Secret Realm?

(AN: Warning! , I will say this one more time, my English skill is not great so doesn't judge too hard)

(Btw the glasses that I use get broken because my brother was mad at me, so maybe my writing in this chapter will be a little bad!)

--- Chapter 9 ---

In a land full of flowers and green grass, we could see a six-year-old boy with short blue hair heavy panting with a body full of sweat while carrying an adult woman who has long blond hair on his back!

(AN: Don't imagine him doing dirty stuff...okay! )

''Hmm?'' he then laying the woman in his back softly into the ground! ''so this is the change that was meant by Est! '' while looking at his mother's hair has changed from golden blonde hair into a jet black long hair with a slightly bluish which is in the tip of her hair, he can see his mother appearance becoming younger like a girl at the late of his teens, if anyone sees her appearance right now maybe many people will think that they are his older sister, not his mother!

(AN: I'm not raising a flag!)

''She deserving this!'' warmly looking at his mother even though she is not his real mother, at least she deserves to live happily! ''Maybe I must do...''


''Uugh! , my head...'' he said while feeling throbbing pain from his head,'' Est!, what happened to me?''

[You're just mentally tired, host]

[and calm down host, you're safe now]

''What do you mean, Est?'' he said while tilting his head and staring at floating blue screen in front of him!

[You are currently in the secret realm, host]

''Wait, what!'' he said with shock in his face!

Activating his spirit eye, he could see the surrounding forest area protected by a transparent border which makes the surrounding forest is not visible from the outside world!

''I never thought that I could find something like this randomly!'' said the person who forgot that he upgrade his luck to the highest level!

[It's because your upgraded luck with master upgrading ticket, host]

(Ah... so like that, the power of master upgrading ticket is amazing!) he thought while grinning happily because he made the best decision to upgrade his luck!

[Your luck is so high that even exceeding the heaven itself! but right now...]

[I advise you to] Est says with a sense of sincere and worry to her host which makes the host itself shocked a little but then a soft smile formed on the face Huo Yuhao

''Thank you for helping me, Est!''

[Y-y-your welcome, host]

Hearing his system stuttering, Huo Yuhao thinks his system is quite adorable that makes him chuckle a little bit!

''So Cute~'' he said teasingly to Est

[...] If Est has a face right now, her host can see her blushing redly because of embarrassment!

"Rest... huh! Maybe I do need a nap!'' he said while looking at his body that full of burns from tribulations, sweat, and dirt that makes him very uncomfortable! ''Hmm...maybe I need cleaning myself and find a comfortable place to rest!''

''Est! , Do you have advice or map to help me finding a river or waterfall nearby,''

[I do have mini-map, host...]

[B-but right now I can only scan five hundred meters wide with you as the center but because we are inside the secret realm, I only scan maximal one hundred meters!] Said Est with a shy voice

She actually could scan the area outside the barrier with ease, but she thought if she helps the host too much, he will become lazy and not independent!

[Do you want to open the mini-map, host!]

''Show me the mini-map, Est!''

[Okay, host~]

''Hmm? so this secret realm very wide...huh!'' he murmured while staring at mini-map in front of him, he can see many biomes, starting from the place he stands right now was a meadow in the west, A Lush green forests in the east, Rocky volcanic mountain in the south, Big blue lake with snowy mountains in the north, and lastly desert full of black cloud in the center

''Est!, why I feel this place has something with guardian beast!'' even though he doesn't one hundred percent sure about his theory at least he still can deduce from nature around the maps!

[Before answering your questions, I need to scanning more areas in this secret realm to know more, host]

Suspiciously staring at his system. Huo Yuhao frowning, he can tell that Est restricting information from him but in the end, he only sighed and carrying his mother to the southeast

After walking for about ten minutes, he already locates many rivers when he walks but he kept going back upriver which when viewed from the mini-map is a waterfall

"Hmm? Why do I feel there is something near me!" Activating the spirit of his eyes, he could see a large waterfall with lots of rocks underneath but what made him feel strange was the fishes in the water moving like avoiding something from behind the waterfall! ''Nah...maybe it's just my imagination!''

After cleaning himself in the water, he then walking toward the waterfall, he found something that makes him somewhat interested, he found a cave that's filled with gleaming white stone and many other rare metals! ''It seems that I underestimate my luck!''

Looking at the glowing stone in front of him, he could see that information more specifically with Est's help!

Luminos Stone; Rare stone that can be used for light elements spirit master to increasing their affinity toward holy or light element and this stone can also be used as a forging material, warning! this stone can weaken the evil spirit master

''This stone! can weakening an evil spirit master!'' with a complicated expression he frowned as if these stone effects such as description, then these stones would be overpowered if he is dealing with evil spirits masters. ''Est! these stone effect?''

[...No, host]

[Although luminous stones may weaken anything else that has the evil attributes, this effect only works to the evil spirit of the master who only has the sixth ring and if they already achieve the seventh ring then luminous stones would be useless since they already have their spirit avatar]

''Hmm, So the ef...Uugh! my head!''

[You need to rest host]

''Yeah...uugh!'' carrying his mother to a cleaner area in the cave, pulling out a blanket from inventory he then put it on the cave floor and laying his mother into the blanket...laying himself on the other side of his mother, he then closed his eyes and engulfing himself into the dream world!


[The legacy of the true purple dragon and the effect of the yin-yang physique pill still working on his body plus the lightning of misery makes him very weak, but he has been able to withstand it so far just by his willpower]

[In the end, he the one who gots the most benefits from this incident]

[Activating hibernation healing protocol ...]

[Good Night, Host~~]




In the forest, a black silhouette with red eyes let out an angry roar while staring at the waterfall in front of it!