011 The murder of Mandy Lee

Springfield estate No 12

Music sensation Mandi Lee stood by the door waving as she watched the silver Bentley drive away. Her long-time sponsor Director Sun was in town for business and paid her a surprise visit.

She had first met him before her debut concert twelve years ago. Back then he had been recently married and recently returned from his honeymoon with his elitist wife. He had been invited as an investor by her previous company Tianjin entertainment.

She was nineteen years old when they first met but even then, she had been smart enough to understand what he had expected from her.

She had joined the industry for profit and fame. She was willing to do anything to achieve her goal. This was why she had made sure to catch his attention, the first time they had been introduced.

Thanks to that very smart decision she had achieved her goal in record time. He wasn't based in B city so they only met twice every month. He always supplied all her needs so she was never in want.

They had met often but this time he had come with good news. He and his wife were finally getting a divorce. Her years of waiting were finally paying off.

When the car was completely out of sight, she turned around and began walking back into her house, a huge smile on her face.

She could already envision her future in her mind, beautiful high-quality clothes, expensive jewelry, fine wine, and a huge house to boast. Things were looking up for her.

A cold wind blew past her quickly, pushing her baby blue silk housecoat open.

She was so caught off in her thoughts, that she wasn't attentive to her environment. She wasn't aware that she had company until there was a light Tap on her shoulder.

The tap completely caught her unaware, with a yelp she turned around.

"What are you doing here? she spat out angrily.

"Please let's talk this through"

"Why so that you can beg like the pathetic little creep you are. I am so done with you, get out of here" she said pushing her house door open and walking in.

She was almost at the stairs when a hand wrapped around her arm tightly

"what do you think you're doing, let go of me"

"No not until you listen to me. I just don't get it Mandy I thought you loved me. I thought we were going to become a family. You and I and our unborn child"

"Love who..you? how pathetic. As for your unborn child, please did you honestly think I would ever allow myself to get pregnant for a weirdo like you.

I don't even love you, I never did. Why would l love a creep like you? you're of no use to me. I was only friendly with you because I had to. I can't stand you even for a minute. You disgust me" she said laughing mockingly.

"How could you do this to me. Why I always treated you well?

"oh boohoo poor baby, did your feelings get hurt. How sad" sage said hissing.

She pulled her hand out of his hands and gently climbing up the stairs.

when she got up, she walked up to the bar and picked up her half-filled wine glass and bottle, and began walking towards the balcony overlooking the pool.

"Please give me another chance mandy. Don't do this to me, I love you"

She didn't bother with him at all. He was of no good to her so why bother. She had initially approached him to gets some benefits. He was an easy mark he was desperate. She didn't even have to do much to make him fall for her.

He pretty much fell for the first girl to pay him any attention. He was so emotionally deprived that just a little smile here and there and he was hooked.

He started buying her gifts, following her around. He even introduced her to his mother. He was such a mama's boy, always listening to whatever she said. He never had a thought of his own, what a creep.

He invited his mother to the majority of their dates, it was like she was dating both him and his mother.

"Love again what's wrong with you freak. When you're done please see yourself out. I'm sick of looking at you creepy face Freak" she said smiling down at him.

"What did you just call me"

"Freak, I called you a freak. Freak freak freak freak FREAK! she said and began laughing loudly.

She turned around to the table and set down her wine glass. When she was pushed forward from behind.

"ahh," she screamed continuously as she was pushover the balcony.

As she went down she saw her life flash before her eyes. She knew that she was going to die right now and there was nothing she could do to stop that.

"Why" she mouthed when she fell face-first on the ground.

She was still very conscious when she heard footsteps coming closer.

"H_help m_me" she whispered slowly

"Don't worry I will make it painless" he said and kicked her into the pool.

The next morning, she had an appearance at a radio station at 10 am so her assistant came over with her costume.

She rang the bell and when there was no answer the fourth time, She punched in the passcode and unlocked the door.

"Miss Li it's Momo. I came over to deliver your gown, where are you" she said walking into the house.

She climbed up the stairs and was about to head to her room when the open door leading to the balcony caught her attention.

"Are you in there Miss Li?

She walked into the balcony and found the open bottle of red wine and half drank a glass of wine.

"This early? she murmured.

Her boss Mandy Li was nothing like the public thought. She was an entitled little b**ch, who derived joy in hurting others.

In the two years, she had worked with her. Mo had discovered that she didn't even have any single redeemable character at all. Worse of all she was a kept woman and a Shameless one at that.

"Miss Li Miss Li" she called looking around when a red flash of color in the pool drew her attention.

She rushed up to the edge of the balcony and looked down
