As customary, Birney Beekman arose early and walked through the township of Combe Templariorum. No one he'd spoken too had seen the herdsman. He'd hoped a casual walk through town and visiting stables would provide a clue to his whereabouts, after all, how many black stallions could there be. As he approached the Preceptory he witnessed a commotion as a company of Templar Knights departed. He immediately recognized the black stallion, and then the flaxen haired woman riding the beautiful Arabian. He'd never met Odo Read, but was given a fair description of the horse he rode. In itself, unusual for a commoner. He could have kicked himself, they were the same people he saw the previous day and now they rode with the protection of Templars. The black stallion and the clothing of a commoner was unmistakeable, it was the herdsman and his woman. But where they going?