40. Balance Breaker

Shock crept upon the hearts, of all knights following, Momon. Suprised of the sudden betrayal, Gawain asked,

"Why, why do this, Momon?"

"I too have a family, Sir Gawain. Family is all that matters in the end, right?" Gawain mind burned in anger. She kidnapped his daughter, Sakura.

"After all, Sir Gawain, even if I do not participate in this fight, I have faith in all of you, to see an end to this battle in my stead," Momon said regretful of his actions, going against his code of honour.

"Sir Momon...I understand"

"Go forth, Sir knight, the dragons can only be felled by the might of God. You, alone, can bring an end to this needless slaughter, even the king would wish so" his heart wept for his plight. Gawain among all other knights was the most emotional of them.

The first time, he talked to Momon, they clicked very easily. Both valued family over everything and so he was the one, Gawain, respected the most and to consider a rival. It also has to do with Gareth, his little sister, fawning over Momon even wishing to seek apprenticeship from him, instead of her own brother.

He wept the entire night as he cursed the man over and over again. But again if Gareth, wishes to pursue him, she would always have his acknowledgement.

For he, Gawain of the Numeral Saints acknowledges Momon as a chivalrous knight. A man, worthy to be loved by his sister even if how bitter might that sound...

"You are right, being complacent in this time would bring more deaths and as a knight that would go against my code of honor...thank you, Momon"

"No, it should be me who should ask forgiveness, for betraying my line of duty. I would seek proper punishment in the walls of Camelot" Seeing, the sincerity of his voice made him feel bitter once more,

Family, the term mattered to him a whole lot. Seeing him, the greatest of knights chained like this, fury filled his eyes. Sheathing the obsidian sword, he finally unsheathed Excalibur galantine.

With fluttering steps, he soon stood before all other knights but just before he would cross Momon.

"Before you go, take this gift" A dark menacing energy, filled the entirety of his body, he thought that Excalibur galantine would reject its evil aspect but instead, it began synchronizing with the malice itself.

Dark and light started to fuse and become one, he does not what Momon wanted to do with this but in the end, his gut instincts proved true, he was a hero to the end.

Raising up his blade up in the skies, he gave out a final warning, the sun itself was about to set bringing his power to the max,

Numeral of the Saint, a passive ability, boosting his parameters, between three hours of the sun and the sunset.

"Lady Morgana, stop this madness and please return to the capital, it stands as my final warning."

"Let this feeble woman at resist, Sir knight" At the same moment, a huge concentration of energy filled the dragon fully.

"It seems there is no other way" Dark and light energy began revolting with the other. In the beginning, each strived for dominance over the other but suddenly the darkness instead of fighting let go of hideous nature and embraced the light, this phenomenon shocked him to his core, good and evil could never come together, only one should exist but not together.

Then again, the image of his king along with the evil dragon flashed on his mind, forcing him to acknowledge the evil in his heart.

Suddenly, he no longer was in a battle to the death against hundreds of dragons. He was a child of Lothian or widely known as the king of lot. In the early ages, his father never cared for or his sisters. The first time his eldest sister got pregnant with a commoner's child, that was the day his father threw her from the cliff.

He went on his knees and begged him over and over again to spare her life, Morgana as his mother kept her silence. He knew her reasoning, she was in a marriage of convenience and so no matter, how much she pleaded, it would simply go to deaf ears. Women were not popular, but her complete reluctance, to aid his own sister broke him entirely.

Later, on his half brother, Gaheris and sister Gareth was born from morgan herself. She was a mother in name only, a father who looked at his children like dolls to flaunt in social gatherings and a mother who was busy with her own self.

He took care of his Gareth and Gaheris himself, sacrificing his childhood entirely. Later on,

"Gawain, you're chivalry is commendable. From crossing blades with you, I see great love, within your heart" He was seen through, entirely. Gawain always put an act of an uncaring and rebellious child, the only one, who acknowledged him and looked at him.

Not the swordsman or even the knight but just the man named Gawain was Arthur and so later on betraying his father expectations to side with morgan, he chose to with Arthur.

Countless times his stepmother threatened him of this action, however, going through his life all alone just to keep his sibling's safe, hardened his heart of all emotions. If anyone dares touch his little sister or his brother, Gawain swore to burn him to ashes.

Those memories flashed by him, then again, in front of him was a child, looked like him. Crying at the corner of his room, broken entirely. The corpse of dead sister in front of him.

