6. Hope of Two

Ainz and the rest of the group made their way towards the base. Though it was called a base by other residents. Ainz was baffled. After all, it was not but a simple residence. Victorian designs fill every wall of this place which gave it a very ancient feeling. All around it stood like a castle in the middle of a forest which overall was glamorous to look at. Ainz made his way towards one of the open bedrooms of the castle directed by Irisviel and tucked sakura in bed. Then she motioned for him to follow.

Reaching in his intended place their war meeting started. Back and forth went between kiritsugu and saber until the meeting ended with someone triggering the boundary field. Saber and caster made their way towards the perpetrator. But it would take some time to reach them.

Ainz using the break and lone time with saber basked in a stupor. Arthur in his legend was an obstinate man who gave his life for the benefit of Britain but in front of him was anything but a man. She was a woman who was suited to live a carefree life. A life without the enclaves of war but here she was, a king of Britain.

Caster still confused about her identity decided to be direct and finally verify her identity

"Saber, Are you really a girl?"

Saber seemed to get offended for being asked such questions. In the past women were treated like vipers and snakes who consumed men and led them to destruction. One such example was Medea who killed her family with her own hands. Stories as such were rampant in her time. For these reasons she hid her gender from everyone and created an image of a noble king. even after being king if it ever came out that she was but a girl all the backers of Camelot will leave her and the knights who were sworn to her will no longer heed her words. Women were nothing but vicious and cunning. That's why those words pricked her like a needle.

But she nonetheless answered calmly " Yes, I am. Though I feel to see a reason for such a question?"

"King Arthur was described quite differently in his legend. So I was simply making sure if you really were a girl. The way your legend was described makes others who have not seen firsthand hard to believe. "

Saber seemed to think about his words for a while "Gender is of no concern to a king. For the nation needs not a male or female but a person to lead them. Fortunately or unfortunately I was chosen."

"Then may I ask what do you wish for the grail?"

Ainz spoke such to see if he could use her reasoning for his own motives.

Saber seeing nothing wrong with the question said with a hunched and weary back

"My wish is to save Britain." the straightforwardness of such an answer left ainz baffled.

"Britain! Did it not already fall. So you wish to change the past. Won't it destroy your own legend."

Ainz was flabbergasted. After all, why would an individual change her own legend? Arthur was quite a remarkable individual in her timeline. Does that mean that she was not content with what she had accomplished?

Seeing his expression Artoria answered "I was not meant to be a king. After all, I failed everyone who believed in me. I sought to protect Britain when I picked up the sword but instead led to its doom. People who followed me died killed by my own countrymen until it fell, destroyed from inside."

Ainz spoke with the contemplative expression "So you wish for the grail to change such events"

She nodded. Ainz thought if he should tell her or not. The grail was not a wish-granting device but a simple curse item which destroys others future to make wishes possible. He then came to a conclusion to see if her resolve was truly strong enough.

"Your wish cannot be fulfilled by the grail. It is too unreasonable. Have you not thought of the people you saved through your actions?"

Saber tried to recall but there was none who was saved by her. She simply watched the red hill and countless bodies surrounding her. To her, there were none who had been saved. Tristan left claiming the king had no emotion her knights becoming more and more vicious towards her even as to go far as joining their enemies. At the end of her life, the only person beside her was Bedivere who chose to follow the king to his doom. She knew this would happen but still, she hoped even though childish and unreasonable she still hoped for its salvation for an ending where everyone ended up being happy. So she replied

"Even though such might be true but there is no denying that I failed those who followed me"

Ainz then thought instead of forcing his words. But then he came to a realization as he thought what would he do in such a situation if nazarick fell like such. Would he redo it to prevent its destruction? The answer came to his mind faster than anything in his life. He would without a doubt.

Ainz was no hero he was a destroyer heralded as a monster who killed nearly two hundred thousand just to prove his superiority. A kind of person who slaughtered millions just to save his family. He was emotional and everything that a human would be. In that case, he was no different from Artoria for she desired the same. Her wish may very well make all who prospered due to her demise result in nothing. The sacrifices of those who fought for her, who sacrificed for her would simply be rendered useless but even so, she never gave up. For some reason, Ainz felt a connection towards her something which he had not felt for a long time. An understanding of one's will and wish.

Seeing her hunched back made ainz compelled to help her. He was no savior but even she deserved proper justice for her deeds and what is he if not the god of justice. Even though saying such Ainz's emotional invalidation activated. Just by remembering those events again filled him with the nostalgia for his past world.

He then looked towards artoria and asked

"King of Knights."

Hearing her title she looked towards him. Ainz with a serious expression asked "Do you really desire such salvation? What will you do if you failed? Will you give up and accept everything?"

A future that will result in all those who came after her will be denied existence. Are you prepared to handle such a consequence?

Ainz was serious. "To trust or not" that remains to be seen.

She without flinching from his gaze said "I will never give up. Even if its a wish that can never be granted I will still try whatever may be to save my people." Saber's voice towards the end cracked. It just shows how great of a resolve she has for her beliefs.

In her surprise, Ainz smiled "Your resolve is noteworthy and courage admirable."

It was for the first time someone accepted her ideals and not outright mocked her.

"King of Knights if you truly desire such salvation there is no need for going after the grail. For the grail cannot grant your wishes."

Saber was about to retort but before she could say much but at that instant Dark aura seemed to flare from him. For a moment she felt utter hopelessness and despair at everything. Horror struck her when he dissipated and what stood in front of her was a being who looked close to a god. His regal bearings and obsidian clothes portrayed an image of death and destruction which left her in awe.

Artoria Pendragon for the first time in her life felt small. Like her existence did not matter anymore and will be killed with but a flick of the entity's finger. But even then she stood without showing any weakness for she was a proud knight and her pride won't allow her. Ainz looked with silent acknowledgment and said

"Artoria Pendragon. The grail cannot fulfill your wishes but, I a god of death can surely do such. But what can you provide in exchange for such a miracle?"

"Anything. If it's for my kingdom's salvation then I will do anything" with such heartfelt words she bowed but closer to begging. Seeing such expression broke Ainz's heart. For her wish was noble so why does she beg?

Without saying anything he patted her head which left her dumb folded in wonder. Artoria in her surprise looked at him but what she saw was a kindly young man no different from others consoling her,

"But first go through this war and by the end if you're unable to achieve your dreams then and only then will i grant your wish."

She looked at him and with a softened tone while trying her best to reign her expressions said "Thank you for aiding me, God of Death."

He did nothing but smiled for that smile was nothing but pure.

Afterward, they prepared themselves for the upcoming battle with lancer. For the first time since her childhood artoria did not have a serious expression but a smile of content that suited a girl like her.

Seeing such hope in her eyes ainz could finally accept the conclusion he had to prepared for another battle.