Chapter 38: Flight Of The Harpies

Mist wove itself around me, Chaos burbling her song of rage and delight. Come for me? How dare these children of my realm offer any kind of veiled threat to their mistress? I would crush them, devour them, send their meager souls back into Creation's arms in screaming agony. Well, Chaos would. I did my best to rein her in and give benefit of doubt to exactly what "come for Eve" actually meant.

"Know now," the same lead harpy said, her voice settling from the high-pitched audible attack to a more mellow tone, "we have refused, as a collective, the command to fetch her out."

That tempered the mist somewhat, allowed me to seize control of Chaos and wrangle her under control, though she snarled at the implication of I told you so. "Who thinks they can command the creatures of Chaos against their own mistress?"

The two winged monsters flanking their vocal leader paled, heads bowing, while their spokesharpy shrugged.