She was there facing her enemies without a need for deceit or a well-constructed lie. A banner of Rome stood still with armies akin to flood. Shock soon prevailed her thoughts, seeing the sheer might of her enemies. The situation so dire, numbing even the mind of this great dragon. It truly was not her time to fight. For this battle would be akin to her battle in Camlann. That said she would lose.
"No. This cannot be true..."
"It has to be a lie"
"We can't go against them is such conditions"
"Your Majesty, It seems this place would become our graveyard. Hahaha...Never thought my end would come to this soon" Remorse filled her soldier's mind. It seemed the end was near at least for them. This, however, forced her to drive on a conclusion. A decision she would never make but the situation oddly drew comfort from it.
The Rain felt endless. Never giving in its pursuit. Her boots were fully drenched in mud as so her clothes, ruined. The king, however, cared not for such trivial things. Her mind now remained occupied. Thoughts of what will happen after her loss agonized the girl to no end, filling her fully with despair and sorrow. But no expression inciting such thoughts made its way to her face. The fear stood so prevalent that even her heart failed to comprehend the burden of it.
She now stood in her war room preparing all kinds of strategies to counter the impossible. Though against such might, even the best of tactics fail her knowledge. But no matter the path she took, the solution to this predicament nowhere to be found. Like an endless void, she succumbed to despair knowing without him the situation was truly impossible to salvage.
'Is it because this stands as a new time?' Her mind tried. Creating reasons for this unexpected event. Truly such a grand army showed how much the unconscious will of humanity is forced to act, just to remove this unsightly girl from her stage. Her acting as well strides bringing not but discomfort towards the grand stage. Receiving grief from all sides begging her to leave for someone worthy to take the mantle.
If it was before when she was still a wielder of Excalibur, a naive girl with a hopeless wish to save everyone as well to act as a beacon of light, the girl would have relented, for truly she had nothing that would aid in this suicidal battle to protect her kingdom. A grand army of 66,000 soldiers stood before her measly army of 18,000. The odds against her while time sipping beneath the cracks of her finger through every moment. 'How dire the situation you brought to yourself, oh king of knights. Never should have tried to go against your station.huh...What are you gonna do, now? Hide behind the facade of the Righteous king or delve deep in mud and seize hegemony. haha...but no matter what path you take righteous or not, you will have to deal with its results' The voice in her head spoke. Surely she had been hearing it from time to time, the earliest would be when picking the lance, Rhongomyniad.
'In other timelines, though it had no sentience may be a disorder created from going through time.' Through further investigation would be done, she felt the rush of time permitting none.
'oh, how the tables have turned.' She would have laughed outright forgetting her dignity as a king. Maybe she lost it, the burden of duty finally taking its toll on her mind. Again she might not but there was one thing which remained absolute, fear truly had prevalence in the heart. Her hands shook, the phenomenon taking her by surprise. Her face scrunched in disgust for how low she had truly fallen, the girl had taken his gifts for granted.
Never giving her all to protect what she held dear the most, pushing others away mostly those who cared much for her and to go as far to shy away of her duties, truly Arturia had taken things for granted and this was her punishment, this was her sin...
But there was something, something belonging exclusively to Arturia and no one else. She is the only possessor who had the right to use it but alas a nagging thought appeared once more asking her to stop and accept her fate. One of the two things would happen, the world would know her as the greatest slaughterer or deem by a title of war maiden. There truly was no other way than to seek his help and here she thought she alone would persevere through this situation. Even then knowing her death would indeed save billions of life, she cared not. She was an emperor and an emperor has to be selfish, she has to be the greatest if not how would she inspire confidence in those who follow before her. Such a notion to Arturia before was preposterous, a king lived to sacrifice everything towards her kingdom but hearing a few stories of his black knight spoke otherwise.
'Arturia, a king is not an inviolable object. No, he too is the same as his subjects. If a king does not become one with her people then in no way, your words would reach them. Ultimately, they will mistake your words and in the end fallout between your people will ensue. One claiming the king to be just while for others a tyrant forcing their will' Those words spoken in a rather heavy tone as if he himself has gone through the worst of it but still a small flickering smile adorned his face. Reminiscing those actions as good memories? A part of him that once more alluded her.
For the first time in her life, Arturia was selfish. She refused to lose, Refused to give up in face of insurmountable odds. Against forces nearly four times greater than her own she would fight. With this declaration, she left her soldier who protects her on every step, her handmaidens, they who make sure of her comfort as well the squires who tend to her every need. She did not need them, for now, the situation required a miracle and if she has to artificially produce that then so be it.
