Caster made his way towards the dockyard. Before his arrival caster hid her master away so no harm can befall her. Even now ainz is perplexed by sakura's behavior. He was the one who lusted for the grail but even then sakura followed. She had no wish or ambition for the grail. A girl who should walk the field of flowers should not embroil herself in a blood bath.
"Everything will be alright, caster. We will win."
Ainz knew nothing will remain the same. A girl sheltered and a magus walking with death. watching their demise may even destroy her. He wanted to stop her but it would simply be counterproductive for her growth. He just hopes nothing bad will befall her. She has suffered enough. So he opted to keep her far away from the battle.
Ainz swore the day sakura falls will be the day when he the ruler of death is known no more to the world.
And with that, he arrived on the battlefield. He cast perfect unknowable and various anti scrying as well as many nondetection magic. Information was the key and watched.
In the center of the dockyard saber and lancer fought to the death while others like archer, berserker, rider made themselves known.
"Even though all you fight for the right of the one that is holy it seems futile for the object already belongs to me and as the rightful owner of the grail allows me to purge you all as nameless fools."
A haughty individual clad in golden armory watched the fight in delight. The confidence radiating from his being shows his sickening character.
For a while, the bickering continues.
Archer was looking towards his direction .caster pondered if may his ability to mask its existence have failed to hide him from the golden boy.
For a while, he looked at him. Ainz knew the servant of gold was doing something but before he could teleport his existence from his known place archer barked "You who is hiding from the world only know that its futile in front of me. I know you are their caster. Show yourself."
Ainz was surprised after all there remains very few who seem to see through his abilities but then applauded the servants for they may provide him some challenges. Ainz took his human form and de-materialized himself to show his form in true glory.
Waver POV :
Waver, a mediocre magus wishing for the grail to full fill his dreams. He who sought respect and admiration would not get so even if he would work till his bone rots to dust. Lord El-Melloi's words were the final nail to the coffin.
"What would he know of the sufferings of a new family. After all, what would he know."
So he turned his back towards his peers towards others magus and stole a relic to participate in the war. Even then he wishes if there would be one to understand him and his hopes and dreams.
"Master. You know such expressions do not suit for someone as such as you. Smile a bit will ya"
Waver let go of such thoughts and focused on his resident idiot. Everything was falling apart why was his servant so carefree. Is it because of him, was the influencing his servant's actions? So with righteous fury waver said
"Idiot. What kind of servant gives out their real names."
"Master.I am Iskander the greatest conqueror. What's the point of a quest if no one knows one as such"
Waver sighed for he had no such strength to deal with such fallacies.
That's when they heard archer announce caster's presence. All participants were shocked. How could they not be they were not able to see him and for how long did he watch?Caster finally materialized in his form.
He looked like a young man with dark hair narrow cheekbones. His attire consisted of a dark gaudy robe and a scepter in hand similar to the relic caduceus along with myriad rings whose value may even surpass the world itself. The power radiating from him was enough to put waver on edge.
He tried to concentrate. After all, there remains no use to ponder on thinking of appearance. Then he focused on the casters sheet. But what he saw almost made his eyes pop out.
"H-he is strong,Rider"
Every single parameter of caster surpasses all other servants to the point he would consider it unfair. But Except his parameters, all other information seemed to blur out. There was one thing which cemented in waver's mind and he relayed his worries to rider.
"hooo..we might have to stay clear of him until the final throes of war"
Ainz POV :
It seems after a brief respite the battle kindled anew. Around such time archer left being called back by his master leaving berserker for saber to deal with. Looking at all servants he came to a conclusion who to side in order to protect his master. Archer was pompous, rider was boastful,assassin was elusive, berserker was mad the only sane individual among them seemed saber . Although he would never trust servants for protection something in his gut told him she would be a good influence for her master and so he decided.
He decided to lend a hand. Berserker seemed to get ready for a second round and lancer seemed to be forced to join. He knew it was his chance before rider could express his desire he moved in front of her. Like a wall radiating with power and strength, he stood in front of the crippled saber.
"Leave this to me saber. I will continue on after you"
Saber seemed conflicted. She wanted to refuse others' help but she knew her position was not favorable enough. So she acknowledged his words with a silent nod.
Ainz did not favor to show all his cards. For who knows what might lurk in the shadows waiting for him lest he shows his true strength. So he opted to use draconic lightning and a weak version of paralysis to fend them away and it seemed to work. Though the draconic lightning went through their weapon but did not hit them but graze them which was but a simple warning from his part.
Lancer staggered unable to move his spear looked at ainz viciously and asked "What did you do?"
Berserker even in his mad rage could not stop the sharp decrease in speed.
So ainz bluffed "I casted a special spell with the initial one the more you struggle to fight the more you would see a decrease in your speed until the point that you would remain a snail's pace."
Saber was surprised she did not know caster was this strong. Spells initially lose their effects for the world not being in the age of gods. To use such a spell is as similar to a curse after all without speed what other option for a fight will a servant have.
Ainz then looked at lancer's master and began threatening him to withdraw or suffer being the first casualty. The young Archibald clicked his tongue and withdrew for the time being.
Saber looked at him and expressed her true feelings "Thank you,Caster. If not your intervention who knows what the results could be."
Ainz smiled in good jest "No worries. you seemed like you needed help "
Around the time Irisviel made her way towards saber " Are you all right saber. We should go towards kiritsugu and see if he has a solution."
Saber seemed to agree and wished to leave "Thank you caster for what you did. I will see you around"
But before she could go "Actually I could heal your hand"
Saber paused and asked "But why would you do that? This is the grail war every participant here is a known enemy. So why would you help an enemy?"
Though Ainz had no need to extend a hand of help. But it would remain a small price to pay for sakura safety. Gae Buidhe can cast curse once again if she knew to trust him he would weave her belief to his favor...
"Actually I would like to create an alliance with you. You see my master is not too experienced in the grail war. I fear she might harm herself in the upcoming battles. So for her protection, I would request such an alliance."
Saber's expression softened. In her eyes, she saw ainz in a new light. Although most servants like her were in fact heroes they are not known to serve weak masters that easily. But here he was destroying the notion of it by not only parting with his own pride and wishes for his master but even going far as helping his enemy.
Saber looked to Irisviel for her acknowledgment. Seeing their focus on her, Irisviel came to a decision "I accept the alliance, caster"
"Great. Then I will call my master."
Saber was filled with anticipation to know what sage his master would be to garner such devotion of a servant. But what happened next shocked her
A little girl came out of the bushes she looked like the one who had not seen even 10 summers but the mana radiating from her was impressive. Saber was slack-jawed. How could a child dominate a full-grown servant!!
Sakura ran and hugged him "Onii-chan!! Are you all right?"
She looked like she about to cry at any moment. So thinking such Ainz decided to reassure her "Don't worry sakura. I'm fine. See there is nothing wrong with me"
Sakura heaved a content sign but then immediately focused on the other individual and hid behind Ainz silently asking about them. He simply described his alliance with them and asked if she was all right with it.
"It's fine. It will be easier with more allies "
Sakura felt drowsy. After all, the whole today was like a dream to her, being free from everything, exploring the city on her own. For her, it was a journey.Ainz gently picked her up and cradled her in his arms.
The others simply watched caster's actions but did not dare interfere. Irisviel suggested Caster and sakura them to their place to help create a new plan.
With all done and nothing left Ainz started to move. For him though today was not but a success forming a new ally, spending time with sakura, and watching the battle of servants without losing.
But now he simply ponders for how long will his luck remain the same...