18. Cracks Part 2


He stood in a dimly lit room with few articles inside showing the practicality of this desolate place.

Momon stood before artoria. Outside of people and her knight's presence, there remained no reason for him to kneel before her. She even understood the notion and accepted it as such. For kneeling before others were un-befitting of a king. But neither of these two rulers cared much about such etiquette.

"I would like your help." It took a lot out of her to say these words. She knew that the way her rule is going it won't be long before she fails. The king of lot is at her neck. Vortigern has yet to be slain. In a different timeline, she already had accomplished in defeating them. But now she had grown complacent. No longer having the same drive as before. For she knew how her saga would end.

In the end, she decided to give up and ask Merlin indirectly. But even he lied to her. So there remained one individual outside of her time staying by her side. From the years she spent with Ainz she felt to have understood him. While he may be a powerhouse capable of destroying the world with the flick of his finger. She knew he excelled more at his mind than his fists and magic. A man who has everything power, status, strength, and absolute loyalty of his friends. In her perspective, Ainz stood as an absolute wall that no matter how much she strives to break will never shatter. From his stories, she knew how loved he was.

"Poisoning would not work, Betrayal out of the question" In her mind, she found absolutely no counter against his dominion. A ruler who can stay at the throne without fear even for hundreds of thousands of years and this relying on his mind!! To her fighting him, if it ever comes to it would be an absolute nightmare.

She looked once more towards him.

"I want to protect my people and such I made preparations on what to do. But in the end, everything remained the same even though the path I took was different. I want to know what you think, Ainz Oowl Gown?"

Ainz stood shell shocked but quickly hid his expression.

"What brought in the change?"

Artoria would like to answer too but nothing came to her mind. Both knight and king stood in absolute silence for quite a while. Ainz closed his eyes signaling her to speak first. finally gathering the courage she spoke,

"....I...i don't know, myself"


"In the beginning, I thought that if I would change some things, then my rule would be more beneficial to Camelot. I even tried to but in the end, no matter what, I could not understand why I had diverted to the same path as before. I would have asked for help from others but there actually were no capable individuals who would give me their honest feedback and not run away at first sight."

Ainz opened his eyes. His eyes were sharper meaning he was serious this time

"Artoria, the way you rule is even something I envy. The single-minded determination you have for your nation is quite noteworthy and for such people hesitate before you. You stand as an absolute monarch. Throwing every bit of your time for the kingdom and for such, it creates a divide. People can't connect to those who they do not understand and because you work tirelessly, people and even your own knight themselves cannot match up to you. In the end, you ultimately turned yourself into an ideal. An ideal of the righteous and of justice. But these ideals do not fill their empty stomach and their children and for such, you remain hated."

She stood in silence hearing his words. Trying to filter it out again and again. She did not want to hear it not from him

"The reason for a monarch's failure will most likely sum to their corrupt justice. But for you, it is your ideal that caused a division in your kingdom. After all, can a serf understand the pain of one chosen by God? No, they cannot"

"So, what do you suggest I do"

She asked feebly. His words were short but concise. It hit her where it hurt. Yes, she made sure to delegate the domestic duties of his nation to others. For she felt incapable of understanding her masses. But it seemed it was something she should have accepted herself and not threw it to others.

"There are quite a few ways that you could gain their trust. You most likely do not care about your citizens, for the nations as a whole is important. but sitting in that throne of yours requires quite a lot of blood to be shed. Can you do that? Slaughter, your own people to save the nation?If no then that is as far as your resolve will go and you will meet the same end."

"What are you suggesting?"She glared

Ains smiled seeing her glare. Smiling kindly at her. After all, being a king does not involve your personal feelings but the feelings as a whole nation until and unless they gave their absolute loyalty to her

He spoke once more but now with the determination of a king, "You are quite young. When I ascended my throne I already was quite old and my un-dead nature made me kill others without remorse. The first of few things you could do is convert to my religion."

He said with a smirk. Artoria glared at him as if Ains asked for her left kidney


"Merlin won't help you. The future that demented seer had seen was of your defeat. In other words, he would make sure that no matter what, you would reach that same ending. For this is the will of humanity. The progression cannot be halted even though it's despicable. Would you throw your life and your people's for a god you do not even care of? Who never helped in your time of need but used you in the past for humanity's progression?"


"No. At least I won't. Religious itself is a tool for a monarch. It gives the people a sense of relief in their time of distress as well as creates a source of unity. If you would convert to the religion of the great Ainz Oowl Gown, then it would further publicize my own church giving me more power on this land as well as I offer people of a certain category, free food and wish to sell some runic weapons" yes he did not give up on that.

"Whether you accept or not will be a first step to the change you have been waiting for."

Artoria spoke " But such action would result in gaining negative attention from the catholic and protestants and there is a possibility that more than half of the nobles following me would leave because of such decision"

"You are quite naive, Arthur. Strike when the iron is hot. Gamble to your very best for the monarch holds the lives of people in his hands. For them at least fight to the skin and teeth. If that is what is required for you to lose support than that means those individuals were not noteworthy, to begin with"

Artoria started pondering on his words. It makes quite a lot of sense now on why merlin never interfered or that she never knew of her people. For some reason or the other, she was intentionally kept in the dark. The only one who could be responsible would be Morgana, her right hand.

Joining hands with Ainz would be beneficial as it would open many opportunities for her. It may even stop the domestic problems, as the serfs and peasants are mostly happy with a filled stomach they won't care if they have to sell their humanity for it. A cruel aspect nonetheless. She would require quite a lot of convincing. But there was one thing for sure the knights of the round would disband. For they only followed her because of the instructions of God. By betraying the very god would result in losing almost all her support.


So that's what he meant to gamble everything. To put all your in one pot. Insanity or she would like to say if she hadn't entertained the prospect. Then would he support her?

"Ainz. If I go through with this accept your religion and convert my masses will you the head of the religion support me?"

"Is that something you even need to ask? Of course, I would. For it would be fun to see you break from your shell and it will also benefit sakura if she stayed beside you for the time"

It felt like a devil's whisper calling her with sweet words. If it was the past she would not hesitate to unsheathe her blade and point it against him. But now she felt it quite acceptable. Losing her knights even more so.

For Tristan, kay, Gareth, Gawain, Lancelot and other knights showed their hatred towards her for long enough. She knew for she was never accepted by them. Her knights hated her but then one day just because she showed her worth they changed their tune. Calling him the rightful king to her it felt nothing more than scorn. She would never hold on to it but in her second time, those feelings reinvigorated once more.

They would betray her once again. She would be alone once again. The image of her broken self in the desolate hill once more resurfaced.

"It won't happen." She would break if she had relieved that scenario once more. The hatred and fury from lancelot in the grail war was the final string that broke the camel's back. If she has to accept greater evil for the benefit of her nation then why not.

She welcomes it. As such the ahoge in her head simply disappeared and showed the current face of the true king.

For the first time, the girl became a monarch breaking the shell of her childish ideals

"I accept."


Demiurge would be proud :)

volume-1 ends...

ps. I don't want to give hope but it should be obvious that the story would progress with lancer alter.