An egg hatched proclaiming the final coming of an end, Silver and iron of the archdukes truly the irony of this sentence knew of no end. There once existed dragons in myths, aiding a king of no name but a day came where even this accursed creature not known to the world, showed its face, Portraying a grim visage in its place.
Darkness filled skies roared his coming. The dragon found its way towards the king who knew of defeat. Pristine obsidian black with a tail long enough in its gait, blue ocean-like eyes staring at her murky blue in a contest of dominance against her. On closer inspection from others showed horns blaring upon the world marking, etching his power towards others in this place festering with a miasma of emotion closer to evil. The being looked as if it was made to stand upon all and mock their portrayal of what men called strength showing a visage of what men truly shied their eyes off as it made its lofty disposition known to a king heralded of evil. Standing in front of her Ainz spoke using [Message] to keep away secrets from the eyes of those unbound spectators. 'It looks like someone's in a pinch.' spoke the voice with a smug tone. Emphasizing it's chiding towards her methods.
Arturia could feel magic from his voice as so the half-dragon decided to dance on his rhythm and cordially joined him in his useless banter in a land soaked in blood. A dance of dragons as it was. A union of half and a hybrid, Incomplete they were but in a twisted sense completed the other. Matching his tone unknowingly portraying her pride the half spoke in defiance towards the elder one as seeming of his form.
'Your late, do you know how scared I was?!! I thought something world ending would happen when the use of this device made known and I still had not yet, wanted to use this gift of yours.' Chided Arturia in a bid to control the flow between them. Trying to convey her sentiments as best to him for he was the one to only to know of her situation and sympathize with it.
'Disappointed? I thought you did not like this gift but who knew you treasured this so much. Do not worry Arturia, I will make sure to give you another gift of your choice next time when we are home' Her heart grew warm. Even after those words filled with fire the balance between them never shattered going in a soft rhythm. Then again reminded of their precious place where everything had its beginning sat to soothe her broken heart after this fiasco of plains.
'Home...I will hold onto your promise then. After all, I am not a simple woman, you know' Resolving their grudges both indulged in pure silence. A silence filled with anticipation for one and acceptance for the other.
Meeting after so long and fighting without any hope of winning but then the situation showing a reversal muddled Arturia's mind. Unconsciously, she started to devolve back to the times where both kings enjoyed their empty banter without the eyes of others in his church.
Conversing openly without regards to others portrays a picture of her mind, on how tired it is to point of even disregarding the sanctity of this dreary place and chased after her only place of respite.
Knowing such Ainz allowed the use of crass words unfitting of this place for a while. immersing themselves on sweet banter filled with nothing but incoherence. While it may seem that their banter went for a long while. The participants still waited with bated breaths in fear of inciting the anger of a true dragon.
[Lion's Heart] casting this spell, Ainz waited to see what would occur in its wake. But it looked as if there truly was no need of his worry for in the next moment Arturia pertained a calm visage of a king she truly is and looked at Ainz to know what had transpired.
"The spell dissipates any fear or other negative statuses. It seemed that you might need such" Arturia accepted on his generosity as she nodded in acceptance for his worry. Ainz pointing at his back with deep blue mesmerizing eyes asked,
"Then get on. As a king, you do want the aerial view to this theatre of madness that is about to ensue, right?"
"Truly, you know me far better than others, Ainz...Today, I came to this plains in hopes to establish trade between both kingdoms, never had I thought that it would result in me seeking revenge for my compatriots towards the injustice done to them but it seems fate had other plans for this day..." With melancholy in those words, she spoke to express her grief.
Climbing on Ainz's draconic body, Arturia started to make herself comfortable towards the new mode of transportation. That's when he asked,
"This is your campaign, King Arthur. About 54,000 still lives on the enemy side and on our part a little less than 5,000. Before you ask Sakura surveyed this place before my landing and got me the information. But now this is the question, what is your wish, Arthur? Do you wish for the salvation towards those who butchered your people in the name of peace or do you want to make amends with them now? Before they might have been less cordial but after this demonstration, they should kneel before you. So, King Arthur what do wish to do against your aggressors?"
Once more a choice. But this time she had enough strength to choose the path which withheld the greatest of boon, to save or to free those who fought against her.
If it was a video game then the choice and veracity of her words would have been like this:
1. [As a king, you show lenience towards your enemies. Sympathy towards you people increases]
2. [As a king, you dominate you enemies and provide them with another chance at life. Trades and monetary gain increases. Other kings regard you with respect as well as giving you the title of the Just king.]
Or will she kindle the first light...
3. [As a king, you condemn their souls to the very depths of hell. No mercy shall be shown to traitors, humanity be damned. Infamy increases. Other kings look at you in fear for such actions]
What path will she take now, though? Will it be the naive king and let her enemies go, who would just attack Camelot in future or curb the problem before it sprouts once more? Or will she take the forbidden route...
In a more open scenario, taking the first option would give closer to no benefits but will at least put a great example for others on how to be a good king.
The second would indeed reap benefits on a grand scale as well as give a slight boost towards her following. While Ainz would never care for such intricacies within politics of other nations. This path in the position of a black-hearted CEO is the best for it gives more and more money to fund future expeditions for the nation and access to trade and transactions and a slight edge to negotiations within Rome as well.
The last however acts as a challenge to stand above all. Killing the current king of Rome now will give Rome the justification to start a war against Camelot. 'It's like killing the final boss of the game in the early tutorial, giving no chance for growth or for deriving strength through a hero complex'.Again, In terms of loss, Camelot will have none as many trade and transaction will then move to other far-reaching small neutral kingdoms.
