8.Unpredictable Outcome

Saber and Ainz made their way towards lancer. Ainz decided to mask his presence and work towards a surprise attack. The place there was in was an open plain in a dark forest. A place which was desolate of any sound and movement. It felt as if the air itself was chocking all and in the center stood lancer.

With a mocking grin, he spoke "So you have finally made it here, saber. I was waiting for quite a while for you. Now let's get started and end which we first started."

With that lancer ran towards her with breakneck speed. Understanding the intricacies of his weapon from the previous bout forced artoria instead of parrying to get out of the spear's way. She then started to make her own move,

"Mana Burst"

A Spark of concentrated mana attack made its way towards diamund. It was one of saber's best attacks which if hit would do a number on lancer but lancer was unperturbed. Unlike other times when he did not know her capabilities the earlier battle was what gave him experience and besides most of the power of her attacks were lost cause of his curse on saber's hand and the ability of his spear.

With the careful precise movement of his lance he canceled her attack but it took a lot from him. Time was of the essence and he knew from his connection that his master that he is losing his battle. with such knowledge, he came to a conclusion "I've to end this battle quickly"

His master was becking him to his side and urged to finish his job quickly.

"It looks like I have no choice" Lancer's eyes narrowed and took a stance while forgoing defense and solely focused on offense.

Artoria Pov:

The situation was not looking good on her end. Lancer's blade went through her armor attacking her core which rendered most of her defense pointless. She should not have refused ainz help. She knew very well that his aid would very well end this battle in an instant. But lancer was waiting for her in open plain without any cowardly moves. Her knighthood was what is holding her back in a battle as her chivalry will not allow others to interfere in this battle.

But she was getting desperate her master seems to be in trouble sure she had a second option but in regards to the promise, she made with the grail she still should do her best. Understanding that a lack of time may very well result in her demise she finally caved and asked ainz help.

She looked at a direction where ainz said he would be and nodded her head.

Diamund Pov:

He was getting an ill premonition. Everything was going too well for him. Knowing saber she should prepare her noble phantasm and her expression should be dire but that was not the case.

"Then does she have something else on her hand?" Diamund thought inwardly.

After all, it was not impossible for her to conceal a trump card. Taking such thoughts of his mind he charged in.

"What could she do now, anyway. Her armor was already pointless and her sword won't save her." He smirked and thought about what excuse he would make for his folly in coming late.

But he was right she had a trump card. A force that can trample on the logic of the world, rend space, and time moot. She had the aid of a being who might hold beyond the stars and shadows the miracles of gods. The one ruler of time separate from others born through a miracle unheard of.

A being of ever-lasting power who remains dead and living at the same time. Some knew of a lord of justice while others know of an un-dead king but a name which remains not forgotten to those who faced the mighty being in combat and battles. He whose name was not to be taken lightly. The Supreme Overlord. Ainz Owl Gown.

The king who once ruled over the entire world was again making his appearance in the balled of crimson blood and deadly miracles.

Lancer knew something was wrong through sheer instinct. he diverted his lance away from saber and tried to retreat.

"Ainz" He heard saber speak someone's name. Another servant?

Getting his bearing straight he looked at the servant but that was a wrong thing to do.

Instantly he was engulfed by an aura which seemed so dark and bleak that not even a single speck of light reached him. Clothed in dark obsidian cloth a being spoken in death looked at him. His looks fierce and otherworldly.

The greatest fear of man is not something which is known but the unknown. For the fear is instinctual, despair writhed in knowledge beyond mortal understanding.

This forced diamund the great knight of Fionn, take a step back. Not in regards to run from combat but his instinct which declared a battle against him to be hopeless.

Adrenaline coursed his body as he forcibly tried to snuff out the fear inside him.

"W-what are you? Monster" Saber balked at the thought that lancer was stuttering.

She could not understand why lancer was so scared because she felt nothing from Ainz. For her Ainz was a kind god of death who aided her in her moment of despair. But it was simply not true as ainz possessed the guider ability. A broken passive ability allows those who have a favourable impression towards him not to be affected by any of the fear or despair abilities.

Alas just because one did not perceive any kind of danger from him, did not mean such had not have existed. Seeing artoria's innocent expression ainz in his mind translated " What are you on about,diamund? Ainz is as harmless as he could be."

Taking such things as facts Ainz made sure to provide her some extras over her reward and smiled in content "Another good day to become an overlord"


Fear overcame diamund and without understanding, he charged ainz with his spear. Ainz taking such initiative as a start of combat complied as well.

"It seems words were meaningless. Grasp heart"

Saber was baffled. Lancer was strong. For her, he was a worthy opponent whose resolve was stronger than anything. For such reasons, it baffled her all the more.

One moment diamund was madly charging at ainz with his full power and at the next, he collapsed like a puppet with their strings cut. It was not like she had expected such but the sheer amount of destruction within the spell even left the king of knights speechless and made her chest swell in pride for garnering the aid of such a being.

Artoria made her way to congratulate Ainz in his battle but before she could do so he spoke

"It looks he was already weakened from the battle between both of you. My spell only acted as a finishing blow. Congratulations Artoria, You won."

She was speechless. Ainz was strong with a single spell he took down lancer but even then he refused to take credit for it and pushed it towards her. The humble gesture was not lost to her. It had an even greater effect on her seeing ainz had a panicked expression and was mumbling if he said anything wrong.

She kept away all other thoughts from her mind and reached her hand towards caster.

"Let's go"

Ainz smiled at her and made to follow while inwardly thinking "This is gonna be a long day. huh..."


Its my first time writing combat scenes so it might have come out bad and Caster's servant sheet will be updated in the future