47. Ambitions of a Devil

"For long, heroes walked these roads, to touch upon their darkest of wishes. Their memoirs filled baseless scribbles giving a wake of invitation, to those seeking fortune. But alas, a wish would just be a wish. The roads too would be nothing but a hopeless dream, with no great significance.

Still, humans sought to walk upon it, their greed stood as their greatest courage, however, not all fairytales end with a longing of happiness. Not all end with heroes basking in serenity, not all demons die. After all, evil is nothing but a base of perception. In times even the hero could be the villain and the demon could become the hero of legends."

-Ainz Owl Gown


"All hail the new king, Juistnus the great. He, the one sent by gods to save this nation from its plight"

"All hail Justinus"

"All hail Justinus"

Words of praises ringing around filled him with pleasure. People pinning their hopes, loved ones providing him with support.

His was a legend that should have been written but...

A dragon stood before trampling on his people, spewing fire all around.

Their screams reverberated in his very mind. After all, the man they followed was him, the same man that led them to their death.

Justinus the kind who sought peace against war, Justinus the worthy who wished justice for the unjust.

Again he knew it, he knew his death beforehand...

"HahaHAHAHAH..." In a cold silent room chained on a wall. Like a mad man he screams, he anguishes upon his decision.

In the end, he was nothing but a coward. In pursuit of pleasure, he succumbed in the ultimate form of betrayal.

This was a room so damp filled with a smell of sulphur, an open window stood as his avenue to the outside world.

However, that too was a misconception this was not of the outside world but a mirror to what could have different.

Arthur living in peace along with his own people. Laying wars after wars against his kinsmen butchering them with a sadistic streak.

He watched with morbid curiosity. Each time a baby cried, a person was beheaded he smiled.

Long gone were those days when the frailty of emotions could stop him. Long gone was the time was the whimpering of the weak could move him.

The Justinus now was no longer the same but a mixture of a version, to a different timeline. An amalgamation to exact.

Still, he wished, still, he hoped. These sardonic feelings resonated with his human self making him scream more and more.


His screams though brought shivers of desire from a wandering devil. She watched in pleasure as this man before was defiled and tormented by his own feelings.

A few months earlier, lord lucifer brought on a blight from a human nation.

None knew why but an answer given in recent times was to their delight.

"A human, powered by the holy grail." An untapped potential was what proved their mind.

Devils true to their pleasure accepted this boy among their kind. Brainwashed him from days and night.

His screams of agony soon became a sport to the devils showing their superiority upon the humans and so fallen king became nothing but a toy filled with empty promises signed a deal with the devil.

'Only time will tell who wins the bargain but as a simple gatekeeper, I could get used to it'

And so the endless torment seethes to continue...