Ainz upon his transition created a sphere of darkness which had no use except as a distraction method and inside the sphere the transformation happened. The cosmetic item was truly worth its cost. Upon its first revelation in Yggdrasil, many players brought its light and dark version which draconic-human, Demon and Angelic players used for their form changes.
The value of item however blew up for benefit in added customizations of a character. Sukuzi Satoru still remembers blowing up his entire winter holiday bonus on slot machines In order to get it. This event still lurches his black heart for this investment resulted, him in a marathon of cup noodles and cheap energy drinks for the rest of its season.
An empire of empty packets of cup noodles stood still against the kingdom of his empty bottles. One vied for more space in his already small room while the other sat on desperation for truly there remained no other place to it. In the end, a miniature war erupted in between those two. Sometimes the capital of Cup Ramen Empire sent delegates for peace but the treaties were simply unfeasible to even put forward.
"Do not give up...Cup Ramen, giving up against this western drinks will sully our reputation as Japanese men."
Like such battles after battles erupted while Suzuki looked over his precious cup noodles and bottles with love, adding more and more sentries on their name. But alas even this cheap theatrics played in his imagination could not stop the rumble in his stomach.
Harsh they were, days covered in sweat in blood all for an item digitally applicable but now it seemed to have found its way. Though the irony was the presence of another battlefield. Like his precious cup noodle Empire against his empty bottles of drinks and wine. What a sad day for our poor overlord.
Beaking out of his old and weary thoughts the kind overlord once more inside his sweet cubby which he calls sphere of shadows and darkness, he watches the plains in silence. Piles and piles of bodies laid in the ground. The atmosphere was sombre as people going around killing others but it seems Arthur's transformation just happened.
'Now, finally, she will know how I feel being deified all day!! Serves her right.'
Shub-Niggurath POV:
Here she was once again watching over her beloved child,
"Uwah. Others expect an evil overlord to either show remorse 'Oh, No. I was too late to save them' and go on sob story followed by a rampage of truth and justice or 'Hehe...those fools moving under my thousand years Keikaku'. But even after all this power bestowed upon him. All he could think about is everyday fights of his cup noodle. I feel ashamed as his parent god" Said a loli voice of goddess known of despair.
Suzuki soul was no ordinary one, stolen from Zeus's treasury when he remained busy fighting flies in his sleep. The fool has not even realized this yet.
"Shub-chan. You should not underestimate him so easily. After all, he is our champion and an individual who once conquered a world as well as sacrificed souls in your name. P-please...don't change the channel, it's finally getting to the fun part" A conversation that never should reach the ears of any mortals. The talk between divine beings who had the power to swat even the greatest gods like a worm slithering on the ground took apart.
But here no such goddess of despair or even the great goddess Gaia could be seen. One sat in her throne using the legendary weapon Excalibur to prick Gaia whenever she got annoying and the other who became invested in their battles. After all a part Ainz now belonged to Gaia. The boost he received was never free, to begin with.
She transferred a part of herself in him. But now the aftereffects stood as giving her the right to share senses in real-time. She decided to share her boon with Shub-Niggurath after seeing the eldritch being bored for century poking other worlds to start a war. Now thought Shub connected herself with Gaia and was currently browsing her channels, I mean her champion's battle.
"Taking an Angel form, how cliche of his descendants. At least my servant knows being evil is cool"
"Haha...You know the person you seem to describe is of the alternate dimension, he should not exist here. I at least hope this Kaijuu battle is interesting or what point is there to make him a champion."
"You know, you gave an entity ensnared by evil your powers do you feel remorse doing so?"
"No, I guess not. After all, I have been stripped of most of my original powers from Alayashiki itself. So knowing of a possibility to even get it back makes the investment worth it. No matter what timeline it may be, what tricks I have to play or how many Gaia's already removed from their existence." Her tone broken in the end. The age of iron in other timeline's had already happened destroying those versions of herself entirely. Only their memories succumbed her mind giving her more reasons to stop what is about to occur in the modern world.
"But here at least your origin is safe, Guarded by entities outside the domain. As such there remains nothing noteworthy to fear. Even that fool of a wizard Zeltriech is not insane enough to encroach upon my domain."
Heroes can exist from anywhere. Even monsters showing the correct aptitude could even become heroes. Many monsters living for thousands of years stand more powerful against human counterparts as their legends are never enclosed with a span of hundred years but of thousands, and circles upon worlds numbering over hundreds.
As so even their weakest demonic heroes pertain legends over five centuries overshadows humanity's greatest hero, Gilgamesh in their renown.
Some having equipment made of metals from outer space while others fighting in the front line against the bane of existence. Their battles, accomplishments and even ruthlessness elevated some into gods and goddesses. But in the end, no matter their strength, the broken expression of their unfeeling heart never could put a smile in Shub-Niggurath's face.
But then she came across his soul. In her dreams, she conversed for long hours with him. The soul was of no heroes but of someone who could be easily malleable. So she picked him for her pet project in a world ruled by heavens where undead were beheaded as a sport. The main factor of putting him there was to curb his morality wholly.
Making him the ultimate vessel of demise. She watched to observe if this human in undead's soul would experience grief when he was used by others. But contrary to her expectations, he laughed in joy and happiness, sharing his stories with her. Even going far enough to never despise his form and embraced it with love.
That one notion was enough for her to know that her choice was correct and so see once more see how this stupid servant of her's conquer's another world in her name.
"I wonder what saga will you weave this time, Ainz...Hahaahahahaahahaahahahahahah..." Once again losing her sanity the deranged eldritch being laughed at his antics.
Prevalence of Legends:
Every being human or god has their legend. Some deriving from others even crossing with them. One great example would be Jeanne d'Arc and the God of the Bible. Similarly, Ainz's legend started with a god unknown to its world as such all renown and respect for him will also empower her.
Shub-Niggurath, An evil goddess encroaches upon the world once more.
Going on a break for 3-4 days at most to write a long chapter and putting a good finale to this saga and also to put an update to Dxd: undead.