Chapter 4

"Phew... That's done" I wipe the sweat that had built up on my forehead and get myself a towel to wipe my face dry. The sword is indeed a great work of art and it even might be my masterpiece so far. The strength and agility of the sword is remarkable and to back it up it's has gorgeous finish overall. It shows royalty alright. I am satisfied with what the outcome was and that it's the last piece of weapon I will have forged in this world. I hope it stays strong for the Majesty.

I whisle Samuel, a worker that has shown quite a promising career ever since he started working in this place. "Hey, Samuel. Come here" He comes over as I call out to him.

"What is it, Mr. Linndon?" He asks.

"I need you to put on a pair of gloves and take this sword to the packaging place. Put it on my table. And remember,.."

"I shouldn't touch the sword with my bare hands. I know." He interrupts my sentence.

I laugh, "Good. Then go on and do it kid" He goes to get a pair of gloves. Samuel Vinlow, a good kid and quite the hardworker. One of the good blacksmiths in this forge and is a quick learner. He definitely shows good potential and I would have considered him to be eligible to take over my position. But he's only 29 years old and I couldn't ignore the fact that he had only started working here 2 years ago. The others that I considered were more than just eligible for the position, they worked for so many years and did a great job throughout those years and I indeed had a tough time deciding between them. In the end, I'm very happy with my decision of making Jack take the position. Maybe one day, Sam will get the chance to take over Jack's position. Time will tell but all I know is that I will not be able to witness it.

I see Sam coming while wearing a pair of gloves, "Ok, now pick it up gently and take it to the packaging place." Saying that I remember that I need to pack my tools and things that I brought here with me.

"Mr.Linndon" He calls me.

"Yeah. What is it, Sam?" I don't know why he would call me. Maybe he has some doubts.

"You are retiring today?" He asks.

"Yeah. I am retiring today. The newspaper seemed to have heard of it too." I laugh as I say that.

"Yeah, I read that." He laughs along, "Sir, It has truly been an honour working with you." He offers his hands to shake.

I smile while noticing that he is still wearing the gloves, "Take the gloves off and you can put it on again after we shake hands." He takes off the gloves as told and offers a handshake again. We shook hands. "It has been my pleasure to have you working here. I hope you will make this forge proud by showing your talents"

"Yes sir! I will work here till the day I die."

"Good to hear. Now put the gloves back on and get to work. I do not want to be late to deliver her Majesty's order." He takes the sword to the packaging room after I finish talking with him. One hell of a young lad, he is. I go back to taking the things that I had brought here.

After a while of intense searches and arranging, I have gathered the tools and other items I had brought into a small bag. With that out of the, I need to pack the order but first, I need to change back again into the formal attire. I cannot have the order be given to her Majesty without me being in a formal attire.

I change into my formal attire and I walk to the packaging room. I take the necessary equipment and get to work. I can't believe this is the last order I'm going to be packing and delivering in this world and maybe it could even be the last order in my life. I pack the order in box, with precision and focus. The box can be opened by a click and it is even luxurious to open the box. The box is black in colour with matte finish, with out logo in red colour on it. It weighs around 9lbs or 4kg. It is somewhat heavy but adds quality to the experience that the customer or owner gets.

"There we go" I say to myself as I finish the packaging of her Majesty's order. She should arrive by now. It is afternoon and she should be arriving any time now.

"Mr.Linndon the Queen has come to see you" A fellow worker informed me.

"Okay. Let's get to business. Will you take this to my office." I get up and let him take the box to my office.

I walk out of the room and head to the entrance. It's not hard to find her Majesty in a croud. There she is.

"Your Majesty" I bow infront of her Majesty.

"Raise your head, Due." She smiles as she says. "You don't need to be so formal infront of me, kiddo."

"You know I can't do that but I will try my best" I reply, "So let me lead you to my office one last time."

"It really is a shame that you are retiring. It's hard to find such talent these days." She says.

"Well I can say that I have assigned a promising worker as replacement to take over my position. I am pretty sure that he'll do a great job and you won't be disappointed." I reply.

"I sure hope not. But I believe that you will make good decisions" She follows me as I lead her to my office.

Her Majesty and I are very close. It is mostly because of the family connections but she has helped me before.