Chapter 25: Finding Trouble, Part 2

"Every pervert we take out is one less to hurt children!" Jimmy said.

"True, but the main response needs to be political, or we would be doing nothing but killing people all day." The Chief rubbed his temples.

"What's wrong with that?" Lizzy said.

"It would corrupt us and turn us into murderers instead of revolutionaries." The Chief looked over at Lizzy.

She shrugged and looked away.

"Suggestions?" the Chief asked.

"I would suggest we concentrate on Councilor Molloy, and see where it takes us." Trey caught Red's startled look. Great, I'm getting her angry too. "If he's the one who is stonewalling you, removing him could also remove the roadblocks to the political action you want." Bits and pieces joined and broke up in his head. He couldn't get a clear idea of what he needed next.

The Chief looked around at the team then nodded.

"You'd better get to it then."