16. Fallen Order

War started all over Briton. While Arthur and his knights were fighting the great army of Saxons, Romans, and pirates another great unprecedented event happened that shook Briton to its core.

It was a small town. Small enough to be known as hamlet but the business of the street and the commotion of everyday life brought a flickering light of warmth to the town. This was a place heralded as sacred. This area held a religious significance for all regardless of status. The only place where solace for the weary was shown. St. Paul's church held a significance towards all those who sought its help. Every year the nobles of all spheres came to this place for the sword given by god was first presented here. Now that Arthur wielded the sword there remains no longer any reason for anyone to pay heed to this small town or so they thought...

Brice POV:

Time passed slowly for Brice. For the world moved by not his dictation. He jovially remembered the times when Merlin sought his help to lodge the sacred sword in the stone. As an Archbishop it truly was his duty for the words of God was his only reason for action.

Blond wheaty hair and a fiery personality that's how people remembered him. Like such his boorish days went on.

But today something was different. An ill omen? maybe..

He thought the Saxons were again the reason and for such, he went to pray once more. The place he stood before was holy. Benches filled the place devoid of life except the alter where a cross with a statue of Christ planted in the middle exuding a holy brilliance.

Things should be the same...

Nothing should have changed...


Brice hoped the ill omen he felt was but a ruse to give a sort of discomfort. But the holy aura seemed to have shifted. Instead of pouring to the masses, it started to contort itself. Brice felt frightened for this was out of the realm of possibility. Suddenly screams erupted from all over the church. Before knowing he felt a screech erupt from somewhere. He felt shocked knowing the source was himself all along.

"AAAHhhhhh...." Blood poured from the statue. Enough to fill the entire alter itself.

He watched in searing pain trying to make out the reason for such an event. Then he saw a vision of a being. Wearing an obsidian dark robe, rings that glowed with emasculate beauty. He sat on top of a throne that poured an unholy radiance to all that laid visage to it. The sheer aura released by that abomination was enough to rupture his vocal cords to null.

The place he found himself felt like somewhere he should never be. Flags decorated the entire hall. Golden vase and intricate design of architecture that even the greatest architecture of his time could never replicate. The sheer splendor of this place was enough to make him pale with wonder and fright. The hall filled him with more visions. Demons and angels fighting for supremacy later it showed the being in front of him destroying the holy place Seraphim by leading an army of demons and undead. But again in another vision, it told of their devotion to the unholy being as well as showing their utmost respect towards it. He would call it sacrilege if not aura filling him.

A part of him unconsciously wanted to trust him for some reason.

But what truly frightened him was when he viewed the monster in his dreams(?), the monster looked back at him. As if Brice truly was in front of the being. Then suddenly a word went to his mind, giving him the bare knowledge of them being in front of him as well as instruction of what he should really do.

Immediately Brice knelt down in absolute obedience, for this was a being he never should displease.

"Apo..lo..g.ies. Oh... God of.Death. This servant of God fears to have disrespected you by entering your domain without its knowledge."

Ainz(?) looked at him in great interest.

"O worshipper of God. Nothing on the world is decided on sheer coincidence after all this meeting of ours can only be summed to fate. So Brice you have seen for what I am truly. Do you despise me or fear my appearance."

Brice wanted to run away. He knew that the being could read his mind and lick his fears but then for the god wanted nothing but respect towards this individual. So why would he show displeasure?

"Yes. Initially, my fear had overridden any and all coherence of my actions but now although I feel fear, I too feel that I could put my trust on you."

Ainz(?) simply accepted his words and said the following in a grave tone

"Though I am humbled by your respect, dear Archbishop. I, too have many things to do in this world as dictated by a higher power. Although the alter of god sits in this place, I ask you to find a devout believer for a new religion. Because as I have descended to the world quite late there are very few that follow me and my ideals."

Suddenly from a dark hole, Ainz produced a dark musky book releasing sheer power and threw it to the archbishop

"Make copies of it and use the book for my devout followers." Brice bowed before the cosmic entity. His eyes turning hollow with each passing moment.

"Now that I have given you, your task you can leave as I too will be quite busy in the future. Oh and drink this potion. Your real body is quite broken due to the connection so this will heal it."

The dream ended for Brice. He knows now what is his purpose. He found the ground beneath him rumble a bit which startled him. This finally jolted his mind as he looked towards the surrounding.

The blood flowing from the statue the chairs smashed and all the rumbling which should have destroyed the church were all gone. It felt that nothing had happened. But Brice knew of the situation truly.

"I have to make haste."

Suddenly like a zombie, Brice left the church to full fill his task.

Meanwhile in the certain space,

"Hahaha.." Gaia laughed like no tomorrow. It was the first time she actually interfered in the work of mortals. Though she would not have the authority to do so, but because of Ainz's interference with time and his blessings from an outer world, this impossible became a possibility. She gained a leeway to the world through his connections. Like two strings of a rope both masked the presence of the other making them a foreign entity but the connection of Gaia to the world could not make Gaia an enemy. For such, she roamed free unshackled by the rules of the world.

She laughed once more thinking even if Alaya ever found out about the connection it will still be too late for her to do anything about it. The experience itself felt thrilling. To mask her presence from the world itself even though she was the world freed her from any and all outer interference. It was like she would rip the bill in Ainz's name.

"I wonder what will you do now, Ainz " she smiled thinking of a certain resident who wormed his way in her heart.

She, an immortal being would never know companionship. For everything before she would die. But then because of a certain incident of a few vampires performing a dangerous ritual got the notice of an outer god. The god was kind enough to point at an undead skeleton who acted closer to humans. This however was her chance to nab an immortal recruit to stop the Land of Steel from occurring.

If the experiment was a success, she would make sure to create paradoxes to all other timelines even if she has to destroy alayashiki with her own hands. After all, humanity needed someone to show them a path. Not letting them as well as encouraging them to destroy her precious world.

Her smile turned to a frown as she tried to think of a plan to take down Alaya's minions. But then she found a gold mine in the church itself. Replicating a similar structure she lured the archbishop in a similar place while forming a dreamscape inspired by Ainz's memory and roped him as his disciple. She thought about what he would think of her Ingenious plan to conquer the world.

Seeing one of Ainz's blubbering mess in the past, she smiled once more.

For the first time in a very long while she was having fun.

Divine Being(False): Undead Guider :

Strength lies in the eyes of the people. As even the smallest shadow could overwhelm a giant entity.

In his life, Ainz commanded the love and respect of the people of the Roble Kingdom. In his battle against Jaldaborth was when the people had truly acknowledged Ainz as the one true God and had bend down in holy worship towards this entity. Later on in coalition with the faceless preacher, had he been renowned towards the world as a God. The one true God or to the rest of the universe he stood as the Last Being watching the world instead of a higher power.


Sorry for the late upload. Was going through some other fanfics and was kinda torn if i should follow Arthurain legend to progress or should i go out of the legend and write something different.What do you guys, think?

Also if any kind soul has time please check Wheel chair : War of Underworld. Its simply a work of concept around this time