Flashback :
Arturia again found herself watching Ainz and his actions. The entirety of Camelot felt quite boorish to stay. While here at least she could take taste everyday surprises beneath the church. Once, sakura forced her to accompany in her grand adventure exploring his created dungeon. As she knew from Ainz that sakura could leave anytime by simply having the intent to do so as well as her. Arturia could have rejected but the mystery behind his dungeon filled her with curiosity. Once sakura pouted and with doe eyes asked if Ainz could make the dungeon more exciting. Ainz complied with her request and casted a spell which changed the dungeon and its monsters every few weeks.
Once she and Sakura found themselves at the casino with a magically created case full of cash, they both went wild the entire night. Cards were flipped and hopes of others to make a quick buck shattered.
Arturia the king of knights laughed at others misery while sakura trying to pull her out of it.
She found herself at one of sofa inside the dungeon as he asked if dressing as in a bunny outfit was a new craze in Camelot. For the next few hours she was unable to look at him in shame.
"hmm...Never thought Gaia's blessing was so powerful." Ainz in his church's backyard was trying out his new spells as well to make sure to what extent they could be pushed. In her mind, Ainz looked as if he were in a candy store and was now pondering on what flavour suits his palate the most but again he liked all, for his expression turned worse when trying to choose one over the other. In the end, she decided to watch as she knew him better than most, the god of death would surely notice her of his own.
Arturia stood at a corner watching him train passionately. It was a pleasant feeling to her who only faced bouts with a sword. Magic of different dimensions from her own strewn forth in front of her. She became ecstatic as time went on.
"Ainz.I would like to ask you something?" She felt apprehension about the request, she was willing to make. The girl known as Arturia would never ask someone a favour but they were quite or she would to believe, to ask this much would be quite common. The girl refused to bow before others for she believed herself to be more competent than them but now she could not stop herself. Magic was such a phenomenon.
"Go on. No need to shy from your words..."
"" The words stuck in her mouth fighting in protest. Asking her to not trouble this already busy man with her own selfishness.
"Please speak with more clarity" The man yet still guided her forth without using superficial titles or proper respect as a ruler. 'That's it. We are equals, the concept of status should not hinder him to make his thoughts known. So why cannot I do so?'. Nobility was a concept ingrained in people from their very birth. Statuses caused divide and this divide resulted in the monarch to rule without great trouble. Though now that very concept may as well act as a shackle towards her.
"Can you teach me your magic?" With great shame, she made her second wish towards him known. Shedding her honour as a knight the girl spoke to make her wish. She knew the man would succumb to her desire as so she never wished anything more than what he had done for her. Kindness ushered her way every time she asked for his aid. Never saying no, always going with her antics. The girl knew such as he never rejected her. When asking for his aid in a battle or making an example of her might or in other times when she just wanted to converse with him to just null her loneliness. The man cordially accepted, never refusing and always enduring.
'How selfish am I to even ask more from this god?' In the beginning, she thought of him as an evil god just like others. Even though he placed his acceptance towards her but she showed her trust towards him superficially, never accepting his words in her heart. For the girl was like others. Unconsciously judging him even if she had no right to do so. But even then knowing her intent, Ainz never spoke barbed words to her. Accepting her entirely without gain. 'How troublesome of a woman she is?'
"Arturia learning magic is possible but will you have the time? Surely, a campaign against Rome awaits you within a few days. That is not enough time to learn the concepts and intricacies of magic. It takes dedication and knowledge towards the pursuit to learn it"
"Does that mean that you will not teach me?"
"Uhh" Arturia's expression now mirrored a kicked puppy in front of Ainz. Unknowingly it dealt a good amount of mental damage to his psyche. Forcing him to break his overlord persona. He truly was getting soft on her.
" It's not that I won't teach you but it's you know a time-intensive action so after this campaign we will begin." Arturia beamed with a smile but realizing Ainz was in front of her, she took her kingly attitude once more.
"I-Is t-that so. It's not like I care much about it"
"b....ut.thank you for accepting this request, it means a lot" She spoke. Her voice barely audible causing Ainz to miss them entirely. Ainz slowly took out a cube exuding mysterious energy in its surrounding, from his pocket dimension and put it in her hands.
"Moving forth, Arturia although, I will not force you to ask my aid in your future problems and as a ruler, you will not appreciate such gesture as well but if for any reason you face circumstances that pushes you against the tide then break this object. But remember that using it will have heavy repercussions" A hollow cube presented before her. Shining in an ephemeral light.
"What does it do?"
Ainz with a mischievous look spoke, "haha...You will have to find out for yourself"
Arturia pondered on this thought. Her army stood strong protecting Camelot for many years. Surely there remains no need for this cube to ever see the light of day as such took it and held it close to herself as another of his divine gifts.
Reverie Plains, Camelot's Border, Arturia's Encampment:
"Llamrei, Let's go" She charged along with her knights in the fray of the massacre. Her sword cleaving apart the lives of those who wished to partake in her demise. The sword in her hand was not Excalibur but still, it stood as a glimpse of hope through this dark path. A sword of the king, Symbolizing his ideals. The king was not always right, he too makes mistakes like others. The sword shone different from times before, now in acknowledgement and mirth. For the king was reborn and his the sword shone portraying its divine might.
