7. A Broken King

Battles. Never-ending strife for conflict between men and women to judge their worth. To be a king, a hero, a knight. Their hopes and ambitions against the other to accomplish a meaningless task. Those who rise in victory remain heedless to others' misery. That is what conflict is taking a life, a life that you can never return, and those who fail are trapped in a perpetual cycle of agony. Diamund was such an individual losing the one relation they had and falling to misery even the stoic archer was the same. For their despair represent what it meant to be human. What it meant to be alive. But fate itself was cruel, she a cruel woman telling you sweet little just to push you into more pain. So a conclusion was reached

There was no god. God would not be so cruel.

Artoria Pendragon, A heir to Uther was the destined king of Camelot. She was a girl in a small place. She had no dreams for the moment she had been conscious a duty was imposed on her. Which alone was a path that only she can walk. She met many friends on the road to kingship Tristan, Bedivere, Lionel, Aggravein, Lancelot, and many more. But the more Artoria walked on the road the more she knew, that the path she had taken was wrong. She had not been worthy of it as should not have been king.

And so at the last, she was all alone standing in the field of corpses fighting against her own knights and people under the banner of Briton. The irony was not lost to her.

But now maybe a new path was being opened. Her search may end soon.

Artoria POV:

In all her life artoria had seen many things the lady of the lake who proclaimed her as the destined king and presented her Excalibur or Merlin himself but never has she seen such a being.

At first, she was wary of caster for who knows what kind of hero he was. He looks dangerous from the looks of the attire but then something unexpected had occurred. A girl no more than ten hugged him. Servants were dangerous, for many who ruled were tyrants and walked the roads filled with blood. But it seemed that there was no reason for such worry. It seemed that they both shared a past. Later on, she found out she is a caster's master. A girl as small as she was a master? The revelation shocked her for it requires a great source of mana to sustain a servant and by the look of things, she seems to desire the grail as well. It seems a great burden is placed on the girl's shoulder.

Out of pity, she wanted them to join her and irisviel.For a girl young as she has no place on the battlefield.

But she was wrong before if she considered Alexander or archer to be dangerous, caster was in a class of his own. The sheer pressure from his aura was enough to even for a moment to make the king of knights kneel. Then she saw a being which no regard can be called human. A god of death? maybe.

"The grail cannot full fill your wishes."

She felt remorse at his words. After all, some parts of her knew that even the grail cannot reverse time itself but how can she give up. She gambled with her very soul for a wish which may or may not come true. A path undermined which may very well create a lost belt and turn Alaya against herself. But even then it was better than the despair and hopelessness she felt at her end.

After all, she was a king if she could not even save those who she cared for then for what reason was she a king? For what is the worth of her existence!!

King of Knights? A Saint? She inwardly scoffed for she had not been worthy of it.

She was then about to end the conversation for it was too hard for even her. For this time was no different from hers. Magus killing others for their own purpose using heroes for their gain. People might die town maybe destroyed But would they care?

Artoria was about to end the conversation but then the following words left her baffled

"The grail cannot fulfill your wishes but a god of death can surely do such. But what can you provide in exchange for such a miracle?"

There was disbelief in her eyes as to how can the grail summon one with such power but then remembered she was no Merlin. Magic was not her field. At first, she was skeptical but the sheer confidence and transformation were all she needed to know one thing.

She was not dealing with a hero nor a magus. She was dealing with a god.

Gods were known to be fickle showing themselves at different times. Sometimes seeking entertainment or others pursuing destruction. Even coming in contact with on is hard enough. But she could not care as this was an opportunity. Hope in the darkness that she walked.

"Anything.If it's for my kingdom's salvation then I will do anything"

Even though such might seem illogical to request from a god who looks like an incarnation of death she did so anyway. For the fear was nowhere in her heart. The resolution she had was simply that strong.

She expected him to be a fake or a figment of the imagination and disappear at the last instant mocking her but the reality was different. He went towards and patted her in the head as if to say "enough you do not have to bow anymore for your worries are no longer yours alone to bear " and as such smiled.

Hope returned to her desolate mind and as such she smiled for the first time in a long while. Excalibur in sync to it wielder glowed in acceptance. For time seemed to move for her one more. The world of grey filled with tiny mots of light.

A different future destroying the limitations of the world itself. A string once shattered reconnected. A fate moving once more in a direction that the world itself is unknown too.


Sorry for not uploading more as i was kinda reading other novels and got lazy. But i'm back