31. Epilogue (Fallen King)

Fear, the greatest of emotion relished by mankind. An emotion forcing an individual to do what they have never hoped for.

Justinus a king unknown to others for his untimely ascension. Leaving one of the soldiers looking similar to him in that cursed place allowed the real to escape in time. But now another issue shadowed the entirety of Rome. The Roman king's death reached every corner of his nation. Unlike him who saw the horrors of that day, dragons and angels descending the world, his people in comparison were simply gullible children unknown to the fear of the wilderness.

The knights of the round although rumours of its abolishment made news to his ears, its integrity still questioned following behind was the king of Camelot itself.

"Arthur, Just who is he?" Questions upon questions ran rampant in mind. Before his advent on the battlefield, everything went right. Cheers of his soldiers rang his ears deluding him of his victory, of a dream of such magnitude that the dreamer if could, would have wished to wake from.

Misery replaced happiness as demise uncrowned the slaughter ignited by his soldiers. The water turned to blood as his kind lay broken as toys of mud. All because of one and only one man. In his despair, justinus vowed to enact revenge in their name. But now he still questions if the darkness, he had faced in those creaking hollow of plains was truly real or a figment of imagination born to satiate a reason to his loss.

With great pain, the king of Rome opens his eyes to lay visage to the dreadful reality of his world. The place he found himself in seems to be pitch black with the only source of light being the centre of the ceiling of this compact room close to a cell in a dungeon.

A great amount of pain directly hit his head showing the mortality of his being. Placating the fallen king that even in this most dreadful of places, he still breathes. In his joy he tried to stand and run away in search of civilization but before such can happen...


The horrifying reality made itself known to the king.

Chains bound his hands, legs, torso and head. Like a criminal in this desolate cell, he tried to arch his way to any form of communication.

"Is anyone here..."

In an empty bowl of his mind, the king hoped that none would answer his claim. This however would at least ensure the inactivity of this place. Just before, he could wish so a woman made his way in front of him.

A known face who led the man to his despair. A noblewoman with beautiful face exuding a charisma restricted to those of royalty once again stood before him. But now there seemed to be something amiss to this situation. After all that women who always wore a mask of a false smile over her face was now held the very amalgamation of anger as well a hint of madness.

"Morgana...Never thought I would see you here. Are you my executioner?"

"No, you dimwitted fool. I hoped you had killed Arthur in this battle. Even after going through the hassle of giving you all the necessary information against her and her knights, you still failed."

"...So, now what? Are you here to free me or you just came here to tell me, how horribly I failed?"

"Oh, dear Justinus. Each and every man you guided with yourself to this battle lay dead as corpses in that plains. I hoped you had also died along the rest of them after all the only one who knows of my involvement in this battle, is you? The final string yet to be cut..."


"What's so funny? Did you finally lose your reasoning in this underground dungeon, deep beneath the castle? Ah, I know the feeling. Sometimes, you hear the voices of those you failed but do not worry very soon you would meet with them."

"hah...I am not laughing for myself or towards my failures, I accepted it my end that is. But, you hahaha...you picked a fight with someone who would never lose. A man who has everything, who remains in controls of his emotion and has someone guiding him all the way to his victory and you dared go against him? and WHAT, you used me for your OWN WAYS? I cannot help but laugh..." In his final act of revenge, Justinus never mentioned who aided the king to his victory. It could have been Lancelot for all she knows.

Morgana raged in anger. Once more her plans lay in ruins for that philandering wizard. In her rage she took a knife out of her long coat and silently sliced his neck, releasing the fallen king of his burden forever.

"You would know well, king of Rome. Even if my sister possesses everything, I still would win in the end. Guide? huh...Merlin seemed to get involved in this battle and here I hoped the seer would never interface in his king's plight.No matter, plans would have to be changed. For your time in that throne is coming to an end, my beloved sister...Kukukuhahaha..."

-The End


Please give this story some reviews as I think that a decent chunk has been written already, good or bad does not matter. After all, a decent story deserves an original review and stay safe:)