17. Cracks Part 1

A few years have passed.

Arthur's successful victories against the Saxons gave hope of a new future to the people. Even then she found himself in a secluded room. A king who so fierce and kind, someone who would usher Briton to a new era which was what people believed was lonely.

While such may feel comforting to others, it was something once more to drive Arthur to a corner. After all, she felt alone in her first time which dictates that even a king like Arthur could not change such easily. But he tried nonetheless. The change was no easy feat even for her who did not know what even to change. In the eyes of this righteous king, her deeds were more than for her nation's benefit. Then why did she fail? The answer still alluded to her.

Merlin portrayed Arthur as the rightful king chosen by the gods. At her first time, he was the one who believed in her. From the sword in the stone until the close of her life, he was one constant that existed. But now there was another though more than anything he wished to stay neutral in the topic of kingship.

"It is your rule, Arthur. At most I would aid you but never tell you what to do or how to do anything? For a king has to find his own way to rule. Dictating your life would forever turn to a means of chaining your potential. So that is why Arthur if you wish to change it then do so. You, too have experienced far more than anyone, the value of a single life. As a ruler and as a servant, you know now well enough that no such help from me in the intricacies of the rule would better you as a person."

Arthur stood contemplating. After all again it was coming back. The vows she made was breaking once more.

A few days earlier,


"Hey, did you know?"

A conversation happening somewhere.

"Is it about the true king chosen by the stone? Then, yes."

"Ah..now there will be nothing to worry about my fields and friends."

"yes. you may be a right friend ."

"Hey did you know. Merlin said the rightful king would oust the Saxons and usher the nation to a new era."

"But what has he done. My country is still bleeding. The recent drought destroyed the crops and my cattle's dying here and there."

"Isn't he the true king sent by gods to help us? Then how did he help us!!"

"Keep your voice down."

"A king who cannot even see our pain. Is he truly THE KING SENT BY GODS!!"

Like such another commotion broke apart. Cracks began to appear once more. A hero, a ruler *scoff* who would follow a king for a flimsy idea that none could even understand.

Sorrow and despair was once more rampant in the hearts of people. They resorted to other means to control their urges. Blaming the king for anything and everything.

She sat once more thinking again on what could she done differently.

Suddenly she heard a knock at her door,


She did not have to look to know of who had entered her room

"Arthur. You have done a splendid job as a king. People look up to you and sing praises in your name." Merlin gushed on Arthur's achievement.

But this time she was not easy to believe his empty words. for unlike the past, she made sure to ask ainz on his input of the people she ruled over. Honestly, she felt more driven to a corner by their comments. For there, words were a part of the reason for ushering Briton to its destruction.

"Merlin. Do you think I am doing anything wrong?"

He kept his silence as not wanting to interfere in her campaign in any way.

"Some of your knights wish to retire, Arthur. "

"Very well. give them a fief near the Saxon territory. If they attack then we could still use them as bait."

Merlin froze once more looking at her weirdly. Even then he did not comment. But his freezing eyes were a clear indicator of something was wrong. In her past, she did notice such as she busy getting enraptured by Merlin's sweet words of kingship. But now she found another puzzle unable to solve on her own.

She thought about what she should do. Then it hit her. The solution before her eyes. she called her first knight once more.

Somewhere again in Camelot,

"Free food. Free food "

A girl in purple hair and beautiful clothes stood with a sign on the side of a road.

"Mo...Why do these people have to be so gullible."

Smirking while thinking of caster's tactic of baiting people with food. He called it a temporary investment. Of slithering a bit of honey to attract them like bees. She laughed inwardly at his ingenious plan.

"Ainz did you know this tactic before establishing our new church."

"O-of c-course, I did. Though you did read me like a book."

"No, ainz. I am not worthy of such words by just figuring out an aspect of your grand plan. Creating an independent religion to get free manpower and even stockpile them for tackling the current food shortage that could destroy people's trust in the king. For how many years back had you known of this predicament even occurring?"

"Ahaha" If Ainz had any less experience of his time as a king, he would be sweating profusely.

Suddenly in front of sakura. Ainz aura shifted and his eyes became sharper. With a grave tone, he said,

"It's all according to the plan"

Sakura's respect on that day towards Ainz grew.


It got lazy gonna continue in next chapter