5. Artoria Pendragon

Peace, an ever-striving dream for the race such as humanity. Many in the beginning took the mantle of kings for such a dream. For their survival for their glory. In the end, it was nothing but a dream where the dreamer would wake to lay visage to their greatest despair. For a dream which could never be allowed to come true. For the world to not never except such wishes.

Alaya the guardian of mankind made so. The strongest may survive to make sure humanity's continued survival. Emotions and sadness were not a factor for her. For her wish, many rulers fell and gave birth to other kingdoms. While the kings in lieu of their ends know of such but could simply watch in hopelessness. Their dreams and ideals unable to march against the fierce strength of humanity fell.

Artoria Pendragon! a Ruler, a king as well even for a short time a father knew of such. For she strives for the same. Blame led not to Alaya but to her own existence. Has she strived for the wrong goals? Was it a mistake on her part to wield the sword of the stone? Was she the rightful king or was it a play from Alaya to make her believe as such? Gods were known to be fickle and wretched to the core. For their wishes there known to sacrifice million but were they justified? Was the counterforce justified in their place? The answer eluded artoria.

She strived for the salvation of Britain. For she will fight for those who remained powerless. If her reign had led the destruction of Britain she would correct it for it was her duty. Her duty as a knight her duty for her people, her duty towards Britain.

And so she was called once more by the grail to give birth to a miracle which she sought even at her death. To change the unchangeable may it be the lost belt but for her, it was her salvation it was her hope it was the dream little Artoria cherished since childhood.

And so it begins once again a continuation for an everlasting utopia.


p.s i'm confused on what path should I take. Should it be a redo of artoria pendragon's past or a sakura route or should it be a whole new route? Later chapters may take a while until i reach a decision.