She took a stance holding Caliburn up in the sky. The hopes and dreams of those who follow along with her own emotions caused the blade of legends to thrum in power. The light was holy as so deadly aiding his king In his last stand.
"Reap forth oh sword of choosing, Caliburn" With a slice, the light of Caliburn killed over an army of four thousand. Shock manifested in their eyes. They thought of her to be taken by evil and so the warriors raised their blades with confidence knowing she lost Excalibur but never understanding how far they strayed from the truth. Her sword never portrayed all her intentions. After all, they were articles gifted by God to mortals in hopes of creating their own legends. But alas through the end, they simply remained nothing but a sword exemplifying her own history. A weapon to slaughter her own kind. Can it still be called holy if bathed in the blood of the girl's enemies? Reaping life of others like a deranged conqueror, as sowing discord towards in their minds...
The devastating attack brought her time, worth an hourglass of wine. Using their confusion she once more started hacking and slicing with her sword while her knights soon followed.
"Hmm..." She marched in fury. Her expression turning demented with every step of her way.
"Charge!!!!" With a command, moved her knights.
Galius beheaded one with his knife, Marrie in her name bade a good few souls in the afterlife, while Garchhe slews forth a few more.
She panted, for her stamina now stood against her as the one true enemy. The girl stood in a centre of the hill. The clear picture of her failed campaign laid bare before her. Bodies of Romans and her own compatriot laid waste in their own blood. Some decapitated while others not having even that right, reduced to a human pin cushion.
One solace about the entire thing was that, the knights of the round still safe. If they had fallen like others the campaign would surely be lost. But still, the question remains for how long? Her forces were already halved since the beginning of this battle...
While Arturia was deep in thought, a warrior belonging to her enemy jumped at her with a sword. She would have parried if not her exhaustion taking its toll.
"aaaaahhh..." Grunting in pain the girl standing atop the hill suffered alone. For she had lost that right, to scream and wail. Others in her name lied drenched in blood unmoving, like a still corpse shadowing her own past.
"No..." Images of that day resurfaced once more showing, her own futility, her own naivety. The girl stood still, drinking in her fear once more but tried to brave forth this darkness but no matter how she struggled, her feet refused to move.
'Is that how this ends, dying alone once more unable to even save my own?' Her eyes lost their glow. Suddenly a thought once again came to her mind.' You know there the cube still waiting inside your armour?' Telling her like a whisper of the devil.
She held the cube in her hands. Examining it deeply and pondering if this was the right time to use it or not. But one look towards her assailants made her come to her decision. With her fist, she crushed the cube with her entire might. The cube changed as its core resembling a softball of liquid slowly disappearing like sands of time. In her conscious, Arturia felt some resistance but decided to not fight against it. Her body faintly glowed without even her knowing. Suddenly the faint light burst and grew in a manner threatening to overlap the entire surroundings. Sounds of children's laughter filled the entirety of the plains. Rain soon stopped while the warmth of spring followed from afar.
The cube, however, was no ordinary item. It was a race change equipment modified by Ainz acting as a beacon for him. Based on attributes possessed by the individual, it gave birth to them once more.
In mute shock, they watched their ruler.
The changes had no end.
Breathtaking was her visage
The plains drenched in blood saw something pure in its hope
Silence answered all who laid eyes on those heavenly wings behind her
Rhongomyniad glowed in acknowledgement bolstering confidence for others to follow behind
The king was no hero, she was not even a messiah
A girl raised in a small hamlet
Dreaming of saving others at the cost of herself.
Sacrificing all and everything
A wish was made for hope to lie in its wake,
Three pair of wings showed itself to the world.
Trinity paved its way
One in a crescendo of darkness portraying her sorrow as well, despair.
One in the pride of a dragon, blood-red with the hint of power showing its defiance.
And the last, basking all in its holy radiance threatening to overwhelm everything in its glory
Pure white wings showing her innocence.
Her knights bowed in worship while her enemy, numbers shrouding her own, cowered.
History was written once more.
Lancelot POV:
Lancelot knew her king for a short time. Not like other knights Gawain or Bedivere, he had not the majesty to know the king as well his fellow knight has. Donning a silver armour, Lancelot simply stood as an enigma. Never in his life, the thought of being a knight ever crossed his mind. Raised by the lady of the lake he had no one willing to stand for him. Merlin, however, spoke in his favour and such allowed his sword skills and chivalry to captivate King Arthur, giving him a chance to join as his loyal knight.
"haa..." With a slice of his faithful sword, Arondight, a roman gladiator fell. this, however, was his mark, like a swift breeze of wind, he tore through a line of gladiators. The screech of his sword was the only made itself known to the world. Before they knew what had exactly transpired within this short period, they were on the ground torn apart from its holy light.
