26. Merlin's Wish

This day has not been very good. Rain pelted from the deep blue skies sticking an ill omen among her people. Once again proving how superstitious they were. Horses moved carriages while people running in shared rhythm. The sound of crows cawing in the background reverberated through her ears. While the only discomfort she had was the soft mud beneath her boots.

'This is not a good season' Her faced scrunched, for the visage laid spoke a grim scene. The moral of the army soon hit the bottom. With a maddening gleam in their eyes, the beggers moved door to door, to secure food in these horrible times of war. A slight chill of wind hit her face, forcing her mind to restart once more.

The place was barren without the presence of sound and life, a few weeks earlier. But the nation faced no silence from outside since. An unfortunate attack from french fleets further diminished transactions between neighboring nations. To stop them from causing international issues, she was forced to lead a charge. A charge of slaughter and carnage. Yet, she made no effort to summon her black knight. After all, this fight belongs to her, not anyone else. Relying too much on him will ruin her integrity as a knight.

The kind man of Canterbury, sipping tea, and listening on her meandering thoughts. He was no hero nor a monster but a warrior himself. Justice meant nothing if there was no merit to reap as was destruction if not salvageable. The man or in essence god stood top of the world looking beneath with no thoughts of his own. A persuading silence was the answer to his wishes. Arthur though felt warm in this oblivious notion. The Grail stood as a wish for her while her knights took solace in the breaths of god. But the mysterious knight felt nothing, wished nothing, as aimed for nothing. While she liked to scold him on such behavior, had she the right?

The answer stood before her, even if she never tries to acknowledge it. Acceptance is truly a great thing, one that she never achieved. A world splitting truth of lies and fallacies or a beautiful lie in strings of poisonous thorns, what will she accept or what will she take? Both stand as evil, both poisonous. No matter the path, the end will always be damnation.

Here, she stood again in the past, before her knights of betrayal. Badivere lost her trust, for his wish lied with others, Percival adored god to no end while others followed behind. But a strange feeling stroked her head, like a piece of fragment she wailed as it wept.

The place was strange for it being the first in time to stand. The french smiled derisively in her misfortune guiding her to a path of hatred. She in return like a god of war smiled back to show a small bit of superiority even if she lacked such in face of these unfortunate events. Pride, If not anything, stood tall for Arthur. Pride of her herself, her integrity to her cause, and pride towards her people made even the greatest of kings, King Arthur look down on her enemies. She was but a kind girl living in a small barn, once wished to be a knight who protects the weak, the girl however was nowhere in this place of carnage but here stood someone who even the little girl could not help but acknowledge. The King Of Britain, Arthur Pendragon. In this carnival of slaughter, the dragon rose once more from its eternal slumber. Blood was its wine while war it's home. She was a dragon and a dragon stood tall...

"Gawain protect the left flank. While you are at it, ask Tristan if he needs any help."

"If that is your wish sire" Gawain and Tristan, fabled knights of the round. They were her achievements, a piece of her own fragments. Now, though the complications towards her duties turned them against her own. Where she lost her fragments, she gained a gem, a gem of immense worth. But in no way her collection would worth in abandonment to her knights. In the end, however, she was kind and her kindness volatile. Would her knights stay knowing betrayal or will they succumb to madness like her fabled knight Lancelot? A bet she would not make even if the result spoke of her favor. But this was not this issue, however.

The protection driven from trades and transactions had come to an end because a lost bird fallen from trees wished to escape. Her escape led misfortune to Camelot and workings known towards the world. War erupted, for peace truly was no option. She feared not how it started but how it would end. Ainz's words ingrained deep in her mind poking her fragility once more. Again she was reminded how cruel were the gods. To go so far to even force humanity from their organs(Magic). Now the only cure stood as destruction. To allude the gods with misery while they force a new donor. (Meaning Ainz fix the seal on the leyline).

Oh. How harsh is her fate to accept a deal with the devil? But no matter, whatever the end would bring, she would accept such without remorse. For this was her duty and her sin...

