Chapter 73

A short time later the Templars rode out of Mellester and headed towards Exeter. Benedict exhaled. "As a military order of monks, I find a self-righteous imperiousness to them."

Reeve Petrus nodded. "I agree, don't trust the sods."

"Will they return with the box?" asked Charlotte.

"I hope so, not much we can do if they don't." The reeve studied the priest. "Ye have no love for the bishop, do ye?"

Benedict looked uncomfortable. "As a simple priest there is little I can do but obey my bishop, I serve at his pleasure. But nay, I care not for the man. I am happy to be as far removed from him as possible, but he makes it difficult."

"Why?" Charlotte asked.

"Because he requires me to administer to the good people of Mellester and report to him on anything that involves Falls Ende and Odo."

"Then ye serve the bishop?"

"All priests serve their bishop, but in my heart I serve God, and will always do what is right by him. The bishop only makes it more difficult for me."