"Imbolg, Saint Brigid's day, when the equinox falls upon us once more, the murrain will have passed and it will be safe."
Reeve Petrus nodded in agreement at Cathal's estimated nine months.
Charlotte took a calming breath. "Very well." She looked to the reeve. "I will have Daniel begin to make a fence, we will assign a third of the land at Falls Ende for the people who will suffer because of this pestilence. Without money, they will likely become hungry and need food. They may use our land to grow late crops so that they will not be without. Is there still time to plant?"
"They will have no coin to pay yer, Charlotte," he responded.
"Nay, we do not want coin. This is to help them, the land is theirs to use until the spring equinox. We have no use for all the land until we can obtain a new herd."
"Aye, there are some late crops to plant." He paused for a heartbeat or two. "This is kindly of ye, Charlotte."