"Ellias, Mache. How goes the fortification on our encampments near Rome" Ellias's complexion visibly paled at those words. Sparking fear deep beneath Arturia's mind. But in the recesses of her conscience spoke a voice belonged to another. Scoffing at their desperation while mocking for even insinuating such methods against them. Clearing her mind, she looked calculatingly at the pair. Trying to measure their words worth. In the next moment, her eyes sharpened, gleaming even with red-tinted light while looking at their faces.

Fear encroached their body as if looking straight at the maw of the fabled dragon. But still, she commends them for standing still even against a monarch such as her.

"W-well the thing-g is..." Ellias tried, she tried desperately, to put her words as best as possible. The wrath of a dragon was not so small. Villages burned while people succumbed to despair. A dragon was not so easy, A single mistake would very well-wrought the end to their lives. Mache feeling fed up with her attitude decided to cut in forgoing all subtilities, regarding the status quo between them. It may have been the only way though, fear strung her immobilizing any coherence of thoughts from within.

"It is horrible, your Majesty. Most of our encampments on the Rivaria plains were attacked yesterday night. They know when our security will be lax and decided to attack us straight forth without giving us time to prepare. From the outlook of events, their actions towards us now could be taken as a declaration of war"

'It seems the rat has taken the bait.' The voice in her head spoke, derisively. Slaughter was indeed her path. But, however, the act of aggression thrown by Romans made the deal all so sweet. 'Now, though she would play the role of a tormented and kind ruler. Bringing solace towards her people while filling their minds with purity and love towards even her enemies. Oh. King Arthur, your righteousness knows no bounds and your love endless. Hahaha...But in the end, you remain nothing but a murderer and your kindness lost in its act' spoke a small voice in her mind. It seems the path she walks will indeed be harsh.

"Y-yes. They executed all individuals who failed to escape by crucifying them in crosses. It was horrible...like they were trying to send a cryptic message towards us."Unconsciously her hands clasped tightly into fists. Anger rose in her mind, for their transgressions towards her treasures. A promise of blood rose, providing more incentives towards the said goal. The cold, frigid expression of the fabled king, Arthur made its appearance once more. The kind and cordial Arthur now emanated bloodlust towards her enemies forgoing their humanity.

"Those Romans sure know how to get on our nerves, your majesty" Trying to diffuse this unbearable situation, mache spoke lightly. The boy surely had balls of steel to make such comments while Arthur was in her frenzy. But nonetheless, it seemed to have an effect tenderizing the situation and bringing back the court in order.

"We should also declare war to show them their place" Throughout the entire exchange Arturia was silent. Traitors have infiltrated her court. It started quite early maybe even during the reign of the previous king. Information regarding Camelot leaked like a flood outside of its walls. This was concerning as well as remorseful as a king to know that you are being betrayed by your own subjects without knowing. The outflow of such sensitive information of the inner workings of Camelot caused quite a blunder which now forced her to conduct a few of her special meetings within the confines of Ainz's church. As this place is in the middle of a magical leyline Ainz decided to put special wards around making it harder for individuals to lie but still some people managed to bypass this problem. A half-lie is still considered the truth which further complicated the issue regarding security even within the confines of this fortress.

But now in the open plains in one of her encampments, the king felt vulnerable and downright exposed which further increased her anxiety. Fear crept to her mind from all corners. She was close very close to her goal. By no means would a king like her give up for a simple thing like the lack of proper security. Unconsciously her hands touched the mysterious pendant hidden beneath her armor, the gift provided by Ainz before her departure. He said holding this not only wards mind control spells but also provides courage in the pits of despair. This was one of the articles that she received as gifts from him. Of course, she was not the type of individual to easily accept such things but ' Take them Arturia, I lend these to you and wish that you will return safely with them' the sincerity in his tone and the subtle meaning 'come back alive' forced her to take it even if it went against her own ideals. An unconscious smile made its way in her face thinking of his worried expression.

The black knight of hers had no wish of his own. He remained invulnerable against everything and anything. The one variable which stood unmovable and as well unreachable for he had no goals or even an aspiration. A man who has everything and could want nothing but even such an individual of indisputable stature lied.

The perfect image of Ainz who would never move for others cracked and crumbled in her mind.

