Violet Anderson

Was she crying? Wait, she had black magic? That was something that was never mentioned in the novel...

Feeling brave, I decided to go up to her.

"Hey...are you okay?"




I took a step back. That scared me. Is she going to kill me like she killed me in the novel?

This reincarnation thing is really not for me... I'm not going to just let her kill me though. I've never had friends in my previous life so I don't know how to comfort someone.

"I'm disappointed." I told her.

"What?" She stopped crying and glared at me.

"Your family is a family full of knights and are known to be strong so I expected a lot from meeting you but you're here crying over a boy."

You can say that I'm being cruel but I'm not going to bow down to someone just because I know they're going to kill me in the future.

I quickly backed out as I was scared in what she was going to do to me. Okay, I may have been cruel but that doesn't mean I'm not scared. We don't know how strong Claire's magic is but we know how strong hers is.

She then quickly grabbed my arm.

"You have lunch with them, right? Will you help me?"


"It's Violet by the way. You're Claire, right?"

I gave her a small smile.


This is going to get interesting...


After that we got quite close. She's not actually that much of a bad person. At least I can avoid dying but I can't rest too much. There are other girls that get their guys taken away by Rose too. They might take it out on me because I'm her sister!

Rose has those guys and her light magic to protect herself with whilst I've got the whole world hating me along with black magic that I've never tried using. Maybe I can ask Violet?

"Violet, are you good with magic?"

"Yeah, I'd like to think so. Why?

"Could you help me?"

That whole day, we were just learning how to be consistent with the magic. It can go out of hand sometimes so we need to be able to focus. I admit...I did kind of destroy some...plants but Violet fixed it for me!

I'm lucky I asked for help now, otherwise in class... well let's not think of what would've happened.


The next day, I met up with Violet. We talked about a lot. I asked her a lot about what we learnt yesterday and she answered them skillfully.

"You seem to be more skilful in magic rather than swords."

"Ah. Well, I heard that Fred likes innocent, small girls that he could protect so I stopped my dream of being a knight and decided to become better in magic."

"Your dream?'s your dream. Anyone that makes you stop reaching for your dream is not worth being with."

Her eyes glimmered after I had said that. She then took both my hands.

"Claire, your right!"

"Huh...? A-ah yeah."

That was a little unexpected.

"Okay! I'll become a knight! But you have to be the first to congratulate me, okay?"

"Hm? Yeah, sure!" I smiled.

Well, that was wholesome!


Lunch...why do I feel so nervous? Why am I nervous when I'm not going to do anything?

We arrived at the canteen as Rose waved at me. We both sat down opposite her.

"Rose, this is my friend, Violet."

"Um, nice to meet you." said Violet.

"A-ah yes. Nice to meet you Violet. Haha, Claire. I thought it was going to be only us?"

"But you bought your friends too?" I pouted.

"Ah okay..." she laughed.

Behind her there was about 6 men this time? They were all shooting glares but there was one especially shooting glares at Violet. I assume that's Fred? I angered me to even look at him.

"Violet, what are you doing here?"

"I am simply hanging out with my friends. Why is that any of your concern?"

"Ha, don't give me any of that shit. We all know that you're jealous of Rose."

"Jealous? Don't flatter yourself. Actually you did me a favour by annuling the engagement."


"Haha! You still don't get it do you? I didn't like you from the beginning and I knew acting clingy would get you to annul the engagement! Well, it worked."

Well, that wasn't true. But it doesn't matter what she says now, doesn't it? She's gotten over him now.

"Don't you dare lie!"

"Take it how you want to take it... I have to thank you Miss Rose! I hope we can get along! You also did me a huge favour :)"


"Ah! I heard you were a from a family of knights! It would be great it I could appoint you as my knight!"

What is Rose trying to do now? Oh! Violet is the most popular out of the girls for her nice manners and beauty. Is she trying to be the centre of attention of not only boys, but also girls? By being friends with Violet and the crown prince would get her there.

That makes me think a lot.

"I'm sorry, Miss Rose. But I have already decided that I want to be Claire's personal knight!"

M-me? Why me though???

"Ah...really? Um that's okay!"

Now that I mention it...she did end up being good friends with Violet which made everyone love her. She was treated nicely was really lucky. She obviously planned this from the beginning.

Did she possibly give up on Sir Carlos? I mean she couldn't find him and he was out of her reach. If she was able to see him, will she try seducing him? Apparently, he was good-looking too.

Fred was obviously shocked by all if this.

"W-what do you mean?"

"Your getting really boring. I thought that it will be okay being with but you're just so predictable and boring. Please don't talk to me. You're getting annoying."


"We're leaving. Let's go Claire!" She reached her hand out to me. I held it back with a small smile.

I looked over at Rose and she had a really troubled face when we were holding hands. Ohh. This is a new look. Gotta burn this in my brain.


The rest of day, we had classes. The classes were quite easy actually because we were learning about consistency which I was already taught. Sir Carlos wasn't here as it was only the teacher, me and Violet in the classroom.

There was supposed to be another person too but I'm guessing he's too powerful to come here like Sir Carlos too. I rolled my eyes at the thought.