Suprised, would be the one thought in his mind. The dark energy Ainz transferred, was similar to what he did with Arturia when combining magic, with the change being that, he transferred it directly to Gawain, instead, of doing it after he unsheathed his sword.
After all, the moment Ainz, tried to give his boost to Gawain, he heard a sound of a glass shattering but again thinking not much of it, he proceeded to do his work. Outside, he was a valiant hero, who, stood for the masses but again it was simply a facade, an ideal created by others...
Inside, he was a blubbering mess,
'Are...did it fail? What am I gonna do?!! Gawain seems to be taking it well and the knights as well feel as if they would charge right away'
"Sir Momon...I understand" Ainz wanted to ask, 'What? please tell me as well' but being the overlord with boundless wisdom shackled him of these thoughts
"Go forth, Sir knight, the dragons can only be felled by the might of God. You, alone, can bring an end to this needless slaughter, even the king would wish so" he wanted to cringe, who even speaks like that, however, seeing Gawain's eyes lit with respect, Ainz thought it was worth his embarrassment.
Ainz spouted lines of what he assumes a tragic hero, robbed of his family would do. Going a bit further out of people's sight he cast [Invisibility] as he stood in anticipation.
And so, the epic clash between a historic knight and a horde of dragons, began while Ainz took a back seat watching them. He sorely missed some popcorns for this moment.
Seeing Gawain's attack in action, Ainz estimated the attack somewhere on sixth tier coupling with his boost around seventh tier the strongest in the new world, humans able to use it, their names are regarded in legend. But to him, it was weak. Again, this event dashed his hopes, he wished to see if anyone of his fellow knights, could level up and approach greater strength, however, except Arturia when she consumed the race change equipment, none of the individuals, other than her, could even level up in this world.
Some part of him thought, the world was actually repressing their might but again another thought crept over him,
"Nephalem", an experiment, sakura, is conducting on herself, the true potential of humanity is there. Lurking deep beneath, sealed forever by god. Many possibilities will emerge if she manages to unlock it. She even deciphered some part of its seal could be unlocked by Ainz, as his existence was a void in itself.
When asked where the thought came from,
"Well, I went to a different time once through the random dungeon, underground. Around that world, the concept of Nephalem or humanity being a mixture of demons and angels was very cool, so I thought, why not try something, similar? Humanity is mostly comprised of the holy aspect, for they were known to be children's of god and so they loathed evil but again is evil truly something bad? For me, Ainz, your existence embodies the concept of evil, an overlord, whose existence can only emerge through the deaths of billions of lives and can later even cause it. Still, father is not evil, just indifferent and so that idea suddenly became plausible, that even darkness could be controlled." Again, to hear, her saying that, out loud, almost made him fall to his knees in sheer embarrassment
"It seems you have outplayed me this time, sakura."
"No!no! Didn't Ainz already foresee, myself, finding it? Isn't that why, father created a magical leyline deep beneath this church, so that by this time if I unlocked a new power we could promote our religion to more people and take over God's religion? My intelligence doesn't even come close to your insight" Ainz felt invisible sweat cling to his face, a mindless thought emerged, 'Can an undead even sweat?'. Again, seeing that running from away from reality has no effect, he decided to do what he always does...
"...Is that so. Good work, you have completely seen through me, as expected of my Archibishop."
"No!No!..." Still, his daughter seems to be adamant to make him miserable but then...
"Sakura there is something I wish to ask you, do you have time?" Seeing his path of salvation emerging as an innocent wild Arturia approached he made his escape.
The fight was already over, it was boring by the way. The seventh tier spell of the sister sword of Excalibur dominated all dragons closeby. This sudden force, from one man, surprised them and using that time, Gawain sliced the leader of the dragons in two and ended the fight.
However, Morgana escaped, as Gawain, himself, did not have the heart, to kill his own step-mother.
Rolling in his comfy bed inside of his church, Ainz thought if this is what true bliss feels like? A district smell of blueberries came from his bed once more reminding him of the cross-dressing king, the fragrance, however, soothed his nerves. Again, taking a whiff of the scent, he made a mental note to ask her about, what perfume she uses. Still, the thought of Arturia thinking if he was pervert stopped that train of thought.
Arturia Pendragon, before, he thought of her as a foolish knight on a self-destructive quest to save Britain. At first, she was nothing but a naive girl thrown in front of the wolves. Her heart broke for those in need of pity, she was perfect for the role of a good samaritan, in his old world but still, the world does not need good individuals to rule...
The ones to succeed are those who drown in blood, even Ainz who never wished to wholeheartedly fight humans for his connections to his friends also had to do so. Whatever, reasons, he shows, the end result is simply slaughtering and the girl here wish to save her enemies than her own people. She might be known in the future as a kind king loved by her subjects but...
Kindness does not fill their stomach,
It does not help their future,
Just share their misery with more and more,
She fell,
Not for being unworthy but for having humanity,
And so ripping that one thing out of her was the only way to save her.
It feels cruel destroying her childish dreams in front.
'I want to protect my people' then just follow.
'I want their recognition' then kill them.
"I want nobility to stand to not fight one another but join together' then rip them apart if none complies with your wishes.
'At the end, I wish for their happiness' then take it instead of waiting for it.
Gender had nothing to do with one ruling and so a tyrant was created in the mask of a beloved ruler. A tyrant, he created with his own hands.
Again for Ainz, that was the only way, for her that was her last hope but in the end, one thing will be true, the girl would drown herself in blood.
Of her enemies, her allies, her friends and maybe even her knights as well.
Arturia called him kind but again Ainz thought if it was true...
If those empty words had any tangible meaning or were it spoken to hide her pain?
I spent too much time, on some Gacha game and couldn't even roll a legendary, the author is feeling sad:(