'Death, Arturia is very fickle. It never shows any signs before coming to reap your soul. However, Arturia, if you die in this campaign for something selfish as pride I would not care much anyways for that, will just show the extent of your resolve.' was the biggest lie of all.

'Sakura will definitely be jealous if you give me such gifts so frivolously, Momonga' Before she once again fell victim to her own delusions, one of her advisors spoke,

"Your Majesty, Merlin wishes to speak to you."Arturia's mind jumped hearing his name. For the past few days, she had been avoiding him altogether. Not that it would cause harm to take his advice but approaching him became quite sensitive on her part.

"huh..." If it was a few days earlier she would have had no issue with him. On the other hand, both would merrily talk of her exploits during the battle of Badan. Now though the only thing that perverted wanderer would talk about is to do good with the Church of God and pick up Excalibur once more. Heaving a sigh she decided to entertain Merlin in her encampment.

"We will further talk about the details later. Everyone dismissed." With an excited expression, Ellais and Mache left her camp.

'Was she that scary?' It looks like the situation is just as expected. Now she cannot even refute Ainz's suggestion of becoming a wallflower.

"Y-yes, your majesty."

In front of her table filled stacks of paper asking aids in various villages or providing support. After a few moments, Footsteps approached, Arturia did not look up to acknowledge the individual in front of him. The other party seemed the same waiting for her approach as well.

She finally took note of the presence of the said individual in her working chambers and spoke, "It has been a long time since we met like this, Merlin."

"Arturia, It feels good to meet you again. You seem quite busy these days." It seems the wizard had a change of heart. He must have noticed something from my dismissive and uncaring attitude towards him. Serves him right, not a day went by in her past where this freeloading wizard would not sprout some trouble within her domain. Loads of paperwork thrown in her face, for his actions rose her distaste towards him. But now it seems the wizard has something to say. 'Now, of all times when she came to accept herself. It better be good or even the girl like her would forgo all respect and throw him out of her tent'

"True. While it would be a time for celebration, the situation deems otherwise. We are being attacked from two sides altogether. The king of Lot is moving behind the scenes, while Vortigern still lives albeit in hiding. It seems the words no silence for the weary seems true" Her revenge against Vortigern still had not been concluded. Worry and anxiousness rose in her heart by the passing of every single day.

"That it does, my disciple. Though I would ask you to reconsider some of your past decisions. For today I will not speak of it." Now that was a surprise for her. Merlin started acting differently from the moment he entered her tent. In the past, this perverted wizard would no doubt boast about one of his escapades with a few maids stationed to protect the nobles. Currently, though he was silent and acting meekly. While this should resolve some of her trouble but unfortunately this event disgusted her even more 'To think that this wizard had found something more interesting than looking under a maids skirt'

Merlin himself became quite famous because of his perverse behaviors. Noble or not if it fits he hits as such people knowing his actions kept their wives and daughters far away from him. The famous wizard who should look ecstatic peaking the surrounding maid's skirt was acting like if the world has ended. Arturia's expression softened at his plight and asked,

"What's with the sudden change? You are not going to die tomorrow, are you?"

"No..." His expression became more serious.


"No...The vision when you picked...up Excalibur, was of the end of Arthur. Betrayed, Scorned, and left alone in the dirt. Under your absence, your crown was stolen by a witch in the shadows. Forced to kill your own, you fell from grace. But again Arthur stood as a Rightful king, even till the end..." Finally, the old fool decided to lay her some words of truth. Words hit harder than stones. The expression stood true now before her. The somber look of merlin stood as an example. Guilt forced him to finally speak. Despair was what filled her, for the first time when she lost everything. The man however knew but even still decided to play his sick game. Forced or not, had not mattered to her, for the pain of betrayal was etched in her heart.

"hmm...What benefit would such words bring me? But still, I would humor you go on..." With a heavy heart, she decided to hear, what this version of merlin would do. would he fill her ears once more with sweet nothingness of her accomplishments? Or will he show disappointment towards her actions?