"Fellow knights try not to let those Romans fill the hole. Converge to it as soon as you can."
Using his holy sword Lancelot weaved forth. There stood no enemy before him nor even an ally. His life belonged to the king and to protect his kingdom no matter what kind of individual stood forth against him he vowed to reap their souls apart.
With each dash more and more Romans died before. Now though they cowered, cowered in his visage. Blood marred his face giving him the look of death itself. But Lancelot would not partake in those thoughts for they were the enemies trying to kill his king as such they deserved no such mercy.
Even though he killed so many, the prevalence of stragglers still allowed breach into his group. They were up against a hurricane, no matter what measures he would take to not let even a single life lose in this battle it forever fails. Standing forth he once again bared witness to their death. After all one individual can never save everyone. While enjoying his next kill one of the stray arrows made its home to his second in command.
"Arundell, Take charge of the rest " This may be the last, the last fight he will partake in. But even so, Lancelot had hope. Hope for his king to lead his people to safety. That trust bore his resolve giving him the courage to face unspeakable odds.
"Yes, sir"
"It seems a hard-boiled warrior found himself on the wrong side to fight. Now, will your piss-poor king make his entrance or is the Englishmen, such cowards, that the king hides in their back. What farce of a king had your ruler become, Lancelot...I pity you"
Standing before Lancelot stood Justinus taunting him.
Lancelot answered equally without missing a single beat, "My king is just, His ways show of truth, unlike other rulers he cares not for his crown but the benefit of everyone. A selfless king he is, as so no words coming out of that thing you call your mouth holds weight in my heart. On the other hand, who will even join the filthy Ruler of who res, like yourself"
"Ah. Is that so and here I thought that only the Englishmen were uncultured swine bred by the tapestry of unsolicited wombs but it looks being french also does that to you"
"You don't scare us, We fight for our king, not some superficial agenda, that a swindler like you cooked up tricking your people. Now, put a cork over your mouth and fight with dignity as a king, or did your lascivious upbringing stopped your drive to improve, Uncouth King of Swindlers? How unfortunate..." His Knights smirked at their exchange.
A grand battle between the knight and the king soon ensued.
Ainz POV:
"It seems there was quite more to her blessings than just simple transformation" Ainz was ecstatic, Rolling around in his large bedsheet other than contemplating how weary his life is or how his followers were stupid or punching his own pillow thinking about them, an issue manifested on his mind. Greater doppelganger, the version further improved by Gaia and with the world not reducing his power's forced its efficiency through the sky.
Now though the ability simply mirrored as a cosmetic item while providing eighty-two per cent of its total level hundred counterpart stats.
"Haha...It would be more fun to see what more this could do other than turning myself to a human" That's when he felt a disturbance. The cube which Arturia said would not use was likely used now. Then it finally hit him.
"Arturia is a dragon or part dragon. seems that's a good idea"
[Gate] A portal opened towards an open sky. Ainz without hesitation jumped right through it.
"It seems like the right time to make my entrance"
[Greater doppelganger]
Merlin POV:
"It's not right. How? How could this be possible?" Once again against his wishes, a vision encroached upon his dreams. Born from an incubus father and a human mother, the man destined to become a Seer.
But, Nothing in his life caused him to cower so much, even his own end or even her failure never fazed him. Though now the future he saw, brought shivers in his spine.
A dragon soared the skies. Silvery obsidian, large enough to encompass the sun itself. But what truly made his hair stand was the image of the girl riding it. She looked over the world without a change of expression.
Blonde-wheaty hair with a silver armour wielding a lance looked directly in his eyes.
Just then his vision cracked bringing the old weary sage back to reality...
Character Sheet:
True Name: Arturia Pendragon
Class: Lancer, Rider
Type: ------
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Strength: A++
Agility: A-
Endurance: B+
Charisma: B++
Mana: A+
Luck: B-
N.P. : Ex
Titles: King Arthur, King of Knights, Proud Knight-King, Goddess of Rho-----, The One Enchanted by Evil.
Personal Skills: Ways of Words: Her words resonate with the hearts of people providing solace as well as courage to face great odds.
Noble Phantasm:
Rejoice my people for I the one chosen to write this crappy fic has returned.
I too would like to know on your thoughts about this chapter. I was quite hesitant to write it for this would be a major change in the story going out of the cannon and slice of life themes.
I would also like to know if you, my readers prefer this style of writing or the old one leaning more on ncode themes. I would change it back if it's not good...
Also, I like dragons you too like dragons so please do not butcher me too much in the comments section. My little heart would shatter like a glass of a thousand knives would if so :(. Writing like this makes me look quite cool and angst.
But anyway, I hope you enjoyed it :)