48. Awakening

Her body felt heavy as if a hundred stones were poured over her. Still, the sound of steady breathing made its way into her ears.

She knew now she still lived but how?

With unanswered questions, the girl named Arturia continued her awakening.

The first thing she saw after waking was a dim light. The room she was in was quite large and windows covered.

She tried to stand up but...the moment she did so, again she was about to fall.

"Uw..." though she did fall on the ground, she did not feel pain? Looking down she saw Ainz smiling at her.

"Hello, the weather today is great isn't it" getting asked something so random after surviving death baffled her in many ways.

Still, she now had an agenda. A goal she created for herself.

Instead of excuses she wrapped her body over him and asked,

"Carry me will you, Sir Knight"

This time it was Ainz's turn to be surprised but still,

"...if that is your wish, my king" with that Ainz, princess carried her, in his two arms and laid her again in bed.

The atmosphere now was serene with both embarrassed in their own way.

"....Ainz, I love you"


"then, Are you ready for the next step?"

"Yeah" Knowing his answer filled her with glee.

"So um...you don't have problems with having children's?"


Arturia's face now was beet red and her mind in sixth heavens. However, now some else was having an existential crisis.


"I am so happy, I even though of our children's names"

Ainz POV:

He answered mindlessly to her queries. The stalwart fallen knight's, rise, will bring in a lot of problems, still, he has to do his part.

Suddenly, some unholy words reached his ears, "We will have children..."

It was enough to put him in frenzy but...

The atmosphere made it hard for Ainz to say that he was not sure that if he could even have any,

Still, her smile was enough to warm his heart....

A smile filled with happiness without a shred of deception. This may have been the few rare smiles she ever had and so Ainz didn't have the heart to stop it and agreed wholeheartedly.

"Yes but there are more important matters to discuss" Her expression shifted to a harder one. Ainz continued,

"The knights of the round pledged themselves to our cause as if carrying their final duty. The coalition armies are routed temporarily...and merlin has disappeared as well. Britain is now in anarchy. So, what should we do now?" Ainz laid to her the current situation outside.

The armies though are gone internal power struggle started in its wake. Some claimed themselves to be the bastard child of King Arthur while others especially her distant relatives tried to lay claim to the throne.

Still, the real problem was none of them. According to history, now, would be the time of the final battle against Vortigern.

Seeing the disorder inside the capital Vortigern will attack Britain in order to seize Camelot back. If she attacks now the battle against the coalition would be inevitable.

'Millions would die then would you risk it?' A question he felt unworthy to ask but the sentiments from his look reached.

Arturia held his hand tightly and sat for a while contemplating. She went through a myriad of expression but then finally asked only one question,

"...Will you help me?"

She said with deep resolve however for Ainz this was startling. Never in her life did she ask for help...for Arturia, it was the same as bearing her weakness.

Still, she trusted him and that was enough to give his answer.

"Yes, if that is your wish my king"

"...Queen, I will make a statement after taking back the capital then let's go Sir knight, escort me, will ya?"

Ainz chuckled and helped her stand once again.

From outside god looked at both, the individuals.

One filled with enough darkness to encompass the world and another as pure as a saint. An impossible took form in front of him.

From outside she spoke," May both of you live a happy and prosperous life"

"Tomorrow I will make sure to work you ten times harder, Ainz. This is a promise, so enjoy this moment as long as can...a war is coming whether you like it or not you will be pulled into it" and with those parting words, he disappeared, in a never-ending void to finally do his duties and give him a break for a day.