"At first, when you went on and recruited Momon, the dark knight, I was skeptical. After all, In all my visions a knight named Momon never existed..." Momon. The dark knight has gained quite a bit of popularity. Whenever a person is in trouble in accordance with his oath he would save him. 'HAHAHA...How cathartic, being saved by the monster they hate the most. nothing brings me more happiness than to see him play everyone like a fickle' spoke the voice derisively. After a brief of silence, Merlin spoke once more, now with a mischievous smile on his face,

"But it could be because of his existence that you changed, my king. Where in the past, you locked yourself out from others sight, now you mingle with such folks. Your knights would not follow you, they have every reason to hate your greatness but their actions do not match with their words."

"What do you mean?" Now, that was a surprise. She is not hated?

"It seems unknowingly the actions of your majesty has garnered far more respect from Lancelot and Tristin. Lancelot is not from these parts of Britain. He is an outsider like Momon, Tristan is also the same. Sir Kay as well, the man respects Momon more than anything. While the knights themselves say that they hate Ainz, not all feel the same. So as one of your advisors, I ask that you do not judge everyone equally, for the actions of one person." Momon does worship Ainz's religion which played a factor in soothing the common people's rage. Many saved by him and were protected under his banner. As such no matter what, people would never hate him, for he stands as a true knight of chivalry and honor. His popularity soared to such extent that bards sing of his praises while armies facing the dark knight of Camelot turn their flags down in surrender.

"Why? Why I ask? Weren't they the ones who wanted to destroy the central church? But now you say that their words held no weight?"

"Arturia, you should try to understand human emotions. Power exists where people believe it to be. That even the smallest shadow could overthrow the sun. The meaning is quite simple people believe not in God but for the benefit as a whole. While Percival did in fact wanted to burn this Church of Ainz, the ones close to him did not allow him so. His friends and family worship this god and receive education as well as food from it. Do you really think he would go through his warning, Jeopardizing the life and security of his close family? They are like lambs who found themselves in a crossroads of life. Unable to decide for themselves and as such make mistakes..."

"Then, I will ask you one more question, Merlin? What side do you follow?" She asked inquisitively. This Merlin was different. An individual like him coming forth with words like this. Something must have happened. But such a sudden change would only be caused by an anomaly. Did he speak to Momon or Ainz before coming here? I should ask him later what he told this wandering perverted wizard to change him so much.

"I follow none, but what my heart desires, and in the end, I am simply your advisor. I'll try to show you a path whether you follow or not is up to you, dear Arturia. No matter if others betray you or not, you will always find an ally within me." Her eyes watered a bit hearing his words. She was guilty of whatever accusations, he would make and as well prepared herself to take it but she never thought about being praised by him of all things. Truly the man was an incubus, he knew what to say to her the most.

"T...thank you, Merlin." She truly was thankful. Hope for her knights still existed within her heart. She smiled after hearing his words. Though it should be normal, Merlin, however, was shocked,

"hn...It's good to see you have not changed much Arturia"

"Should I be any different?"

"No. Well, the church is going on propaganda saying that Ainz is the stuff of evil and making some parts up to paint him in a different light. But seeing you like this makes me question their integrity" It seems they went back to their old antics once more. Truly humans are creatures hard to change, after this campaign, she would have words, and if that fails actions will have to be taken. Arthur was honestly fed up being betrayed left and right. A sweep up inside Camelot has to be done.

"Maybe those words hold some bit of truth." She asked wanting to know to what extent Merlin knows of Ainz's actions.

"Haha...If that's so then I would not want to be on the receiving end of it."

"That's true and also don't try to flirt with anyone from Ainz's church or you might get castrated by his Archibishop."

"Ah, the fiery girl. what was the name? Sakura. Well, at least she would serve as a challenge. Huhu..." A disappointed smile made its way on her face. 'Truly some things never change'.She still decided to warn him.

"Huh...You never change. Just make sure to stay alive, merlin. Some women are not worth it"

"I'll keep it in mind~~~" With those words merlin left her tent.


Well, in the next chapter the gloves are off. Blood will be shed and many would die. Her knights will unite well.

Some guy said my story is crap, like written by seventh-grader. I feel that if its the case I should stop continuing this story and write something else;-;