Shub-Niggurath Part 1 (Side story)

Shub-Niggurath was bored. Thousand years earlier there lived a eldritch monster that had the power to ruin the world but even with these world destroying power they were forced to there slumber or in many cases banished to the deepest recesses of the world.

She slept and slept for quite a long time.

She from the memories of some captured humans took a form befitting her stature. After all her imagery, form and actions hid the actions of the monster beneath. Giving a false sense of hope to those believing in victory.

She herself relished in the fact on the moment they broke in fright when seeing her true form.

"I'm bored." For anyone watching the monologue of this loli goddess of doom might think of an happy to lucky scenario . Some might reinvigorate their daughter-con tendency or a few perverts may go pero*pero* but that's all that she wants. Exploiting their desires.

Few years earlier:

A huge tower stood in the middle of the fields. No one new of its origins but only its existence. But people were determined to conquer it.

"I'm going to conquer the tower and hoard its treasure. It'll be sure fetch a high price." Said a certain Riajuu hero with a hundred watt smile.

"Kyaa. Ero-ero sama is so dashing" some dimwit in the background.

"Ma..we will get there someday.." Said the reincarnated overpowered otaku.

The world was lithuis. A place filled with magic and monster. Sagas of heroes and legend were rampant in this life.

All nations of lithius were in war with the other. Elves died in droves while people of different race came into existence. they had bleary horn in their head accenting the fact of being a demon.

"You know it smarty pants."

"Shut up. I'm monologuing here."

Shub-Niggurath sweat dropped. For a few thousand years there had been no one alive to step foot to her domain. So out of desperation of contact she snagged a few souls from Odin's treasury. Of course he has not found her out on it. At least yet.

"Now where was i"

"You know it has been at least two hundred years for which you had been spouting that shitty story with that shitty mouth. If i had dominion over your soul i'd make sure to *censored*censored*"

Gotta keep this pg-friendly.

But this is boring. With nothing to do she gave up and decided to listen to this babbling lunatic this time.

"Across the faraway region there existed a world named lithi.."

"Shut the hell up and continue from where you left"

The soul glared at her before continuing " The happy to lucky hero went to claim his treasure for the kingdom"

Hero POV:

"If not me who will save my nation"

Demons en strangled the political balance of power for which they were ousted by the holy crusade.I can't and won't fall like them "

His riajuu power were at the max.

"Starlight str----(did some one say Copyright)" Once more the hero progressed through the tower.

He fought and fought. From slimes to monsters of various category. Demons and even angels were nothing against his wrath but then again he stood ass the forefront of his nation. Anything less than perfect was unacceptable.

"Yada.yada..Did he win?Say he won cus of that shitty broken power"

"Nah.He lost"

A vein throbbed on Shub-Nigguraths forehead.

"Then why the hell were you wasting my time with that shitty ending"

Like this another day passed as usual for this black-hearted goddess.