Gawain himself tried to reach the little boy,

"I was late, sister. Will you forgive me?" He tried to calm these raging emotions in his heart but still, tears crumbling off his face, stopped him from approaching the little boy.

"Do you know, sister? Today, the maid assigned to me, told me of love. She told me, how wonderful, my family was. Do you think so, too? I think that most of the time here in this room."


"Did you know, mother is pregnant? Now, I will finally have a brother as well!! I am quite happy about it. Soon, I too may learn of love"

Little by little, time passed as the corpse started rotting away, but still, the boy never left. Always coming at the eve of the night smiling and sharing his stories with his beloved sister.

"Sister, why don't you share something with me?"


"I know you are embarrassed about it but believe me, I am the best listener in this entire castle and that is saying a lot."


"Why don't you talk to me?!!" For the first time, Gawain taking out his sword pierced her corpse, the image of himself, little by little imposed the entirety of the boy.

Now, the little boy covered in dried blood looked at him. His cold, freezing eyes mirrored his own and asked,

"Do you hate me?"

"..." His mouth refuse to move, refused to speak, refused to acknowledge the boy, refused this monster.

"Do you hate me?" In the monotone voice, he asked over and over again...

"Until finally Gawain gained enough resolve to speak,

"No..." The boy approached him. Touching his hand and spoke,

"Then that makes two of us" This time they both smiled complementing the other.

The boy disappeared. The wisps of soul merging with him, bringing his powers to a new limit.

"[Sword of Revolving Victory: Excalibur Galantine]" With a shout, dark and light converged together overwhelming the power of the dragons, itself.

Light itself was strong. A popular belief was mixing it would lower its power but that conception itself is wrong. The light and darkness both could complement the other, a pure concentration would result in one's affinity cancelling the other. His darkness and purity both stood as one revealing Gawain's true essence.

The event marked the creation of the very first balance breaker.


Heaven :

God was bored. Micheal took over his duties. Archangel Gabriel and others took the rest. Now, here in heaven he sat lazily eying the world, seeing with the current culture.

Then again, something drastic happened, notifying him of an error in his system,

'Overwriting my authority, What is this?' tracing the path of intrusion, he finally narrowed down the suspect.

A good mystery soon ensued.

"Hades?" Then again that old crown still was in the underworld barely maintaining the cycle of reincarnation.

"Hmm...a new player, then" He clapped his hand summoning Micheal to his chambers.

"Do you know this god" Like a kid, who found a new toy, god pointed towards the individual, flashing from the holo screen. An undead skeletal being, marching along with the humans as well as making merry was soon, shown in front of him,

"No... his existence is unknown even my eyes can't see through him, it's like a void representing eternal emptiness, something closer to Ophis..." Now, that was scary.

"Send an invitation to his place, from the memories of my followers, there seems to be a new religion proliferating, somewhere in Britain. I too would like to see the individual who decided to steal my followers and bribing others to speak badly of me." Again an image of a smut novel flashed through his mind, bringing a headache to this infinite being.

Micheal was furious of that undead's action, he thought his father, might feel the same, however, instead of anger in his face, was a smile, for the first time in centuries.

"Father, what of his actions took your fancy?" He started thinking long and hard then suddenly like a revelation he spoke,

"I guess because he reminds me of lucifer. Rebellious and playful..." Lucifer, once an angel and the beloved son of God, forever, sent to damnation.

"Instead of killing my subjects, he played the hero and devil both and seeing that he gets along with humans, I think there is no problem in inviting him. Power corrupts one throwing them to madness, the stronger the individual, the more corrupt they become. But this one here is indifferent, uncaring of all existence, like me, he seems bored...and unaligned to other races"

"Then, you wish to pull him on heaven's side?"

"No, for now, we watch. I am still angry, that instead of naming his establishment a shrine, tomb, vestige he directly copied my tradition church's name and stuck death in the end..."

The face-off between three factions turned quite monotonous to god. Nowadays, the devils are more busy fighting by themselves as well as the fallen. Seeing a new face, in these difficult times brought a bit of happiness in him.

Kindness or not, the undead looks as if, someone who would get caught in the war very easily, then why sway not him to the heavens? Having another hand would allow, the system to run even after his end...

With these thoughts in mind, God invited an undead, in the sacred realm of heaven.


Gonna stockpile more than release, for the next two days there might be no releases.

Let me know of any grammatical errors