck."

"I do not need to know your name. By the way, who are you to be the representative of the elves? Let alone suggest to us to talk first?" I asked.

The human smiled.

"You sure are a very aggressive individual sir Ogre. If you are asking why I am here then let me tell you. I am here because I am behind all of this."

"Wh-what?" I asked in confusion.

"Sir Ogre, I know that you are very troubled right now. I know that your army is in a panic right now since three armies will be fighting you soon on two fronts. I know that you will be dealing with the orcs and minotaurs too so you decided to go towards us since we look weaker right?"

How did this human know our problems? Did he know that the other two races have allied and are going to attack us in the east? But he also said that he is behind all of this right? Don't tell me that all the three armies have allied!

He is laughing right in front of me.

"Looks like you have understood who I am sitting Ogre, so let me confirm it to you. Yes, I am the mastermind of all of these armies. I have made the Elves, the Minotaurs, and the Orcs into allies. It was all because of me."

This human gives me chills. Looks like he is capable of many scary things. He also seems very smart. I need to play my cards right.

"So why did you suggested a talk with me?"

"Now you seem to understand sir Ogre! I suggested a talk because we all came here to not wage a war to you ogres."

What? Then why did they all came here then?

"We came here to your land to suggest to you ogres to join our alliance, permanently."

"Join your alliance? So you want us to join a group filled with our enemies?"

"Yes! I already asked all of the leaders of each race and they are all on board with my idea. We just need your approval."

Okay. This really is a huge talk for us. I am just a chief of security but I am handling these diplomatic talks. But then again our Ogre King has been bedridden and I have been acting as the leader of our town.

"What benefits will my city get?"

"Oh, you will get a lot. If you join us, you will have access to trading with the other towns. It means that you are now capable of getting food from other cities. You can also get other products from then in exchange for your own products. We can also make roads in each city to make traveling even better. And you can also gain allies so if you ever get into war with other countries, we are here to support your town. Sounds good right?"

To be completely honest, this is a very great proposal for us ogres. Aside from the population, our town is really last in terms of food, technology, and lifestyle compared to the other towns. This is really beneficial for us.

"Let me tell you this also sir Ogre. This is not a simple alliance. My proposal is named Unification Initiative."

"What is that?"

"The goal of this is to unite every single independent state here in the Mudlands under one single name. And your town is the last one. If you ever agree to this proposal, we are going to be all united like a country but still maintains power in our own city."

So basically we became one country? That is not bad at all. As long as my people live better I am fine.

"By the way human, my name is Tran, the head of Security here in Rhine."

"Once again my name is Wreck. So did you decided already? If you won't agree then all of our armies will all just leave you all alone."

"Alright Sir Wreck, As the proxy of our King, I partially agree with your proposal."

Wreck's POV


The ogres now have agreed! My dream has been fulfilled! My long journey has peaked! Now that we are now friends, I just need to tell this ogre named Tran the truth.

"By the way Sir Tran, let me tell you my role."

"What is it?"

"I am actually a leader of a village with mixed races. You can see my troops with the elves."

"Really? So you are also a leader. So that makes this union composed of five independent states?"


"By the way what is the name of your place?"

I am feeling Deja Vu again.

"It is named Crimson Village."

"Really. It is strange that shares the same name as the terrifying forest. Where is it located?"

"At the center of the Crimson Woods."


I knew it.


P.S. Hey guys! Tomorrow's chapters will be all about the union! 3 chapters a day and please comment down below and please also rate this novel on the main page because I need reviews. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️