"Kill them. Not a soul is to leave this plains alive." A choice which he had never expected Arturia to make has been done. Her words to Ainz was as earth-shattering as a forbidden revelation. He expected such, for the events that led this pure soul to stray from her deviated path.
"Hehehehahahahah..." So the girl chose hegemony. Interesting, Very interesting indeed.
With a final cheerful laugh at her growth, the dragon took to the skies once more.
With a swipe, lives were withdrawn and his breath scorched the plains. His allies who once looked in fear now turned onto an admiration for his power. He moved as of a rampage, a rampage of turbulent winds searing his enemies to paste. Lives ebbed like flickering candlelight, as each breath snuffed more of their pitiful lives. Ainz in his small pitch of mind thought if there was really any shred of sadness or even pity lying dormant for these cretins and their remorseful existence. But the answer which received by him with a grace of indifference spoke of the same. Unfeeling in mind devoid of other emotion except the want to learn of its effects as well the spell's duration.
The one-sided slaughter continued once more. But this time instead of fighting back against this coming storm, they fled or tried to but in the end even such resulted in the futility of their cause. With his wings, the dragon crossed a massive distance within a short span of time. But then a new idea crossed on his mind. Taking to up above the skies, Ainz spoke
"Arturia. You wanted to learn magic, right? Then we will start with your first lesson, now." He was not even paying attention to those who stood on the other side, just before harassing Arturia. As he went to teach Arturia of the wonders of his tiered magic and sought to know on what would result in their mixture of the essence. Arturia herself became quite confused on this unexpected turn of events and asked on reflex if Ainz was serious or not.
"Now..." With a nod, Ainz created a giant concentrated ball of dark energy, standing parallel to his face and said,
"Take out your lance, concentrate your holy energy through it and pass it inside the sphere. Make sure the amount is not too much" Arturia heeded to his requests as even she was invested in what her fellow king was about to do.
After Arturia injected her holy energy inside it. Ainz could finally complete it. A new attack born through the mixture of good and evil...creating Arturia's first-ever noble phantasm in this time.
"Combination Blast: Synergy Of Neutrality" With a shout Ainz in his draconic form hurled the sphere towards the retreating figure of his enemies. As a contingency plan, Ainz created a barrier to protecting his allies from the aftermath generated through such an attack.
The sphere in its trajectory broke into millions of light and dark lances and homed in onto its targets.
The concentrated blasts of millions of these lance with hundred per cent pure dark and holy energy caused the places it hit to disintegrate entirely. Leaving nothing but patches of sand of the ground.
Justinus POV:
"This should not happen? I should have won. But why? why is everything still against me?!!" A boy he was. Never walking the path of slaughter or even murder just for a patch of land. Everything went well until this point. Until that cursed dragon sided with his greatest nemesis.
His people lay broken in front of him standing as his failures. Because of his negligence on believing the words of that witch, his soldiers lay on the ground as corpses. Once more the whispers of his uncle Siverre's words took hold of his heart.
'A king is not so easy and his life not so simple as well' A burden too great placed on his shoulder and now he as a king has to pay the ultimate price for his decisions.
Then the words acting as a revelation to a grand scheme finally dawned on his feeble mind, 'Rumors about Camelot having a new God to worship was rampant around some of Rome's Shrine as well the church of God. They even went far as too launch propagandas declaring Arthur as a king enchanted by the light of evil as well to declare him as a heretical god '
"Then does it mean that dragon ridden by Arthur is their new gift from that Evil God? What forces are we Romans going against?!! The light of Excalibur was one thing restricted by the stamina of its user but a flying dragon is something of a whole new level.'
"Your highness leave this place immediately. We as your warriors will try to buy you enough time" The king once a gladiator was able to sway their support quite easily but now it seemed of a curse to even be contracted to them. For if not, then never would they, his one and only pride would follow him to this maddening skirmish.
"But..." He tried to stop them from leaving him behind, to shoulder the burden of the lives of each and everyone that sacrificed themselves on his name.
"Combination Blast: Synergy Of Neutrality" A blast of pure energy headed towards his fleeing soldiers devouring them entirely. Not even an arm or a leg stood after such a grand explosion.
"Warriors of Rome. We live and fight for Rome until our last breath...Pick up your halberds and hold your swords with pride. For if we die today...we Die as heroes of Rome."
"CHARGE...!!!" With a shout reaching the heavens the soldiers made their last stand against his enemies buying some time for Justinus to leave this place. Riding on his horse the king was forced to run.
With every pedal made by his horse caused the beating of his heart to soar even further. Images of their death seared his eyes filling him with grief and madness. The last thing his feeble mind could acknowledge was their deaths, being scorched by hellish flames forcing the indifferent king to shed tears for their sacrifice.
'Was he worth it? Was his life worth much more than theirs?' The answer shied off from his eyes. Bringing no such respite for the carnage wrought by him.
Running from everything, his problems, failures betraying his own the king named Justinus fell from grace.
Battle Report(Cursed Ruins of Riveria Plains):
Army of Rome:
Deaths: 65,999.
Survivors: 1.
I am almost finished with volume 2 next will be the epilogue. Another arc will begin if people want so or this volume will my story's grand finale.
Adios and thanks for reading until now:)
Also, I still remember when people accused me of making Ainz a beta male. Now though it should clarify why his stats showed neutral evil instead of good.